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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        6 Take a good advantage of resources利用好资源
        American colleges provide many resources for you. You should explore and make full use of them. 美国大学会为你提供很多资源,你必须利用好这些资源。
        Firstly, you should go to the office hours, which are offered by each professor, maybe once or twice a week. At that time, you can have a one-to-one discussion with your professors, solve learning problems and have a closer relationship with the professors to let them know about you. Office hours are especially useful for Chinese students because they sometimes don't have courage to ask in class and may have more problems than native speakers. Secondly, go to the TA sessions, which also help you solve questions you don't understand. Thirdly, go to the writing center to let others proofread your essays before due. The tutors in writing center will pick up your grammatical mistakes and revise the essay. Fourthly, go to the library and gym frequently to read books and exercise. There are also many other resources, which I won’t discuss here. Just remember to be active and find resources on your own.第一,你应该去每个教授提供的每周1~2次的办公室时间。在那段时间内,你可以与教授一对一讨论,解决学习问题,也能和教授有更亲近的接触,使他们了解你。办公室时间对中国学生更有用,因为中国学生不敢在课上提问,也比美国同学遇到的问题更多。第二,去找助教,他们也能帮助你解决不理解的问题。第三,去写作中心,在文章截止期限前进行校对。辅导者会帮你挑出语法错误,也会帮你修改文章。第四,去图书馆读书和健身房运动。还有很多别的资源,我在这里就不讨论了。大家只要记住积极寻找资源就好了!
        7 Make adequate preparation before studying abroad出国前做好充足准备
        It’s better to be more familiar with the new American life before getting into college, like traveling to America several months before the beginning of term. This will allow you to improve listening and reading to reach the standard of American colleges. Listening to English news or watching American TV series every day will improve your listening so that you won’t get lost in class. Also, remember to read more English books. Thus, you won't feel extremely stressful in college because the amount of readings in American colleges is more than you would think. You need to be on a really high reading level to complete all the required reading assignments. Moreover, you should increase your vocabulary, which is helpful in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Knowing more vocabulary will enable you to understand better and communicate with others more smoothly. Don't waste time and only have fun before college. Making preparations in advance is really important.最好在上大学前提前熟悉美国的新生活,比如开学几个月前就前往美国。你也应该提高听力和阅读来达到美国大学的标准。听英语新闻,看美剧都能提高你的听力,在课堂中便不会听得云里雾里。另外,记得多读些英文原版书,这样你在大学中就不会压力太大,因为美国大学的阅读量多的超乎你想象。你需要有快速的阅读速度,不然你就没法完成要求的阅读作业。另外,你应该增加词汇量,对听说读写都有好处,会让你理解得更好,和他人沟通也更顺畅。不要在大学开始前疯玩,浪费时间。提前做好准备十分重要。



        8 No cheating不要作弊
        Dishonesty is unacceptable and unforgivable in American colleges. You will probably be kicked out if you plagiarize or cheat on exams. Most Chinese students care a lot about their GPA, but if you take inappropriate methods of getting a great grade, you will be punished and this humiliating case will be an ineradicable blur in your life. No matter how determined you are to get a high grade, remember not to cheat. What you can do is be more diligent in your study and all your efforts will turn into a good result.不诚实是美国大学不可接受和原谅的。你如果抄袭或者作弊就可能被退学。很多中国学生都很在意GPA,但如果你采取不适当的方式来获取高成绩,你将受到惩罚,这不光彩的事情也会成为你人生中不可抹去的污点。无论你多想取得高分,都要记得不能作弊。你能做的就是更勤奋,你的所有努力一定会有好的结果。
        9 keep safe注意安全
        I believe you have heard about many scary stories about the death of students abroad. Most of the American universities are safe, but remember not to get drunk in parties off campus and never go out alone after midnight, which increases the danger. Furthermore,you should get along with others well and do not irritate others, which may cause the revenge.我相信你们都听说过留学生死亡的可怕故事吧!大部分美国大学还是很安全的,但记得不要在校外的派对上喝醉,也不要一个人半夜出门,这样会增加危险性。再者,你应该与大家好好相处,不要惹怒别人,不然有可能会导致复仇行为的发生。
        10 bring more Chinese food携带更多中国的食物
        Please remember to bring delicious food from China, like Lao Gan Ma, spicy bar or you will freak out because the food in school canteens is almost the same every day. The stomachs of Chinese people cannot get used to American food in long term.记得从中国带好吃的去美国,比如老干妈,辣条。否则你将崩溃因为美国大学食堂的食物每天几乎都一样。而且中国人胃长期吃美国食物是不能适应的。

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