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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        What do you do after you exercise? You usually go home and sit on the couch. Or if you exercise in the morning, you shower, change and head to work. A healthy post-workout routine is essential for optimal fitness.运动后你干什么呢?你回家坐沙发上。或者,晨练后,你淋浴、换装然后去上班。想要保持健康的最佳状态,健康有益的常规运动后恢复锻炼非常必要。
        Eat (Like You Didn't Exercise)(像你不曾锻炼过那样)
        Post workout nutrition is essential to maintain a fit and healthy body. Most experts recommend that you take in a reasonable combination of carbohydrates and protein in order to replace essential nutrients that were lost during the workout and to aid in the recovery process.要想保持健康的体魄,运动后的营养至关重要。大部分专家建议合理吸收碳水化合物和蛋白质,可以补充运动中消耗的人体必需营养素,还有助于恢复体力。
        If weight loss is your goal, the key to successful post-workout nutrition is to eat like you didn't exercise. Of course you should refuel properly.Be mindful of your food intake and include the calories from your post-workout meal in your total calorie plan for the day.如果你的目标在于减肥,运动后有效补充营养的关键在于像你没运动过那样吃。当然,你还是要适当补充能量的。注意你的食物摄入,运动后饮食摄入的卡路里得算在你整日的热量摄入计划里。
        Stretch (Like You've Got Nowhere to Go)拉伸(就像你无处可去一样)
        That means that you commit to a solid 10-15 minutes of full body flexibility training and leave stretching to the end of your workout. That way, your muscles are warm and flexibility training is easier and more comfortable. But most of us skip the stretching part of our workout and hit the shower.就是说,你连续花10到15分钟做全身柔韧性训练,把拉伸放在运动之后。那样,你的肌肉还能保持热暖,灵活性训练也更容易、身体也更舒适。但大部分人运动后省略拉伸步骤直接去淋浴。
        Stretching at the end of your workout is important to maintain healthy joints, healthy muscles and prevent injury. If you're trying to lose weight, flexibility training has even greater benefits - like stress reduction and improved sleep.健身的最后拉伸很重要,可以保持关节和肌肉健康,防止受伤。如果你正努力减肥,柔韧性训练益处多多,如可以减轻压力、改善睡眠质量。



        Rest (Like You Have Ants in Your Pants)休息(得坐立不安才好)
        After you exercise, you look forward to a restful recovery period - on the couch, in a chair or even in bed. Post workout recovery and rest is essential. Your muscles need time to rebuild and your body needs time to relax. But you need to stay active in this phase for two reasons.First, if you continue to do easy movement, your joints stay more limber and mobile. And second, you continue to burn more calories through NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) .锻炼后,你向往安然舒适的恢复阶段,窝在沙发或座椅里,甚至躺在床上。健身后的恢复和休息至关重要。你的肌肉需要时间来重塑、身体需要时间放松。但锻炼后这一阶段你得保持活跃状态。原因有二。其一,如果你继续做些简单的动作,你的关节可以持续保持灵活自如。其二,通过非运动生热作用,你可以继续消耗更多的热量。
        So how do you stay active when your body just wants to rest? One way is to dress to stay active. I like to wear compression gear after I work out. Many experts say it speeds recovery and even provides greater benefits to people who are trying to lose weight.那么,如何在身体想要休息的情况下继续保持活跃状态呢?有一种方法是通过着装来保持机体活跃状态。我喜欢健身后穿戴紧身装备。很多专家称这有助于加速恢复,对于想减肥的人更有益处。
        Write (Like You're With Your Therapist)写点什么(就像见治疗师那样)
        A workout journal serves as a reminder of your progress and your accomplishments. It is also helpful to review if you have problems losing weight or completing your sessions. Include information about:运动日志可以提示你取得了什么进步、获得了哪些成果。还有助于你回顾:如你减肥遇到困难或者难以完成运动项目。日志里须包含如下信息:
        what you did (length of workout, types of exercise)运动项目(健身时长和运动种类)
        how you felt when you started起初的感受
        how you felt during the workout (confident? strong? uneasy?)运动过程中的感受(自信、坚强还是不安?)
        how you feel now that you're done运动完成时的感受
        other factors that may have influenced your mood (work stress, relationships, etc)其他影响你情绪的因素(工作压力、人家关系等)
        Keep it in your gym bag so that you can write down notes immediately after your workout is complete. I use my Polar M400 to rate my workouts . The app allows you to choose an adjustable smiley face to reflect your post workout mood.把运动日志放在你的健身背包里,这样你健身完可以立马写下片言只语。我用我的 Polar M400来对我的运动作评价。这个应用可以让你调节笑脸来反应你健身后的心情。
        Plan (Like You Work Out for a Living)做计划(就像你以健身为生那样)
        What's the most important post-workout recovery tool? A pen...or a smartphone, or calendar or whatever tool you use to schedule really important meetings and events. The best weight loss workout plans involve different types of activities, different durations and different types of training. It's smart to have a weekly schedule in place to make sure it you get the right amount of exercise for weight loss. But as you finish your workout, revisit that plan or at least finalize the details it so you know which workout is next on the agenda.运动后最重要的恢复工具是什么?笔、智能手机,或者日历,还是任何你可以用来规划重要事宜和会议的工具。最佳的减肥健身计划包括不同种类的运动,不同时长和不同类别的训练。安然有序规划好周计划是明智之举,确保你减肥的运动量合理。但运动结束后,重审你的计划,至少要确定下细节,确保你知晓下一个运动议程。

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