He's cute, fun, smart and you can't stop thinking about him. Not so fast. While many men may seem ideal after just a few weeks of dating, upon closer inspection, there can be warning signs that you should avoid a relationship with this person. It is important to recognize these warning signs before it's too late.他长得帅,又很有趣,而且聪明,你都没法停下来不去想他。别太快陷进去。有些男人在约会几周后看上去似乎就是理想的另一半,但再仔细观察一下,有些警示信息就会出现了,告诉你这样的男人要不得。尽快发现这些警示很重要,以免后悔莫及。
1. The set-in-his-ways guy.只按自己方式做事的男人
These men will only become more rigid over time. Dating someone who refuses to do anything new makes for a long-term relationship that is both boring and one-sided. Assuming that he will eventually change and open up to your hobbies is misguided. This will likely never happen.随着年龄的增长,这样的男人只会越来越固执。如果你的约会对象不愿意做些新的事情来维持你们的关系,不让你们的关系变得单调又一边倒的话,假设这样的男人会改变,并且会迎合你的兴趣,那你就太天真了。这种事是绝对不会发生的。
2. The pick-up-after-me guy.需要你来料理生活的男人
You are his partner, not his maid. Men who expect you to clean up their dishes, pick up their clothes and take care of them as if they are little children on a consistent basis need a really check, and will likely treat you as if you are their mother for the rest of their lives.你是他的另一半,而不是他的女佣。这种男人会指着你来刷盘子、洗衣服、照顾他的饮食起居,把自己当成是需要人经常照顾的小孩,而把你当成是他的老妈子。
3. The I-don't-know-what-I'm-looking-for guy.“我不知道我要什么”的男人
One day, he wants a relationship. The next day, he wants kids. Two months later, he's not sure about either. Often times when this line is pulled, its code for "I'm looking for a marriage and kids, just not with you." Steer clear.今天他想要谈恋爱,明天他想要有孩子,两个月后,他又什么都不确定了。经常出现从这种男人嘴里说出的台词是“我想要结婚,也想要有孩子,不过不是和你。”想想清楚吧,妹子们。
4. The I-need-to-watch-sports-all-the-time guy.“我只想一直看比赛”的男人
There's nothing wrong with sitting on the couch and watching sports. Many guys do. But this should never trump the responsibilities of a relationship or take precedence over family obligations. There is a difference between loving sports and having a childish obsession with them. Choose a man who knows the difference.蜷坐在沙发上,看看体育比赛,这没什么不好的,很多男人都会这么做。但是决不能因此而逃避家庭中的责任和义务。热爱体育和孩子气的沉迷比赛是有很大不同的。你要找的男人必须要会分辨其中的差别。
5. The I-don't-like-your-friends guy.“我不喜欢你的朋友”的男人
No man is more important than your friends. If he doesn't like them and refuses to hang out with them, leave immediately.没有一个男人会比你的朋友更重要。如果他不喜欢你的朋友,不愿意和他们一起出去,那就赶紧离开这个男人。
6. The I-get-increasingly-less-romantic-with-each-date guy.“我对约会厌倦了”的男人
Many men break out all the stops early on in the dating process, but by the fifth of sixth date, the laziness starts to creep in. While no man should always be expected to plan five-star dates, at the same time, the romance shouldn't just completely fall off a cliff at once. These changes in effort can be very foretelling of how he will be a year or two down the road.在刚开始约会的时候,很多男人都会大献殷勤,但是约会五六次之后,有些男人就懒得翻花样了。当然不能指望男人每次都能策划五星级的约会,但同时要知道浪漫约会不能在达到顶峰后立马结束。这种心思的变化可以预示出一个男人在一两年后是个什么样子。
7. The let's-just-stay-in guy.只想在室内待着的男人
If you like being indoors more than being outdoors, this may be a good match for you. But men who are constantly suggesting that they want to just stay in and watch a movie early on in the dating game are likely the lazy type, or only out for sex. This will only get worse over time.如果你也是个宅女,那么这样的男人也许适合你。但是男人在约会初期就总是建议待在屋里看电影,那么这个人可能很懒或者只是想和你上床。这种情况会随着时间的推移越来越坏。
8. The lack-of-ambition guy.没有抱负的男人
Be very wary of men who talk up a big game of what they plan on doing with their lives. Some men with no ambition whatsoever like to talk up a good game, but at the end of the day, they are just saying what they know women want to hear. There is nothing wrong with a guy who wants to grow into a better person, just make sure that he's genuine.对于男人说的关于未来的大计划,要非常谨慎小心。有些没有抱负的男人反而喜欢说些大话,到最后,他们也只是挑女人喜欢听的说罢了。男人如果想要变得更好,那是极好的,但要先确保他是真心的。
9. The "sorry, I'm not a big phone person," guy.“我不爱打电话”的男人
Some men may not like being tied down to a phone, but responding to your text messages or phone calls shouldn't be annoying; it's common courtesy and respect. This is a warning sign of future selfish behavior.有些男人也许的确不爱守着电话,但是回复你的短信或来电却并不应该是一件烦人的事,这是一种基本的礼仪和尊重。如果他不爱打电话的话,也许是日后自私的征兆。
10. The over-controlling guy.控制欲过强的男人
The opposite of number nine, the over-controlling guy must know where "his woman" his every second of the day and approve of who she is hanging out with. Run from this type of man immediately.与第九条相反,这种男人控制欲过强,他们想要知道“他的女人”每时每刻的动静,要得到他的允许,他的女人才能和别人出去。遇到这种男人还是趁早抽身吧。 |