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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        6. You Had Her Attention你抓住了她的注意力
        If she was enjoying the date, you had her attention. How much, if she was sitting there texting back and forth with her friends while you were together, that’s a bad sign. 如果她很享受这次约会的话,那你就赢得了她的注意。赢得多少呢?如果你们两个在一起的时候,她一直坐在那儿跟朋友发短信的话,那就是个不好的信号。
        If she was into the date, she would have avoided her phone. If she couldn't look away the whole evening and it made you feel like the most interesting man in the world, you had a successful first date.如果她喜欢这个约会,她就不会玩手机了。如果她整晚都没有看别处的话——好像你是世界上最有趣的男人,你的第一次约会就成功了。
        7. Deep Conversation更深入的对话
        If you spent the whole date talking about both of your jobs and how the weather was last weekend, you probably didn’t hit it off. When you’re on a good date, you tend to get lost in the conversation, and before you know it the time has flown by. If every step of the way it felt like you were desperately trying to dig for something to talk about, it probably didn’t go that well.如果你们整个约会都在谈论彼此的工作及周末天气如何的话,你们两个也许没能一拍即合。约会很顺利的话,你就会谈得很多,甚至都不知道时间过了多久。如果你每一次都是绝望地试着找话题聊,那这次约会就不顺利了。



        8. You Had A Lot In Common你们两个有很多相同之处
        Finding common ground is definitely a great early sign that things went well on your date. It could be as simple as your favorite brand of breakfast cereal growing up or your unreasonable obsession with comic books. It shows that you were both comfortable enough to open up and share your interests, which can be challenging when you are just meeting someone. You don’t know how they’re going to react to your interests, so if everything goes smoothly here, this is a great sign.发现相同之处绝对是你约会进行地很顺利的最早的信号。这也许很简单:比如你们从小到大最喜欢的早餐谷物牌子、或是你们对于漫画书不可理喻的痴迷,这都表明你们两个可以很好地敞开心扉。对刚认识的人分享兴趣爱也许是个挑战。你不知道她们会对你的兴趣做出怎么样的反应,所以如果事情到这儿还是发展顺利的话,一定是个好的信号。
        9. It Started Well有一个好的开始
        When you guys first said met and said your hellos, was there a connection right away? Did you feel comfortable pretty quickly or was it awkward for most of the night? Did it feel like she was trying to make it go smoother or did you have to do all the work? If she wasn’t feeling it, she probably didn't ask you too many questions, and didn’t try all that hard to lead the discussion anywhere. The early part of the date can be a good indicator, but even if things were a bit stale then, there’s still always the chance that things turned around later.当你们刚见面打招呼的时候,有没有一拍即合?有没有很快就觉得很放松了,还是说整个晚上都觉得很尴尬?她看起来是不是在努力缓和气氛,或者你一直都在一个人努力着?如果她不怎么喜欢这次约会的话,她可能不会问你很多问题,也不会试着去找话题。约会开始的时候就会给你一个好的暗示,但是即便随后的发展有点倦怠,也还是会有机会扭转局面的。
        10. Pre-Date Signs约会前的信号
        The things that happened leading up to the date can tell you a lot about how interested she was in the date in the first place. Did she show up on time? Did she reschedule it? If every other part of the date seemed to go south, you might want to look all the way back to the beginning to see if there were any red flags before you two even started your first date.约会之前发生的事情会告诉你,最初她对这次约会有多大的感兴趣。她准时到了吗?她跟你改时间了吗?如果所有约会的其他部分都是糟糕的,那就往回看看最开始,你们俩甚至还没有第一次约会之前的时候是不是有什么危险信号。

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