1. Torch by Cheryl Strayed1、谢丽尔·斯特雷德《火炬》
2. Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed2、谢丽尔·斯特雷德《美好的小事》
3. Wild by Cheryl Strayed3、谢丽尔·斯特雷德《荒野》
So basically, anything by Cheryl Strayed is a solid choice.所以,基本上谢丽尔·斯特雷德任何作品都是雷打不动要入选的。
4. Just Kids by Patti Smith4、帕蒂·史密斯《只是孩子》
The book was so honest and brave. I loved the way she sees the world. I really felt that life was more beautiful after I read it, and I felt more hopeful.这本书坦诚而敢为。我喜欢她看世界的方式。读完后我觉得生活更美好也更具希望了。
5. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Kalhed Hosseini5、卡勒德·胡赛尼《灿烂千阳》
Watson gave this novel their stamp of approval, so you know it must be good.沃森认同这本书,所以一定不错。
6. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro6、石黑一雄《长日将尽》
Ishiguro's novel is one of her favorites for its expression of the consequences of discretion. Part of me is very resentful of this British mentality that it's not good to express feelings of any kind.石黑一雄的小说是沃森的最爱之一,是因为这本书所表达的自行决定权的后果。我有点憎恶这种什么情绪都不宜表达的英式思维。
7. Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaria7、伊娃·德拉威雅《给死者的情书》
Quite the validation for this first-time author's debut novel.艾玛相当肯定作者这本处女作。
8. The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen8、埃里卡·约翰森《提尔灵女王》
The film rights for this novel were snapped up by Warner Bros. Watson couldn't resist this fantasy novel.华纳兄弟拿下了这部小说的电影著作权。沃森抵制不了这本奇幻小说的诱惑。
9. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand9、安·兰德《源泉》
Much like her interests in life, which spans from Hollywood mega-hit films to human rights activism, Emma Watson casts a wide net when it comes to her taste in books. Even this controversial novel earned a place on her reading list.艾玛沃森生活中兴趣爱好广泛,从好莱坞大片到积极推进人权,艾玛看书时也是博览群书。即便是这样颇具争议的小说也在她的阅读书目中占有一席之地。
10. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green10、约翰·格林《星运里的错》
We can just imagine Emma Watson perched in bed till 4 a.m., feeling all the feels this emotional young adult novel stirs up.我们都可以想象出艾玛·沃森窝在床上一直看到凌晨四点,感受着这本蕴含丰富情感的成年人小说掀起的波澜。
11. The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan11、玛丽娜·基根《孤独的反义词》
The surefire sign of a great book: wanting to talk about your favorite parts the moment you put it down.一本好书的标志就是,你刚放下书就迫不及待要讲讲你最喜欢的部分,这一点绝对错不了。
12. The BFG by Roald Dahl12、罗尔德·达尔《好心眼巨人》
Just like playing a song, picking up a book again that has memories can take you back to another place or another time.就像是播放一首歌,重新拾起一本让你有所回忆的书,思绪会把你带回其它时空。
13–16. The Twilight Series by Stephanie Myers13-16、斯蒂芬妮·梅尔《暮光之城》
Emma revealed that she indulges in the Twilight saga and loves every minute of Edward, Bella and Jacob's vampire-human-werewolf love triangle.艾玛透露说自己沉浸在《暮光之城》巨著里,爱德华、贝拉和雅各布三人间的“吸血鬼+人类+狼人”的三角恋情,每一分钟她都喜欢。
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