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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        You shouldn't wash a bra after each wear.不应该每次穿完都洗。
        Back away from the detergent, clean freaks. Washing your bra too often can do more harm than good. "Over-washing can damage the elasticity, which is essential for providing the proper support," says Lexie Sachs, product analyst in the Textiles Lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute.有洁癖的人们,别用洗衣粉了。文胸洗得太频有害无益。“过度洗涤会破坏文胸的弹性,而弹性是起到适当支撑作用所必需的”,莱克西·萨克斯这样说。她是“好管家机构”纺织品实验室的一名产品分析员。
        Carolyn Forte, director of the GHI Cleaning Lab agrees: "Once a bra loses its shape, the fit is compromised."GHI清洁实验室的主管卡洛琳·福特同意这个观点,她说:“一旦文胸没有形了,你的健康也会受影响。”
        Unless you're really sweaty, wait three or four wears before washing.除非你真的总出汗,否则就穿三四次再洗。
        "Every few wears should be sufficient, but it does depend on your activity level," says Sachs. "For instance, if you're outside on a humid day and end up sweating a lot, you'll want to wash your bra sooner. On the other hand, if you throw a bra on for a couple hours, that might not count as a 'wear.' Washing gets rid of the oils and germs that accumulate, so the more oil you're producing, the more frequently you'll need to launder your bra." 萨克斯说:“少穿几次是可以的,但这真的取决于你的活动量。比如说,如果你在天气潮湿时待在外面,结果身上出了很多汗,你就想尽快把文胸洗了。然而,如果你的文胸只是匆匆穿几个小时,这并不算穿了一次。洗涤可以去掉积聚在内衣上的油脂和细菌,所以你身上产生的油脂越多,你需要洗得次数就越多。”
        So, that lacy bra you break out for dressy occasions? It can probably live in your drawer for a while. But your sports bra after spin class? Wash it after every use.因此,在特殊场合偶尔穿一次的蕾丝文胸可以继续在你的抽屉里躺一阵子。但动感单车课上穿的运动内衣呢?每次穿完都洗吧。
        Don't worry too much about your "rotation."不用太过担心文胸的“换洗”。
        Good news for those of us who just can't keep track of one more thing: We give you full permission to forget which bra you wore yesterday.我们中的那些多一件事都记不住的人有福了:你完全可以忘记昨天穿的是哪件文胸了。
        "You should have several bras to rotate through to avoid stressing elastic over time, but wearing the same bra two days in a row isn't an issue," says Sachs. "Taking it off at night should allow plenty of time for it to recover its shape and elasticity. If it can't do that in eight to 12 hours, waiting an extra day won't make a big difference." 萨克斯说:“你应该有几件文胸用来换洗,以避免时间久了影响其弹性,但两天都穿同一件内衣也没问题。晚上把它脱掉就给了它大量时间恢复原形和弹性。如果8-12个小时后还不能恢复原样,再多等一天也无妨。”
        Always heed the care tag.要留心标签上的注意事项。
        In general, bras like a gentler bath to keep them in good shape, but check the labels for the best instructions.一般说来,要轻揉文胸保持它们有形,但要查看标签,了解最佳洗涤方法。
        "If you decide to wash a bra in the machine instead of the sink, select the most delicate cycle your washer offers, " says Forte. "And I'd recommend a special mesh bra bag. They cushion the bra and keep it from twisting and tangling." 福特说:“如果你决定用洗衣机洗而不在水槽里洗,就要选择洗衣机上最柔和的洗涤方式。并且我建议用细网文胸护洗袋。它们在洗文胸时起到缓冲作用,还能避免文胸变形或缠绕在一起。”
        "Mesh bags also help prevent bra hooks from snagging other garments," Sachs adds. "But also hook the bra before you throw it in the wash, and consider a mild detergent, like Woolite, since it'll be more gentle on the fabric."“护洗袋也能帮助避免文胸的钩刮破别的衣物,”萨克斯补充说,“但洗之前也要把内衣钩好,要用温和的洗涤剂,像护丽洗涤剂,因为它更温和一点。”
        Avoid the dryer.不要用烘干机。
        "I suggest laying bras flat to dry," says Sachs. "The heat and agitation of a dryer can damage the bra's elasticity and shape, and hanging it can cause stretching." 萨克斯说:“我建议文胸要平铺晾干,烘干机的热量和搅动会损坏文胸的弹性,使其变形。而悬挂会把文胸拉长。”
        Before you lay your bra out, make sure the cups aren't misshapen or folded, and use a towel to blot up excess water (don't wring or twist the bra). Sachs say that this method is even a good idea for sports bras. Even though they seem sturdier, they require careful tending to keep them as supportive as possible.摆放文胸前,要确保罩杯没有变形或褶皱,用毛巾吸干多余的水分(不要挤或拧文胸)。萨克斯说这种方法甚至对运动文胸也有好处。即使它们看起来更结实一点,但也需要小心的保养,以尽可能的保持它们的支撑作用。



        Don't cancel out your good intentions with bad storage.不要用糟糕存放方法毁了你的好意。
        "Line them up in a drawer, like they'd do in the store," says Forte. Crumples, creases, and haphazard piles can cause the bras to become misshapen. 福特说:“像商店里一样把文胸放在抽屉里排成一行。”褶皱、折痕和随意摞在一起都会使文胸变得没有形。

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