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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Some of the hottest girls I know are single.我认识的一些热辣美眉总是单身。
        There’s no disputing it.然而这并没有什么好纠结的。
        Why? Because often, what makes a person single is exactly what makes a person sexy.为什么呢?因为通常来说,一个人单身的原因同时也是令其自身性感的所在。
        1. They’ve got big personalities.1.她们非常有个性。
        There is a big difference between being hot and being pretty.热辣和漂亮有着非常大的区别。
        Anyone can be pretty –being hot is a different ball game altogether. It comes with self-assurance and personality, both of which can leave men crapping their proverbial pants on a date.任何人都能变得漂亮,但是变得热辣就大为不同了。想要变得热辣就要有自信和个性,而这两点能在约会中引起异性的兴趣。
        2. They’re loyal to their friends.2.她们忠于友谊。
        Hot single women don’t dump their friends the minute a man comes along. Far from it –the men in their life have to form an orderly queue and wait their turn.热辣的单身女性不会一看到异性就抛弃她们的朋友,恰恰相反,在她们的生活中,异性总是排在朋友之后。
        Friends come first.友谊第一。
        3. They’re not desperate.3.她们并不饥渴迫切。
        They’re mostly using Tinder to send screen shots to their friends of men holding fish/leaning on motorbikes.她们大多使用Tinder(国外的交友APP)给她们的朋友发些截图,比如男人拿着鱼、靠在摩托车旁。(言外之意,美眉们不是没人追,只是没兴趣而已~)
        4. You’re not their priority.4.你不是她们的首选。
        Nice girls turn up on time, stay sober, act interested and consider the fact that chemistry isn’t always immediate but that love can grow with patience.好女孩儿会准时赴约,不会喝多,尽力表现出对你有兴趣,并且在心里想:虽然没有一下子产生化学反应,但爱情是可以慢慢培养的。
        Sexy girls cancel on you because they didn’t get to bed until 5am the night before but promise to make it up to you.性感女孩则会因为前一天晚上熬夜到凌晨5点儿取消跟你的约会,然后保证说会补偿你。
        5. They are sexually adventurous.5.她们在男女关系上很开放。
        And think monogamy is something you make a dining table out of.她们还认为一夫一妻制只是为了能有个人一起吃饭。



        6. They’re ambitious.6.她们雄心勃勃。
        With jobs, with relationships, with plans, goals and aspirations –life is too short to get married in the Cotswolds at 24.人生苦短,她们忙于工作与人际关系,她们有着明确的人生计划、目标和志向,根本无暇在24岁的时候在科兹沃尔德(一个英式乡村)里结婚。
        So while nice girls are on their best behaviour on date four at Somerset House (he called me his girlfriend! *squeals*!!), sexy girls are being promoted for the second time this year and planning a girls weekend in Ibiza to celebrate.所以当好女孩儿还在按部就班地和男生约会并且为“他说我是他的女朋友”而激动尖叫时,热辣美眉们已经在今年第二次晋升,并且规划好在周末去伊比沙岛庆祝一下。
        7. They’re wild horses.7.她们是桀骜不驯的野马。
        Completely untameable, incapable of compromise and totally addicted to freedom and the unknown.她们根本无法被驯服,不愿做出任何妥协,并且疯狂迷恋自由与未知。
        Which is totally not sexy.这一点根本就不性感。
        At all.一点也不。
        8. They don’t settle.8.她们四处闯荡。
        Dust settles. Not hot, single women.尘归尘,土归土,落叶会归根。但这些绝不会发生热辣的单身美眉身上。
        9. They couldn’t give a damnwhat society expects of them.9.她们毫不在乎社会外界对他们的看法。
        Or that people think there’s might be something ‘wrong’with them because they haven’t found a husband yet.或者说,人们认为她们到现在还不找个丈夫是因为她们“有问题”。
        Because while you’ve been out looking they’ve been walking the Inca trail in South America, running the New York marathon and completing an open university degree in social science.当你还在找伴儿的时候,她们已经踏上了南美的印加古道,奔跑在纽约马拉松赛上,在函授大学拿到了一份社会学学历。
        10. They dress however the hell they want to.10.她们想怎么穿就怎么穿。
        Which might mean five inch heels and a chiffon shirt to work on a Monday morning. Damn hot.这也许意味着她们要在星期一早上穿着五英寸的高跟鞋还有雪纺衬衫去工作。太TM热辣了。
        11. Men presume they’re already taken.11.男人们认为她们已经名花有主了。
        Because they’re so hot.因为她们是如此火辣。

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