As if teenagers and young adults needed another excuse to spend more time using their electronic gadgets. Four out of five women and three out of five men believe texting, Facebook and other social networking tools cause new couples to jump into bed faster, a survey claims. Thirty-eight per cent of women say they have actually slept with a date sooner because of so-called 'digital intimacy'.2011才起个头,关于社交网络的话题源源不断,随着使用社交网交友的网民数量越来越多,好事者针对Facebook的调查也没有停止的意思,关于Facebook的统计数据。通过最新的一项调查发现,频繁使用Facebook进行交流的情侣会比普通初结识情侣发生亲密关系的速度要快得多得多。据统计,80%的女性网民、以及60%的男性网民相信各种社交网络,比如微博、脸谱网的两性互动产生了一种“数码亲密效应”,这种虚拟交友的形式受到一致认可,有38%的女人承认她们与通过社交网络认识的男朋友更容易、更快发生亲密关系,因为Facebook上提供的信息更能让她们信服。
Use of social media via smart phones and laptops are the new toys that lead to the bedroom, the researchers claim. Clinical psychologist Dr Belisa Vranich said: 'The texting and all the social networking that's happening create anticipation.'If your goal is to have sex, texting is actually helpful for that because it makes the correspondence between people sort of more titillating. 'It also gives the false impression that you've actually been together for a longer amount of time, so it's actually OK to have sex quicker.研究员称,通过智能手机和电脑进行网络社交如今大受欢迎,有心理学家Dr Belisa Vranich 说:“泛滥使用的社交网络通常会给‘刚认识’情侣一种暗示,那就是我们已经认识那么长时间了,发生亲密关系也是再正常不过的事情。因为通过虚拟社交认识的男女往往觉得在网上的互动可以和现实中的互动相提并论,虽然还没见过彼此真实面容,但是一直通过互联网传情、联系感情。他们一旦见面必定是‘干柴烈火’。”
Even before consummating a relationship, 70 per cent of women and 63 per cent of men use Google and other online tools to screen potential dates. Sixty-five per cent of those polled said they had been asked out by text and 49 per cent through a Facebook message, according to the 1,200 women and men who took part in the survey by Shape and Men's Fitness magazines.据调查,当今的情侣在确定恋爱关系之前,都会上网搜寻对方的详细信息。有70%的女人以及63%的男人用谷歌等在线搜索工具来“人肉”对方潜在的资料。有65%的受访者声称,他们都是通过Facebook来约意中人外出约会。 |