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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Chances are you want to develop peak performance in each area of your life. Whether it’s relationally, career-wise, financially, mentally, or spiritually, you want to maximize your performance so that you will experience the joy and peace that you’re after. Such a desire is commendable and certainly possible when you understand how to achieve peak performance.所谓机会,就是你想在人生各个领域都有最佳表现。无论是人际关系、职业发展、经济情况、心理状况还是精神状态,你都希望能够好好表现,来享受你所追逐的乐趣和安宁。这样的渴望是值得表扬的,也是非常有可能的,前提是你得知道如何让自己有最佳表现。
        Here are 6 easy tips to have peak performance in every area of your life:下面是六个帮你好好表现的小贴士,涉及到生活的方方面面:
        1. Prepare for pressure准备好抗压
        When you prepare for the pressures of life, you tend to handle the stresses associated with what comes your way much better. Think of an athlete that is competing in the Olympics. He may feel the pressure to perform, but he doesn’t let it affect his performance because he is well-prepared for competition.当你准备好迎接生活的压力,就可以更好地处理方方面面的事宜和问题啦。想想那些参加奥运会的运动员,他也许会担心表现不好,但因早已为比赛进行充分的准备,他不会让这种压力影响自己的表现。
        In the same way you can prepare for the stresses of life by training your mind, body, and spirit consistently via personal and spiritual development and physical exercise. Make a decision and commit to it whether you feel like it or not.同样地,你可以通过个人和精神发展及健身等,为生活中的压力做好心理、身体和精神等各方面准备。不管你是否想做,做好决定就去付诸于实践。
        2. Focus on the present关注当下
        Yes, the future is important, but the present is more important. In order to be at your best, learn how to focus on your present circumstances. Dwelling on the past is not helpful, though it is always good to learn lessons from it. Dwelling on the future won’t truly serve you well either, especially if you are worrying about it. 是的,未来很重要,但当下更重要。要想让自己处于最佳状态,就学着关注自己的现况吧。一味沉湎于过去毫无帮助,不如从中学习一些经验。一味憧憬未来也并不实际,尤其是对未来过度的担忧。
        What about today? If you can focus on the present and do your best today in all areas of your life, you’re bound to perform at your peak.那么现在呢?如果你能关注现在,今天努力做好生活的方方面面,你就能最佳表现啦。
        3. Negate the negative拒绝消极
        You’re bound to face negative thoughts and emotions, but you do not have to allow them to control you. Take some time to monitor your thought-life and see if you primarily think positive or negative thoughts. Then pay attention daily and when a negative thought arises, change it into a positive one. 你总是不可避免的要去面对消极的想法和情绪,但是你不要被这些消极因素掌控。花些时间来重整你的生活思维,看看哪些是积极哪些是消极的想法。然后每天关注一下,一旦消极想法滋生,赶紧转换思维方式积极起来。
        4. Envision the best想象最好的一面
        Visualization is a powerful tool that will help you peak your performance in any area of your life. For example, if you want to be the best in your career, visualize yourself experiencing success often from promotions to favor to a jump in salary. 视觉化想象是最有力的武器,能帮助你在生活各种领域都有巅峰状态。比如,如果你想在事业中取得进展,不如经常想象自己升职或者是涨薪吧。
        As you envision yourself operating at your best, you gain momentum going forward and become more apt to take the actions necessary to manifest your best life.当你幻想自己做到最好的时候,你就有了向前进步的动力,也会更有目的性的采取行动实现最美好生活。
        5. Stay out of your comfort zone远离自己的舒适区
        Comfort zones keep you safe and tend to stunt your personal growth. It’s alright to be in your comfort zone at times, but be sure to step out once in a while. Even if you feel a bit anxious, allow courage to rise and propel you forward. Start something brand new that you’ve been putting off.舒适区会让你一直处于安全感之下,限制自己的个人发展。偶尔处于舒适区当然没有问题,但是别忘了时不时走出来。哪怕你觉得有点焦虑,这也能激发勇气促使你向前进。做一件你一直拖延不敢尝试的新事物吧!
        6. Be action-oriented以行动为导向
        Plenty of people have goals in their mind or even written down, but they do not accomplish them because they do not take consistent action towards them. You must be action oriented in order to execute peak performance. Create an action plan for each goal that you desire and commit to taking those actions. 很多人都有自己的目标,甚至还会写下来。但他们都没能坚持付出而无法达成目标。你必须要以行动为导向,来达到最佳表现。给每个想完成的目标制定一个执行方案,承诺一定会采取行动。
        Don’t let unfinished tasks wear you down, but close the loop on them. Get them done! You’ll soon find that when you follow through with these steps one by one, you make serious headway and before you know it, you’ve achieved your success.也不要被那些未能完成的任务打倒,但也别轻易放弃,要把他们都做好!你很快会发现当你一步一步地完成,你认真地努力前进着,其实已经是一种成功了。

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