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发表于 2016-7-28 22:12:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Being fashionably late is so out of fashion — arriving late to interviews, meetings, and appointments is not only rude, but can also negatively impact your career and relationships. If you are constantly rushing out the door but still can't seem to make a rendezvous on time, maybe it's time for a lifestyle change. Read on to find out the seven habits of extremely punctual people, but don't put them off until tomorrow!大众化的迟到早已过时——面试、开会以及约会迟到不仅非常的没有礼貌,还会对你的事业和人际关系带来负面影响。如果你每次急赶赶出门却还是迟到,也许是时候换一个生活方式了哦。看看下面极其准时的人的七个习惯,现在就开始试试吧!
        1. They're realistic.他们非常现实
        People who are chronically late underestimate how long it will take them to take a shower, get dressed, and reach a destination. Punctual people are realistic about their time and will often add a few extra minutes to give themselves some wiggle room. 那些经常迟到人往往错误地预估了他们洗澡、换衣服以及到达目的地的时间。守时的人时间观念极强,也会预留出额外的时间来让自己不至于太紧张。
        If you want to start planning realistically, write down how long you think it takes you to do your morning routine. Then for a week, track how long it actually takes you to get ready, and use that new estimate when planning out your mornings.如果你想要开始切实的计划,不妨记录一下你觉得早晨你那些例行公事所需的时间。然后花一周时间看看你实际到底花了多久,然后用这个时间来规划你的早晨吧。
        2. They prepare for unexpected delays.他们考虑到了意料之外的耽误
        This habit is related to the one mentioned above about giving yourself buffer time. Punctual people prepare for any unforeseen delays due to traffic, getting lost, forgetting something at home, etc. 这个习惯其实就是指上面提到的给自己一些额外时间。守时的人会为了交通、迷路、忘带东西等这些事先无法预计到的事情做好准备。
        If they're going somewhere that is 10 minutes away, they leave 20 to 25 minutes ahead to account for any unexpected scenarios. By giving themselves buffer time, they often arrive early — but never late.如果他们去一个地方需要十分钟,那么至少会预留出20-25分钟来照顾那些突发事件。为了给自己额外的时间,他们常常早到——但绝不迟到。
        3. They're fine with downtime.他们不怕等人的无聊
        Because punctual people give themselves buffer time, they often arrive early — and they are more than comfortable enjoying a few minutes waiting. Whether they are checking emails, reviewing notes, reading a book, or clearing their heads, punctual people not only enjoy their downtime, but also come prepared with something to do. 守时的人给自己较多的缓冲时间,他们经常早到——所以也习惯了去享受那几分钟的等待时间。无论是看看邮件,新闻,读书或者是放空发呆,守时的人不仅享受这个空白段,还会有事可做。
        People who are chronically late, however, do not enjoy their downtime and prefer the thrill of rushing to and from a place. If you want to be more comfortable waiting for someone, then bring a book or an iPad to help pass the time.而那些经常迟到的人,没有那个机会去享受这个空白段,总是在急忙中不断地从一个地方到达另一个地方。如果你想要更加开心的等人,不如带本书或是iPad去打发这段时光吧。
        4. They plan everything down to the T.他们每天有计划的过
        Extremely punctual people not only show up to places on time, but also lead highly structured and organized lifestyles. They plan out their mornings, days, and nights with a set of activities and routines and stick to them every day. They keep calendars up to date with new meetings and appointments and try not to overschedule. 那些时间观念极强的人不仅会按时出现在某个地方,也会有着高度规划好的生活模式。他们为每天早晨、白天以及夜晚设定了一系列的活动和安排,并且每天都严格遵守。他们不断更新日历添加新的会议和约会,但绝不安排过量。
        Being organized with your belongings can also save you time when you're getting ready — keep your keys, wallet, and phone in a designated area so that you don't have to search for them in the mornings. To become more punctual, try adding more structure to your daily routine!对自己的时间有规划不仅能大大节省你的准备时间——比如把钥匙、钱包和手机放在固定的地方,这样早上就不用到处寻找。要想更加守时,让自己的每天过的更加有计划吧。
        5. They get things done ahead of time.他们都提前完成任务
        Punctual people get everything done ahead of time, because procrastinating means stressing out and scrambling at the last minute. They pick out what to wear and pack their bags the night before. If they're packing lunch for work, they do that the night before as well. By getting things done early, they have less to worry about in the morning and can focus on being punctual.守时的人往往提前完成任务,因为拖延意味着增加压力,越到最后越抓狂。他们会在头一天晚上选好第二天穿什么,包里放什么。如果他们要带午饭,就也会提前一天晚上准备好。早早做好这些事,他们早上就不需要再去担心什么,就肯定可以守时啦。
        6. They go to bed early.他们早早入睡
        Why do most people stay up late? Probably because they waited until the last minute to finish an assignment or project. Naturally, punctual people don't stay up as late, because they avoid procrastinating. By getting to bed early, they sleep better and wake up feeling rested.为什么大部分人都熬夜?也许是他们总是等到最后一刻去完成任务或计划。其实,守时的人反而不会熬夜,他们会尽量避免拖延。早点入睡,他们会有更好的睡眠,也会得到充分的休息。
        7. They're morning people.早起的鸟儿有虫吃
        On a similar note, punctual people don't press the snooze button — they get up when they're supposed to. Because they sleep better after getting to bed earlier, they don't have trouble waking up. They go to bed and get up at reliable hours to start their days off right.同样,守时的人不会按下闹钟继续呼呼大睡——而是会按时起床。早睡早起,他们没有起床困难户的烦恼。他们作息十分规律,也会在休息充分之后开启一天的征途。
        Do you have trouble with your rendezvous? What are some tips you follow to try to be more punctual?你是不是跟人家约见面时也会迟到?你会尝试哪些方法来让自己更守时呢?

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