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发表于 2016-7-28 22:05:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Anyone can adopt the habits confident people practice on a regular basis. Below are just some of the ways those with extra self-possession approach life differently than everyone else.每个人都能培养自信的人每天做事的习惯,以下就是那些特别镇定自若的人生活中一些与他人不同的做事方法。
        1. They're more productive.他们效率更高。
        Confidence = hustle. Research suggests that confident people may be more productive because their can-do thoughts inspire real action. It's no wonder confident people seem to own the office.信心=抓紧时间。研究显示自信的人可能做事效率更高,因为“我能搞定”的想法鼓励着他们真正行动起来。难怪自信的人看起来好像掌管着整个办公室一样。
        2. Their body language helps boost their confidence.他们的肢体语言有助于提高自信。
        Studies show that how a person carries him or herself influences how he or she feels on the inside. A tall posture and even stretching can help people feel a surge of power -- and confident people take advantage of those little adjustments.研究显示,一个人表达想法的方式影响着其内心的感受。挺拔的姿态、甚至舒展身体都有助于激发力量,自信的人会利用好这一切。
        3. They aren't self-assured all the time.他们并不总是自信。
        All people have their flaws. The difference lies in recognizing those insecurities and carrying on with life despite them. Research shows self-acceptance is paramount to a happier life, but it's a habit many people rarely practice. Confident people aren't superhuman -- they just accept their imperfections wholeheartedly and live a happy life regardless.所有人都有缺点,区别就在于要认清不安全的因素,并且继续生活。研究显示,自我接受是生活更幸福的关键,但这也是很多人所缺少的习惯。自信的人不是超人——他们只是真正接受自己的不完美并过着幸福生活,而不去考虑那些。
        4. They actively pursue success.他们真的在追求成功。
        "No" is simply not in a confident person's vocabulary, at least when it comes to success. Confidence is crucial when pursing a career, according to a study published in the journal Basic and Applied Social Psychology. The research found that the more likely someone is able to picture themselves achieving their goal, the more likely they're going to be able to do it.对于自信的人来说,他们的字典里真的没有“不”这个字,至少在谈及成功时如此。发表在《基础与应用社会心理学》杂志上的研究表明,信心在追求事业时起到决定性作用。这项研究发现,一个人越能幻想自己达成目标,就越有可能获得成功。
        5. They channel their inner celebrity.他们引导自己向内心的名人看齐。
        A confident person's mantra is "I am Beyonce." OK, maybe that's just this author's, but regardless, there's power in celebrity. Research published in the journal Personal Relationships found that when people wrote down qualities they shared with their favorite celebrities of the same gender, they felt much more compelled to become their best selves.自信之人的咒语是“我是碧昂斯(美国女歌手)”。好吧,可能那只是本作者的想法,但不管怎样,名人效应总是有的。发表在《人际关系》杂志上的研究发现,当人们写下与自己最喜欢的同性别名人所共有的品格时,他们会迫使自己做到最好。
        6. They stick to their convictions.他们坚持自己的信念。
        Confident people place trust in their own opinions -- but not without listening to others, of course. As confidence coach Susie Moore explained in a HuffPost blog, confident people hear all sides of an argument, but ultimately, they stick to what they feel is best.自信的人信赖自己的想法——当然也不是不听人劝。正如自信导师苏西•摩尔在赫芬顿邮报博客中写道:自信的人会倾听辩论双方的观点,但最终他们会坚持自己看来最好的想法。
        "Confident people listen to other people but do not let their difference of perspective take them off track," she wrote.她写道:“自信的人听别人的说法,但不会让他们观点之间的不同带自己偏离轨道。”
        7. They don't fear failure.他们不害怕失败。
        All people have their setbacks. Confidence isn't doing everything right, it's pushing on even after being wrong. Research suggests that people who appear more self-assured are also seem more intelligent.所有人都会遇到挫折,自信不是做对每件事,而是在做错后仍能勇往直前,研究表明看起来自信的人也似乎更聪明。
        8. They're not afraid of being confident.他们不害怕自信。
        Confident individuals don't shy away from asserting themselves, whether they're actually feeling comfortable or just faking it until they make it. As singer Demi Lovato's recent single so poignantly asks, "What's wrong with being confident?" The answer: Nothing at all.自信的人不会羞于坚持自己的主张,无论他们是真自信还是假装自信,他们都会坚持如此直到成功。正如歌手黛米•洛瓦特最近的单曲中寓意深刻地问道的那样:“自信有错吗?”答案就是:“何错之有”。

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