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发表于 2016-7-28 22:05:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        I can't wait to get my hands on all of these books! From the soul-soothing words of Brene Brown to the historical observations of Margo Jefferson, there's something here for everyone.这些书我全都迫不及待想一睹为快。从布琳·布朗安抚心灵的文字,到马戈·杰弗逊的历史观察,每个人都有合适的读物。
        Rising Strong by Brene' Brown -- Getting back up after failing is the theme of Brown's newest book of inspiration. Available now.布琳·布朗的《卷土重来》——失败后重振旗鼓是布朗这本最新的灵感之书的主题。现已有售。
        Purity by Jonathan Franzen -- Reasons to read this book: it's by Jonathan Franzen. The story of a young woman in search of her identity, the internet, international crime and more. 乔纳森·弗兰岑的《纯净》——阅读理由:这是乔纳森·弗兰岑的作品。这个故事有关一个年轻女性探寻自我身份、网络和国际犯罪等等。
        Negroland by Margo Jefferson -- A memoir of life in the upper crust African American society -- and how it clashed with the world outside this rarefied community. 马戈·杰弗逊的《黑人居》——一部讲述非裔美籍上层社会生活的回忆录,和这一少数群体与外界的冲突。
        The Art of Memoir by Mary Karr -- The author of The Liar's Club shares her process and words from memoirs that inspired her in this book. 《回忆录的艺术》——玛丽·卡尔(《骗子俱乐部》的作者)著。在此书中,她与读者分享她的写作过程,及启发她的回忆录文字。
        Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling - Kaling's new book is a collection of stories about her life, humorous and touching, that show us "Stars -- They're Just Like Us!" 敏迪·卡灵《缘何不是我?》——卡灵的新书是部有关她生活故事的集子,幽默风趣、感动人心,向我们展现“明星——其实,和我们一样!”
        Golden Age by Jane Smiley -- The final book in Smiley's trilogy about one family as they grow, change and develop in the 20th and 21st century. A saga not to be missed. Available October 20, 2015.简·斯迈利的《金色年华》——斯迈利三部曲的最后一本,三部曲讲述了一个家庭在20至21世纪的兴衰和变化发展。这部长篇小说不容错过,2015年10月20日发售。
        The Witches: Salem, 1692 by Stacy Schiff - From the author of Cleopatra -- a Life, this book tells the story of the Salem Witch Trials from a psychological thriller point of view. Available October 27, 2015 -- just in time for Halloween!斯泰西·希夫的《1692塞勒姆女巫》。希夫也是《埃及艳后一生》的作者,本书从心理惊悚小说的视角讲述了塞勒姆女巫的审判。2015年10月27日有售。
        Sinatra: The Chairman by James Kaplan -- Picking up in 1954, where Frank: The Voice left off, Kaplan examines not just the entertainer, but the complicated man he was, too. Available October 27, 2015.杰姆斯·卡普兰的《辛纳屈:主宰》。这本书接着《弗兰克: 美妙的声音》,从1954年写起,卡普兰审视的不仅仅是辛纳屈这个艺人,更是其复杂的人生。2015年10月27日有售。
        The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende -- Allende's writing is always intriguing and this book promises the same. A young Polish Girl and Japanese boy are deeply connected during World War II, only to be separated when his family is sent to an internment camp. Years later, their story captivates a new generation. Available November 3, 2015.伊莎贝尔·阿连德的《日本情人》——阿连德的小说总能引人入胜,而这一本同样如此。一个波兰女孩和一个日本男孩在二战中密切联系交往,两人却因男孩的家庭被送往徙置营而分离。多年后,他们的故事又吸引着新一代人。2015年11月3日起售。
        Avenue of Mysteries by John Irving -- The future and the past collide for Juan Diego, a Mexican who is living in the Philippines. Our childhood and adolescence stay with us forever. Available November 3, 2015.约翰·厄文的《神秘大街》——胡安·迭戈是墨西哥人,住在菲律宾,于他而言,过去与现在冲突交织;我们的童年与成年伴随我们一生。2015年11月3日发售。

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