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还能活多久 2种预测寿命的简易方法









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发表于 2016-7-28 22:13:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        The simple exercise of sitting down and standing up again without holding onto anything, could suggest how long you have to live.只一个简单的徒手坐下、再站起来的动作就能预测出你的寿命。真的么?
        This is the belief of a group of physicians, who came up with the ‘sitting-rising test’ to measure their patients’ flexibility and strength.这是一群医生们提出的“坐-立测试”,他们用这种方法来测试病人身体的柔软度和强度。
        They developed a scoring system for the test and found that people who scored three points or less out of 10, were more than five times as likely to die within six years, as those who scored more than eight points. 这个测试方法还有一套计分规则,测试的满分是10分。医生们发现那些得3分或更少的人,在六年内有可能死亡的几率是得分在8分以上的人五倍还多。
        Claudio Gil Araujo, of Gama Filho University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was among the doctors who originally developed the sitting rising test (SRT) to quickly assess the flexibility of athletes, but he now uses it to persuade his patients that they need to stay active to maintain their muscle and balance, and live longer, Discover Magazine reported. 克罗迪奥·吉尔·阿劳霍来自巴西里约热内卢一所大学,他是“坐-立测试”的创始人之一。他们最初设计该方法是为了快速测试运动员的身体柔软度,但是现在他用这种方法来告诉他的病人,要坚持运动,这样能锻炼肌肉、维持身体平衡,还能延长寿命。
        As we age, our muscles tend to become weaker and a loss of balance means we are increasingly likely to fall.随着人们年龄的不断增长,肌肉的力量逐渐减弱、平衡感降低,这都会增加摔倒的几率。
        Dr Araujo says that anyone can take the SRT because no equipment is needed. 阿劳霍医生说“坐-立测试”不需要使用任何仪器,所以任何人可以随时随地进行。
        In a study, published in the European Journal of Cardiology, the researchers described how 2002 adults aged between 51 and 80 took the SRT at Clinimex Exercise Medicine Clinic in Rio.在一篇发表在《欧洲心脏病期刊》上的研究里,这些研究者们记录了2002名51岁-80岁的成年人在里约热内卢的Clinimex运动医学诊所内进行“坐-立测试”的过程。
        They found that patients who scored fewer than eight points out of 10 on the test, were twice as likely to die within the next six years, compared with people with more perfect scores.他们发现那些测试得分低于8分的人在随后六年内死亡的概率是得分较高的人的两倍。
        One point was deducted each time a person used their hand or knee for support to either sit down or stand up, while half a point was deducted for losing their balance.根据积分规则,测试者坐下或站起来的时候,每使用手或膝盖支撑一次扣掉1分,每失去平衡一次扣掉0.5分。



        The experts found that people who scored three points or fewer, were more than five times as likely to die within the same period.那些得3分或更少的患者在同样长时期内死去的概率是其他人的五倍还多。
        They wrote in the study: ‘Musculoskeletal fitness, as assessed by SRT, was a significant predictor of mortality in 51–80-year-old subjects.’该研究称:“‘坐-立测试’所测试的骨骼肌系统的健康程度,是预测51岁-80岁的被试死亡率的一个显著指标。”
        The study found that every point increase in the test, was linked to a 21 per cent decrease in mortality from all causes.该研究还发现,测试得分每增加1分,都意味着会减少21%的死亡率。
        However, chartered physio-therapist Sammy Margo said that the exercise may be 'quite ambitious' for older people in the UK.但是英国的理疗医生萨米·马戈称这项测试对英国的老年人来说可能会相当困难。
        This is possibly because of cultural differences, because Britons are not used to regularly sitting on the floor, like in some other cultures. In this way, it may not be terribly accurate at predicting life expectancy.这可能是文化差异造成的,因为英国人日常生活中很少会像其他国家的人一样坐在地板上,所以用“坐-立测试”预测寿命可能就不准确了。
        UK physiotherapists tend to prefer another test, where patients stand up from a sitting position and see how many times they can repeat the action in 30 seconds.英国的理疗医生们更倾向于另一种测试方法,即让病人们从自己坐着的地方站起来、然后坐下,记录30秒内能够重复这个动作的次数。
        'The "30 second chair test" is more appropriate and is used as a prognostic,' she said.萨米说:“这个‘30秒椅子测试’更合理,而且常被作为一个预测方法。”
        'It's simplistic, quick and easy and gives a good indicator for falls.' “它简单、快速、便捷,并且是预测摔倒的几率。”
        The test measures leg strength and endurance - which are needed to move around without falling - rather than flexibility and agility like the SRT.该方法测试了腿部力量和忍耐力,这些因素而非“坐-立测试”的柔软度和灵活度,才是频繁走动而不容易摔倒所必须的。
        Healthy people aged between 60 and 64 are expected to stand and sit more than 12 times for women and 14 times for men in 30 seconds. A good score for a 90 to 94-year-old is siting and standing more than seven times for man and four times for women.  “30秒椅子测试”对于60岁-64岁的健康人来说,30秒内女性重复次数应不少于12次,男性则不少于14次。而90岁-94岁的老人对应的次数是,男性不少于7次,女性不少于4次。
        While Ms Margo did not recommend the SRT, she said it does 'address everything' in terms of a person's strength and flexibility.萨米认为“坐-立测试”只通过测量一个人的身体力量和柔软度而预测了整个生命长度,她并不推荐这个方法。

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