For Mel and Joey Schwanke, their 65-year marriage is a match made in the closet.梅尔和乔伊这对美国夫妇已经携手走过65个年头,真可谓是天作之合。
The couple from a small city outside Omaha, Nebraska, has 146 custom-made, matching outfits. And they never leave the house unless they are dressed in the same pattern.It's one thing that has helped keep them so close through six and a half decades working side-by-side at a flower shop they own in Fremont.这对来自美国的内布拉斯加州小城奥马哈的夫妻有着146套特别订制的情侣装。每次外出他们必将穿上情侣装。他们在一起共同生活了65年,在弗利蒙经营着一家小花店,情侣装是让爱情保鲜的重要原因。
Mel's tie, and often his jacket, are cut from the same cloth at Joey's dresses. The outfits are usual floral-themed, a reference to their business.梅尔的领带和夹克衫通常和乔伊的裙子来自同一块布料。为了配合他们的花店工作,情侣装一般都是以花为主题。
'We don't dare go somewhere without having matching outfits,' Mr Schwanke told KETV.梅尔告诉KETV:“我们无法想象,不穿情侣装怎么能出门?”
They haven't always dressed the same. It started about 35 years ago when the couple went on vacation. After that, it became a habit. Perhaps even an obsession.他们并不是一开始就穿情侣装的,是在35年前一次外出度假,便习惯上了穿情侣装。也许从那以后他们就着迷了。
Then they built their house, they had a custom closet installed, just to hold and organize all of their outfits. And they have so many, it's hard to keep them straight, Mrs Schwanke admits.接着他们就盖了自己的房子,他们家里安装了套装的衣柜便于放置和管理所有的情侣装。他们的情侣装太多了,乔伊说根本很难把它们挂整齐。
'Every day. Every day, my tie matches her dress,' Mr Schwanke said.梅尔说:“我们每天都穿情侣装。每一天,我的领带和她的裙子都是相配的。”
The other secret to their long-lasting happy marriage is their clear division of power, they explained to KETV. 'We kind of decided early in the game that he would be boss from 8 to 5, and I would be boss from 5 to 8 the next morning,' Mrs Schwanke said.他们向KETV提到了另一个婚姻保鲜的秘诀是对权利的明确分工。“我们一开始就定好规矩:从早上八点到下午5点,他是老板;之后老板就是我。” 身为妻子的乔伊这样说道。
Perhaps this is the reason she's usually the one who picks the outfit that the couple will be wearing the next day.也许这就是为什么每次都是由乔伊来选择他们出门时该穿哪套情侣装的原因。 |