Romance: a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Sadly, most of us have a tendency to get too comfortable and complacent in our relationships, turning what used to be fresh and exciting into a VCR rewind that becomes boring and monotonous.浪漫:一种因爱情油然而生的兴奋和神秘感受。听上去很美妙吧!可悲的是,多数人慢慢就习惯了这种舒适的关系而变得自满,即使回放曾经新鲜而兴奋的VCR都感觉变得单调乏味。
A person can only do the same thing so many times before they get bored, so going on the same dates over and over again probably isn’t the best way to keep your love life exciting or mysterious. The good news? Anyone can be romantic. Apply these 30 tips if you’d like to make your partner say, “WOW!”在恋人之间感觉乏味之前,一方重复着一件事:一次次地约会,但约会可能并不是保持爱情生活充满兴奋或神秘的最佳方式。让一个人变得越来越浪漫有妙招吗?用上这28个妙招你的伴侣会向你发出“哇哦”的赞叹声!
1. Is your partner sick at work?爱人带病上班?
Surprise them at work with hot cocoa or tea. If they’ve got a terrible case of the flu, you could even bring them a thermos containing Theraflu! One of my past girlfriends did this for me and I thought it was one of the sweetest things she ever did for me. Don’t underestimate the power of small, thoughtful surprises!来个惊喜!在上班时间送去一杯热咖啡或热茶。如果对方得了重感冒,还要带上用热水瓶冲好的感冒冲剂!我以前的一个女朋友在我感冒的时候就是这样照顾我的,这是她对我做过的最甜蜜的一个举动。不要低估小小惊喜带给你的体贴之情!
2. Make a mix tape/CD.自制一段录音带/一盘CD。
It’s old-school, but it still works (and your partner will think about you every time they listen to it!).尽管做法老套,但是很管用(对方会在每次想到你的时候都听一下!)。
3. Start every day with a hug and kiss.每天都以拥抱和亲吻开始一天的生活。
This will release feel-good hormones in your body that will make you and your love feel super happy!拥抱和亲吻都能让你的体内释放产生一种让你感觉很棒的荷尔蒙,让你和对方都感受到那种超幸福的感觉体验!
4. Write a love note.写下甜言蜜语。
Yes, you could send a text saying, “I love you,” but that’s too obvious. Given that most of us communicate electronically all day every day, taking the time to actually write a letter by hand will show your partner how thoughtful and romantic you are.你可以发条短信说“我爱你!”,但太明显了不够自然。我们每天都和电子设备打交道,找时间亲手写封信,对方会感受到你很用心很体贴很浪漫。
5. Write a love poem.写一首情诗。
If a note is just too easy, step up your game by upgrading to a love poem! It doesn’t have to be a Shakespearean sonnet: it’s the thought that counts! If you’re a comedian, you could even make it comedic, because few things are more sexy than funny people.如果写在纸上的情话太小菜一碟的话,直接升级为写情诗!无需非得写成莎士比亚的十四行诗才够浪漫!只要是你是用心写给对方的情诗,对方就会感觉到无比性感浪漫。
6. Go on a picnic.去野餐。
Prepare a lunch or grab some take-out and enjoy a scenic lunch together. Bonus points if you plan it at a time the park will be quiet so you can enjoy some much-needed peace and silence together.带上备好的午餐或外卖食品,一起到野外边欣赏美景边享用午餐。如果你计划在公园野餐,你们可以享受两个人在一起的平和和安静。
7. Never stop complimenting your partner.时不时地夸赞对方。
Never stop complimenting your partner on your favorite things about their body, and if they’re looking super suave and sexy, make sure you tell them all about it.对方身上总有你最喜欢的地方,才会让你觉得对方超级迷人性感,一定要时时夸赞,一定要让对方知道你喜欢对方的地方。
8. Shoulder rub? Yes, please!肩部按摩?对的去吧!
Who doesn’t love a good shoulder rub? Give your partner a nice massage if they look tense after work. If you’re lucky, they might return the favor. If you’re really lucky, it could lead to more fun activities!谁不爱对方给自己好好来次肩部按摩呢?如果爱人下班后累了,就为爱人做做按摩。如果你够幸运,对方也会在你感觉累了的时候,给你做按摩。如果你真的很幸运,对方会做更有意思的放松活动来帮你解乏。
9. Say, “I love you.”“我爱你”三个字常挂嘴边。
It goes without saying, but in the hustle and bustle of the stressful life a lot of us lead, it’s awfully easy to forget the power of those three simple words.爱意不言而喻,但在当今繁忙紧张的生活中,多数人都做不到这点,容易忘记这三个字所给对方带来的力量。
10. Do you remember that one time…?记得那次......的时候吗?
As the months and years go on, it can become easy to forget why we fell so hard for a person in the first place. Talk about that lovely day you met each other, laugh about that terribly embarrassing thing you said on your first date, and remind each other of your relationship’s Greatest Hits!岁月流逝,我们可能很容易就忘记当初是怎样被对方迷上的情景。回忆一下你们相见那一天的情景,聊一聊第一次约会的囧事来逗对方开心,回忆一下热恋阶段的开心情景。
11. Surprise your honey with coffee or breakfast in bed.把咖啡或早餐端到床上,给爱人来个惊喜。
This goes for you too, guys. Bring your partner a cup of coffee to help them start the morning energized with a quick caffeine hit (they will thank you for it!). If you’d really like to make them feel special, surprise them with a tray of their favorite breakfast foods. Two scrambled eggs, chopped berries, and a bit of yogurt would definitely do the trick.这一招对男生也很管用。早上给爱人端上一杯热咖啡开始这一天的生活(对方会对你深表感激之情的!)。要想让对方感受特别一些的话,就把对方最爱吃的早餐端到床上:两个煎蛋、草莓切块、一杯酸奶,就很有效果哦。
12. Invest in a babysitter!请保姆照看孩子!
If you’ve got kids, I know life can get busy, but it’s in your best interest to find a way to have some alone time with the special person in your life. Can’t afford to hire a sitter? Ask a parent or trusted friend to watch your Mini-Me in exchange for a thoughtful favor tailored to their needs. 有孩子的家庭生活让人手忙脚乱的,但是生活中最有意思的还是单独找时间和爱人享受一下甜蜜逍遥的二人时光。雇不起保姆?也好办,让父母或信得过的好朋友照看一下孩子,回头多给父母和朋友帮忙。
13. Snuggle.来个熊抱!
Just do it, trust me.给对方来个熊抱!相信我,也很管用的。
14. Be mindful of your partner’s interests.留心对方的兴趣爱好。
Fellas: I know you might not be that into romantic movies, but if your partner really wants to go see one, it will mean the world to her. It’s just two hours and you will survive, I promise! Ladies: Your man and his love of wrestling, Nascar, or whatever the case may be? Same goes for you!男士们:我知道你可能不会去看浪漫的爱情电影,但是如果对方真的想去看的话,这就代表她会陶醉在那个世界中。就两个小时而已,没什么大不了的,而且还能换来对方的开心。 女士们:他最爱看赛车等之类的节目的话,那么,同样你也陪他看一下! |