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发表于 2016-7-28 22:14:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        You need to eat more protein你需要补充更多蛋白
        It sounds counterintuitive, but piling your plate with more food -- lean protein and healthy fat, specifically -- keeps hunger pangs at bay. "Not only does protein stay in your stomach and promote feelings of fullness, it's been shown to have an appetite-suppressing effect," says Rumsey. Aim for at least 46 grams of protein per day (best sources: Greek yogurt, eggs, lean meat and whole grains), which is the RDA for women between 19 and 70. For men, it's 56 grams per day.这听起来有点违背常理,但在盘子上放更多的食物——特别是瘦肉蛋白和健康的脂肪类——能使你的饥饿感消失无踪。拉姆齐说:“蛋白质不仅留在胃里、促使你产生饱腹感,而且有抑制食欲的效果。”每天摄入至少46克蛋白质(最好的蛋白质来源:希腊酸奶、蛋类、瘦肉和全谷物),这是推荐19-70岁女性的日摄食量。而男人每天要摄入56克蛋白质。
        You aren't eating enough fat脂肪摄取不足
        Just like protein, unsaturated fat is also linked to feelings of satiety. "When you're satisfied after a meal, you are more likely to listen to your hunger cues and not eat again until you are truly hungry," says Rumsey. Add this heart-healthy, brain-boosting kind of fat to your meals in the form of oils, nuts and seeds and avocados. Experts recommend that adults limit their fat intake to 20 to 35 percent of their total daily calories.就像蛋白质一样,不饱和脂肪也和饱腹感有关系。拉姆齐说:“当你餐后感觉满足时,你更有可能听懂饥饿的暗示,直到真饿了才会再吃”。把这种促进心脏健康和大脑发育的脂肪添加到你的日常饮食中吧,比如:油、坚果、种子和牛油果。专家建议成年人把脂肪摄入量限制到每日总热量的20%-35%。
        You skip meals总不吃饭
        Yet another reason why ghosting on breakfast or forgoing other meals throughout the day backfires on you. When you skip a meal and your stomach is empty for too long, it produces an uptick in the hunger hormone ghrelin, which ramps your appetite, says Rumsey. "Ghrelin also prompts the GI tract to expect food to come. Your ghrelin levels are in overdrive, and so is your lust for food." When you finally give in, you're prone to a binge. As a general rule, try not to let more than 4 to 5 hours go by between meals. And even if you hate breakfast, eat something in the a.m. within an hour of waking, like yogurt, peanut butter and apple slices, or a soymilk smoothie.这也是为什么你一天中不吃早餐或其他餐点却适得其反的原因。拉姆齐说:“你跳过一顿饭,你的胃就挨饿太长时间,这就使胃饥饿素荷尔蒙上升,并使你胃口大开。“胃饥饿素也提醒胃肠道期待食物到来。胃饥饿素的水平超速上升,随之提高的是你的食欲”。当你最终向胃屈服的时候,你就容易开始大吃大喝。一般情况下,两顿饭间隔尽量不要超过4-5小时,即使你讨厌吃早餐,早上醒来一个小时内也要吃点东西,像酸奶、花生酱加苹果片、或者豆乳奶昔都可以。
        You're bombarded by food porn你受食物描写影响了
        Pinterest recipe boards. Facebook photos of your friends' lunches. Late-night TV ads for takeout pizza. With images of food saturating our lives 24-7, it's no wonder so many of us are constantly craving the real thing. The connection between what we see and what we desire has been documented by science: a 2012 study from the journal Obesityfound that just looking at food cranked up levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Getting a whiff of food has a similar effect, says Moon. "Pleasant food aromas stimulate an involuntary physiological reaction: the mouth will salivate and the stomach will contract, mimicking hunger pangs," she says. Of course, you can't totally eliminate the possibility of seeing or smelling food. But try limiting your exposure, say by skipping TV commercials and un-following food brands on Instagram. Pinterest(图片社交平台)上的食谱、脸书上朋友的午餐照片、深夜电视上外卖披萨的广告,这些食物的图片充满了我们全天的生活,难怪如此多的人不断渴望吃东西。人们眼睛所见和内心渴望之间存在的联系已经有了科学证明:Obesityfound杂志上的2012年的一项研究显示,仅仅看着食物都会提高胃饥饿素——即饥饿荷尔蒙的水平。莫恩说闻到食物的味道也有类似的效果。她说:“令人愉悦的食物的香味会刺激不自觉的生理反应:嘴里分泌唾液、胃部收缩,模仿出饥饿感。”当然,你不能完全消除看见或闻到食物的可能性,但你可以尝试减少暴露在食物前的机会,比如说跳过电视广告或者不看Instagram(图片分享应用)上的食物商标。
        You inhale your food吃饭狼吞虎咽
        When you wolf down your meal, your stomach might be full, but you haven't allowed your brain enough time to register that fullness. When your brain is still in the dark, it keeps your appetite high... and you continue eating. A study published in 2013 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism supports this, finding that eating at a moderate pace prompts the release of hormones that tell your brain "no more." Try eating your food slowly, savoring each bite and enjoying the ritual of a good meal. Then wait at least 20 minutes before deciding if you really do need another helping. That's about how long it takes for that fullness signal to reach your brain, says Rumsey.当你狼吞哭咽地吃饭时,你的胃可能饱了,但你没给大脑足够的时间来感受到自己的饱腹感。你的大脑并不知情,就继续使你胃口大开……然后你就继续吃。《临床内分泌学与代谢》杂志刊登的2013年的研究认同这一观点,研究发现细嚼慢咽促使激素释放,从而提示大脑“别再吃了”。试着慢点吃东西,细细品味每一口食物,并尽情享受一顿大餐的礼仪。然后至少等20分钟再决定你是否真的要再吃一份。拉姆齐说:“这就是饱腹感信号传递到大脑所需的时间”。
        You're on certain meds你在吃某种药物
        The same drugs you might be taking regularly to treat a health condition can also drive you to raid the refrigerator. Antidepressants such as Zoloft and Paxil, as well as corticosteroids such as prednisone (prescribed to treat potentially dangerous flareups of the immune system due to allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn's disease, and some cancers), are known to affect appetite, says Rumsey. If you're on one of these prescription and feel hungry after a normal-sized meal, talk to your doctor to see if it's possible to switch to another drug.你定期服用的治疗疾病的药物可能也会使你总想开冰箱找吃的。拉姆齐说:“像左洛复或帕罗西汀这样的抗抑郁药,像强的松这样的激素(按规定是用来治疗由过敏、哮喘、炎症性肠病——像节段性回肠炎、和一些癌症引起的有潜在危险性的免疫系统突然异常)都是已知的能影响食欲的药物”。如果你正在吃其中一种药,而且吃完正常一顿的饭量后感觉饿,就找你的医生谈谈,看看是否能换一种药。

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