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发表于 2016-7-28 22:12:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        It does make one wonder about why anyone with enough common sense would prefer to hang out with “bad boy” instead of someone with good credentials. Here are a few reasons why girls like bad boys:很多人都有这样的疑问,为什么很多智商正常的女人会迷上坏男人,而不是那些好男人呢?原因如下:
        Good guys play it safe. Whether it is any physical activity or taking an important decision, they are always hesitant. Bad boys, on the other hand, are primarily known for the sense of adventure they carry on their sleeves. They are not scared of taking risks and give girls a sense of adventure that they want to experience. Women want to have a feeling of power that these guys readily provide.好男人现世安稳。无论是体育活动还是重大决策,好男人往往会权衡再三。但坏男人却给人一副勇于冒险的神气。他们不怕冒险,也乐于向女人展示自己的冒险精神,而这种殷勤则能满足女人的权力欲望。
        Living life畅享生活
        Bad boys are seen as living life as it is meant to be lived. It is necessary here to define that bad boys do not mean criminals or anti-social elements but guys who lead happy lives by breaking norms rather than breaking laws (although the latter has its share of allure and fan following too). Bad boys, because of their propensity to leading the good life, are always clued in to the latest happenings and live with objects that good guys think twice before investing in. Mean bikes and jailbreaked Apple devices for example.坏男人总是尽情享受生活。当然,有必要申明一下,这里的“坏男人”并非犯罪分子或反社会分子,而是那些打破常规(不犯法)畅享生活的人。(不否认,也有人认为反动分子很有魅力而紧随左右)坏男人追求卓越生活,熟悉最新动态,愿意投资那些好男人会思量再三的物品,比如动感单车和苹果产品。
        Air of mystery神秘气质
        There is something utterly predictable about a good guy once you've known him for a while. His tastes do not change simply because the year has. A bad guy, however, doesn't live by scruples. His main aim is to lead a happy life today. He is not bothered about his past nor worried about his future. The here and now and how that can be made better is all that matters to him. This lends an air of mystery to him and his actions because you can never predict what catches his fancy and how he will attain it from one day to the next.一旦你对好男人有所了解,就不难猜出他的意愿举止。任岁月沧桑,他脾性依旧。但坏男人绝不温吞度日,他追逐当下快乐,不怀念过往、不忧愁来日。他关心当时当地的境况能否让他过得更舒坦。而这给他自身及言行蒙上了一层神秘外纱,因为别人永远猜不出什么会令他着迷,也而他又将如何一天天达成所愿。
        Good with girls易获芳心
        It is a known fact that bad guys know how to score with girls. It is one of the reasons why they are tagged as bad guys in the first place! Such a group knows how to woo a woman and make her feel special. They can talk to her and when they feel like it, also talk back to her, giving the girls an opportunity to be aggressive as well. Good guys avoid conflict at all costs, leaving girls with no window to vent their frustration.众所周知,坏男人在追女孩子方面很拿手,而这也是他们被称为“坏男人”的首要原因!他们懂得如何示爱,让女孩觉得自己独一无二。只要有兴致,他们就跟女孩儿互耍嘴皮子,逗她们回敬过来。但好男人却会尽可能避免拌嘴,搞得女孩子都没处发泄郁闷。
        It's biological基因所然
        Blame it on your forefathers, but the fact is that women are wired to seek out the most adventurous guy in any group. It goes back to survival of the fittest and other procreational jazz, but the short story is that, a woman will always prefer a man who is seen as taking initiative (with variable risk) over a steady guy waiting for something to happen to his life. Accept it: the only way of scoring with girls is to join this breed of bad boys and strike rich. Like it is said, if you can't beat them, join them.还是怪你的老祖宗吧!任何群体部落里,女人都会迷恋最具冒险精神的男人。追根溯源,这要说到“适者生存”之类的老话;一言概之,女人宁愿选择主动尝试(冒险)的男人,也不要被动生活、四平八稳的家伙。所以若想赢得女孩芳心,你就得加入“坏男人”之列碰碰运气。常言说得好,无力胜之则从之嘛。
        In spite of all these points, it doesn't mean that girls don't like good guys at all. There are women who love the company of good guys and would pick them over the 'bad boys' any given day.话虽如此,也不能说女孩一点也不喜欢好男人。有些女孩还是喜欢跟好男人作伴,独具慧眼将他们从“坏男人”堆里挑出来的。

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