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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        The tears, the anger, the tub of ice cream – it’s the classic picture of a woman going through a break-up.眼泪、愤怒、一桶冰淇淋,这就是女性经历分手后通常的生活形态。
        Scientists believe that women actually suffer more emotionally than men when a relationship comes to an end. But the good news is that they bounce back much faster.科学家认为当一段感情宣告结束的时候,女性更情绪化。但好处是,女性比男性更容易从失恋的阴影中走出来。
        After being dumped, women are more likely to be angry, anxious and far more likely to put on weight than men, researchers found. But they are also ‘less destructive’ and turn to friends and family for support, which helps them to move on.研究发现,女性在被甩之后通常会很愤怒,很揪心,而且会比男性有更大可能性会发胖。但是她们不会比男性更消极,她们还会向朋友、家人寻求帮助与支持,这使得她们能够走出分手阴影。
        Men never actually reach this point and just ‘make peace’ with being single again, even though it leaves resentment that can linger for years.而男性从不会这么做,他们只是故作平静,从容地去接受恢复单身这个事实,哪怕那种分手后的幽怨会在他们心里缠绕多年。
        The US researchers said the difference was due to biology, with women having ‘more to lose’ by being with the wrong person – especially if they are hoping to have a family – but recovering better as they are more open with their feelings.美国的研究员表示,这种对待分手的不同态度是由男女生理构造不同引起的,女性往往觉得和错的人在一起自己损失更多,尤其是当这些女性渴望有个家庭时,这种情况就更严重,但是她们能坦率地表达自己的感受,她们就会恢复得更好。
        The scientists surveyed 5,705 people in 96 countries, including the UK, and asked them to rank the pain of a break-up on a scale of zero to ten, with zero being no effect and ten unbearable.科学家们调查了包括英国在内的96个国家的5705个人,让他们给分手的痛苦从0到10打个分,0分是没有影响,而10分是难以承受。
        Women averaged 6.84 when it came to emotional anguish compared to 6.58 for men. They also suffered more physically, with an average of 4.21 versus men’s 3.75.在情感上,女性的平均痛苦指数是6.84,而男性是6.58;在身体上,女性的平均痛苦指数是4.21,而男性是3.75。
        On top of that, women reported more anger, anxiety and fear, though men felt more depressed and lost focus.除此之外,女性表示她们更多的是生气、焦虑和害怕,而男性更多是觉得沮丧和迷失方向。
        Women were more likely to panic, suffer insomnia and turn to comfort food, being significantly more likely to put on weight than men.女性更容易感到痛苦,遭遇失眠,转而向食物寻求安慰,所以和男性比起来,体重可能会有明显提升。
        Craig Morris, a professor of anthropology at Binghamton University in New York and lead author of the study, said women overcame their problems by relying on their social support network.克雷格·莫里斯是纽约宾汉姆顿大学的人类学教授,是该研究的领导者,他表示,女性会依靠她们的社会支持网络来克服这些困难。
        He said that although men may ‘make peace’ with the situation they don’t express a definite ‘I’m over that’ sentiment as clearly as women.他表示,即使男性可以“自我调解”,他们也不会像女性一样明确表达出“我挺过这道坎了”的情绪。
        Professor Morris, whose findings were published in the journal Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, described the typical male reaction as ‘self-destructive’.莫里斯教授在期刊《行为进化科学》上发表了一些发现,把这种男性特有的行为描述为是“自我毁灭”。
        He said: ‘This can last for months or years. Then they just sort of “move on”, usually via another relationship.’他表示:“这会持续几个月甚至几年,然后他们通常是开始新恋情,使自己在某种程度上‘振作起来’。”

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