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做一个相信爱情的女孩 你会很快乐









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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        I was the type of girl who grew up cloaked in fairy tales and drifting between happily ever afters. I often played dress-up, and without fail chose to be the princess. Every time I played with dolls, the scene remained the same: the prince came to save the damsel in distress. I grew up reading stories of people beating the odds and falling in love. I grew up believing in things that filled my heart to the brim with hope.我曾是那种女孩,泡在童话故事中长大,期望以后会过着幸福的生活,我总玩装扮游戏,从来都会装扮成公主。每次都是和玩偶一起玩,场景都不变:王子来救遇难的少女。我伴着人们克服重重困难最终相爱的故事长大,一直都相信那些使我心里充满希望的东西。
        I was the type of girl who fantasized about her one true love and what type of life we would lead. I would daydream through car rides, train rides, bus rides, and plane rides. I would stare up at the clouds and wonder if he would see the same shapes as me; I'd wonder what he'd see in me. I'd scribble all of my little loving dreams in my diary. I'd imagine until the moon took me under its arm and cradled me to sleep.我曾是那种女孩,幻想着她的真爱,和我们会过什么样的生活,坐汽车、火车、公交车、飞机旅行时我都会做白日梦。我会盯着天上的白云,想着是否他也看着同一片云彩;我很好奇他会看到一个怎样的我;我会在日记中胡乱写下所有小小的爱情梦想;我会一直想象着,直到在月光的怀抱里慢慢睡去。
        I am the type of girl you think is absolutely crazy because I am just so crazy about love. The silliest thing about it all is that I have been hurt so much you'd be shaken to know I have never given up. But how could I give up when it's all I used to dream of? So I continue to pick petals until this field of flowers is empty, and even then I'll wait for the rain so they can grow again. I'll pick every petal towards destiny.我现在是这种女孩,你们会以为我绝对是疯了,因为我对爱情如此痴狂。最傻的就是我在爱情中受伤如此之深,以至于你们要是知道我还没放弃可能会气得发抖。但这是我曾经梦想着的东西,我怎能放弃呢?所以我继续挑选花朵,直到这一片地的花都摘光了,甚至那时我都还在等待着下雨,花就可以再长大,我会摘下每朵花直到找到我的真命天子。
        Yet, I am also the type of girl who won't need to be saved. I won't be the damsel in distress I used to imagine. I have saved myself plenty of times before, because I always knew I was worth saving. I knew my heart had not met its match, so every time someone broke me... I had to fix me. I had to fix myself so I could keep dreaming. I had to keep dreaming because otherwise I'd spend my life just sleeping.是的,我现在也是这种女孩,不需要别人来拯救。我不会是过去想象中那个遇难的少女,我之前拯救过自己很多次,因为我总是知道自己值得被拯救。我知道我还没有找到心心相印的那个人,所以每次有人伤害我…我都要自我修复。我只有修复好自己才能继续做梦。我只能继续做梦,因为不做梦的话生活就只剩睡眠了。
        I am the type of girl who doesn't know how not to feel. I feel so much that emotions spill from me. People have always questioned it and tried to change my ways, but they don't know what they're missing. They may notice when I am so deep in despair that I'm too weak to breathe for air, but they don't notice the elation that escapes me when I can't hold the magic of joy between my teeth. Feeling is who I am. It is my biggest weakness, but more so... it is my biggest strength.我现在是这种女孩,不知道如何不去感受,我的感受太多,情绪都要溢出来了。人们总是质疑我的方式,想让我有所改变,但他们不知道他们错过了什么。他们注意到我太过绝望时呼吸都变得困难,但他们没注意到我挡不住内心快乐的魔力时流露出的兴奋。感受就是真实的我,是我最大的弱点,但更是我最强大的地方。
        I am the type of girl who tends to get her heart broken. I incline to trust, I lean towards risk, and I lead with the heart on my sleeve. It hasn't always done right by me, but oh how much it has taught me. It has taught me how much of myself I will give for another,and the parts I keep for myself.我现在是这种女孩,心都要碎了,却依然信赖,依然要冒险,胸有成竹地追随着我的心。我不是什么都能做好,但我学到了很多东西。学到了我可以为别人付出多少,留下多少给自己。
        I am absolutely nothing like the type of girl I thought I would be. I've found I have more dreams than just saying "I do." I've found I want to see more things than just love at first sight. I've found that I can feel blissful even when I am completely alone. I've found that I have created a reality far better than the scribbles in my diary. Yet one thing remains steady: I have never given up on love, or what it could be. I still believe it will be like seeing the brightest color and waking up from my lifelong daydream.我绝对不是曾经以为自己会变成的样子,我已经发现自己有更多的梦想,而不只是说“我愿意”。我发现自己想要看到更多而不只是一见钟情,我发现自己甚至孤单一人时仍能感到快乐。我发现自己创造了远比日记中乱写的爱情更美好的现实。然而有一件事没有变:我从未放弃爱情或对爱情的幻想。我仍然相信遇到爱情时就像看见了最明亮的色彩,从一生的白日梦中醒来。
        I am the type of girl who is full of contradictions, can never live in just one moment, laughs too hard, cries too loud, and loves harder than you'll ever know. I am her and she is me. She is someone I am so delighted to be. I may not make sense to the rest of the world, and bystanders may shake their heads at my naivety; yet my faith remains as steady as the ocean tide, just waiting to get crashed into.我现在是这种女孩,充满矛盾,永远不会只活在一个时刻,会大声笑,会放声哭,会爱得比你见过的都更努力。我就是她,她就是我,她就是我很高兴能成为的人。可能对其他人而言我没有什么意义,他们可能不懂我的天真烂漫;然而我的信念仍在,如潮汐一样坚定,等待着礁石撞击。
        I am the type of girl who grew up on fairy tales, and I am unbendingly proud to admit that I have never given up on my own. So may we all learn to see that shade of yellow; may we all choose to believe; and may we all find the happily ever after that is so much better than what we read it would be.我现在是这种女孩,伴着童话成长,我依然倔强地骄傲地承认我从未放弃靠自己,所以希望我们都能学会看到黄色的色调;希望我们都能选择相信;希望我们都能幸福生活下去,那种幸福比我们读到的更美好。
        May we all remember what it's like to just innocently dream.希望我们都能记得天真的梦想是什么样子。

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