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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        1. Everyone needs free space每个人都需要自由空间
        Many people think that a true love means that they should spend 24 hours a day together with the person they love. Such schedule will make you lose your identity in a quite short period of time. Remember, everyone needs some free time and space to satisfy their personal needs and do things that make them feel alive. By all means, don’t let your identity die, because it will be difficult to bounce back.许多人认为,真爱意味着他们应该24小时和爱人在一起。然而这样的日程安排会让你很快就失去自我。记住,每个人都需要一些自由时间跟空间来满足他们个人的需求、做一些能让他们感觉充满活力的事情。无论如何,不要丧失自我,因为找回自我会很困难。
        2. The lust period is temporary激情只是暂时的

        This wonderful period usually makes you fly on the wings of love. When you are extremely happy, you spend hours dressing to impress your partner and talking about love till the dawn. Unfortunately, the period of butterflies in the stomach ends fast andamorousness turns into a real and adequate love. Love is the period when you are ready to share both good and bad with the person you love. Love really grows when you have no fear to lose and when you absolutely accept all pros and cons of your significant other.恋爱中激情四射的这个奇妙阶段,通常会让你恋爱的小翅膀飞个不停。当你非常高兴的时候,你会花很多时间打扮自己来打动你的伴侣,跟他谈论爱情直到天明。不幸的是,这段心中小鹿乱撞的时期会很快结束,激情变成了一种真正充分的爱。这段时期的爱情,是你准备好跟你的爱人分享你的好与坏。爱只有在你不惧怕失去、完全接受另一半的好与坏的时候才会真正成长。
        3. Other people don’t belong to you别人并不属于你一个人
        Nowadays we live in a democratic world where people are free and have equal rights and responsibilities. Moreover, we are free to express ourselves and lead an independent life. No matter how long you’ve been together, you should understand that the person you love isn’t your property. People who really love each other are committed to this beautiful feeling and treat each other with respect. Your love is your muse but not your possession. You cannot control the behavior and every step of your partner, because it will only break trust in your relationship. The only adequate thing you can do is to trust him and try to create common rules of commitment both of you should stick to.如今的我们生活在一个民主的社会里,每个人都是自由的、他们拥有同等的权利和责任。除此之外,我们可以自由地表达自己的想法,过独立的生活。不管你们在一起多久了,你都应该明白你爱的那个人不是你的个人财产。真正相爱的两个人会对这段美妙的感情履行承诺、互相尊重。你的爱是你自己的想法而非真正占有。你不能控制另一半的所有行为,因为这只会破坏你们之间的信任。你唯一能做的就是相信他,试着去创造一种你们两个人都能遵守的承诺规则。

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