In an age where few marriages endure the test of time, 107-year-old Karam and his wife Katari Chand, 100, are proof that happy ever after does exist.在这个婚姻禁不起时间考验的年代,107岁的老人卡拉姆·昌德和他100岁的妻子卡塔里·昌德向我们证明幸福的长寿婚姻的确存在。
The couple, who have eight children and twenty eight grandchildren together, have lived in wedded bliss for 87 years making them the world's longest married couple.这对夫妻在一起幸福度过了87个春秋,他们有8个孩子和28个孙子孙女,他们也是世界上维持婚姻最长的夫妻。
The pair say that the key to success is looking after each other in every way possible: ‘My trick is to make Katari laugh. I like to tell jokes and make her smile. Being funny is my way of being romantic.' says Karam.这对老夫妻说长寿婚姻的秘诀就是把对方照顾的无微不至。丈夫卡拉姆说:“我的诀窍就是让卡塔里开心,说笑话逗她笑。我的浪漫就是去搞笑。”
‘I have been told laughing makes you live longer... my wife is still alive so it must have worked! I love her so much and I want to spend another 80 ’ said Karam.他说:“有人告诉我大笑能让人长寿。我的妻子就是个好例子。我十分爱她,巴不得再和她过80个春秋。”
From romantic meals to sharing jokes, the couple, who hail from Punjab, India and now live in Bradford ensure that they do little things for each other to keep the romance alive. 这对来自印度的旁遮普省的夫妻现定居布拉德福德,从浪漫的晚餐,到互相说笑话逗乐,他们都认为是那些为对方做的小事让浪漫持久。
Katari told romantic networking site Zoosk.co.uk: ‘When I was young I used to make him a nice fresh meal every night. We are vegetarian so I brought lots of fresh vegetables and made sure he was eating healthy food. Health is very important and I wanted to look after him so we could grow old together.'妻子卡塔里对英国浪漫网站Zoosk表示:“我年轻的时候经常晚上给他做新鲜可口的晚餐。我们是素食主义者,所以我总会买很多新鲜的水果,这样他就能吃到健康的食物。健康太重要了,我当时就想好好照顾他,这样我们才能慢慢一起变老。”
Their marriage has lasted nearly five years longer than that of the current Guinness World Record holders and the couple are in the process of getting confirmation from the company that they will be named as the new record holders.他们的婚姻已经打破了当前的吉尼斯世界纪录,比前一个记录保持者还了五年。二人将会拿到吉尼斯的认证书,成为新的记录保持者。
Many modern day romances fail to stand the test of time but longevity and experience makes Karam the best man to go to for relationship advice. 现代婚姻总不能敌过时间的考验。但长寿和经验无疑让卡拉姆成为能给我们提些好建议好男人人选。
‘Relationships are about understanding one another and listening to concerns and problems, so my advice to men and women is to listen to their partners, show interest in what they are saying and help them overcome any worries or problems they are going through,’ he said他说:“婚姻就是要理解对方,倾听对方的担心和问题,所以我的建议是,无论男女都要学会倾听,对他们说的表示出兴趣,同时帮助他们缓解一些担忧或解决一些问题。”
The still loved-up couple, who met through an arranged marriage, are having a big party in November to celebrate Karam’s 107th and Katari’s 100th birthday. The Mayor of Bradford as well as lots of community members will be joining in the festivities.这对仍旧恩爱如昔的夫妻,最初由包办婚姻走到了一起。11月他们刚举办了一个大型的派对庆祝丈夫卡拉姆107岁和妻子卡塔里100岁的生日。布拉德福德市长以及议会成员都参加了这一盛典。
1. Always be faithful: always be faithful to one another. When you get married you commit to devoting your life to that person and even when the times are tough, don’t believe that the grass is greener...because it isn’t. 永远忠贞:对另一半永远忠贞。一旦结婚,你就把生命都交付给那个人,无论遇到什么样困难境地,都不要这山望着那山高,因为最好的就在你身边。
2. Look after each other as best you can: if you want to grow old with your partner you have to make sure you always look after each other in every shape and form. Whether it is making a meal, holding your partners hand when crossing the road or being a shoulder to cry on when something goes wrong. 给予对方无微不至的照顾:如果你想和另一半白头到老,就施以无微不至的关怀吧。无论是做一顿饭还是过马路时牵着对方的手,或是遇到困难的时候成为一个顶梁柱。
3. Be tolerant of each other: everyone has bad habits or annoying traits. Whether it is leaving a towel on the floor or listening to the radio too loudly, you have to tolerate each other and realise that no one is perfect. Of course we irritate each other occasionally, but if you want to last nearly 90 years, learn to love bad habits or it won’t work. 学会包容:每个人都有坏习惯。无论是把毛巾放在地上还是开很大声音听广播,你都需要包容对方,意识到人无完人。我们时不时会厌恶对方,但如果你想要婚姻持续90年,学着去爱那些坏习惯吧。
4. Listen to each other: the most important thing in a relationship is to listen. People don’t listen anymore because they are too busy with work and TV. Listen to your loved ones’ problems and concerns every day, because then you can help them overcome them and be happier. Also, it brings you closer together because you are the first port of call for each other when there is an issue in your life. 学会倾听:婚姻中最重要的就是倾听。随着工作越来越忙碌,人们更愿意花时间看电视而不是倾听对方。听听你爱人每天遇到的麻烦和担忧,帮助他们去解决,使他们更开心。这也会让你与他的距离更近,因为当生活有麻烦时,你才是他的港湾。
5. Follow social and religious values: always make sure you follow social or religious values. Respect, care, cherish, love and value your partner – always treat them how you would want to be treated yourself.别忘了社会和宗教美德:要尊敬、关心、珍惜、爱护和重视你的另一半-想他们怎么对待你,就先学会如何这样对待他们。 |