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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        If you want to be successful in life, you’ll need to be purposeful and proactive in reaching your goals. Success doesn’t happen by accident. Instead, it takes commitment to become successful. Keep these things in mind to help keep you on track during your journey to success. 如果你想要成功的人生,你需要在奋斗目标上有目的性和主动性。成功并不是意外机遇,相反成功需要付出。在追逐成功的路上要记住这15个要点。
        1. Remember Your Accomplishments 要记住自己所取得的成就
        On days when you want to give up or feel like you can’t ever get there, it’s especially important to remember your accomplishments. Acknowledge the goals you’ve reached, and use your past successes to fuel your motivation to reach the rest of your goals. 在你想放弃的日子或感觉自己无法达到目标时,记住自己所取得的成就这点很重要。认清你所要达到的目标,用以往的成功激励自己达到剩下的目标。
        2. Remember to Plan Ahead 记住要提前规划
        Success doesn’t come easy. There are always going to be bumps in the road and obstacles along the way. It’s important to plan ahead and take a proactive approach in dealing with barriers. 成功来之不易。成功之路总免不了有磕磕碰碰、障碍重重。提前规划并在处理重重障碍上采取积极主动的方法,同样很重要。
        3. Remember to Do What You Love 记住要做自己爱做的事情
        When you’re doing what you love, it won’t feel like work. Instead, it will feel like it is what you are meant to do in life. This can help you to remain energetic and passionate about your goals. 你在做着自己爱做的事情时,感觉不到自己是在工作。反而感觉自己在做着对人生有意义的大事情。这有助于你对自己要达到的奋斗目标保持精力充沛和充满热情的状态。
        4. Remember That You May Fail 要记住你会失败
        Most successful people in life experience many failures along the way. Not all of the risks you take will turn out well. Be prepared to fail sometimes. 多数成功人士都经历过失败的人生体验,并非一切冒险都能成功。有时要做好失败的准备。
        5. Remember to Learn From Your Mistakes 记住要从错误中吸取经验教训
        When you fail, it’s important to learn from your mistakes. Identifying what you can do differently next time can help you reach your goals. 失败时要从错误中吸取经验教训。认识到自己下次该怎么做才有助于你达到自己的奋斗目标。
        6. Remember to Prepare for the Worst 记住要做最坏的打算
        If you want to be successful, you should prepare yourself for the worst. Identifying the potential worst-case scenarios and bad outcomes can help ensure that you are only taking calculated risks. 如果你想成功,你应该做好面对最坏的状况的准备。认清潜在的最差情况和最坏结果,这有助于确保自己只对心中有数的风险进行尝试。
        7. Remember to Be Productive with Your Time 记住要在时间的利用上保持高效
        Being lazy won’t get you to where you want to be. If you want to be successful, you need to budget your time wisely. Learn strategies to be productive and you’ll improve your chances of reaching your goals. 懒惰并不会达到自己的奋斗目标。如果你想成功,就需要你在时间的利用上做到精打细算。学会采取高效战略,并完善自己的方法来达到奋斗目标。
        8. Remember to Set Goals 记着设定目标
        If you aren’t sure where you go, you’ll never get there. Define clear goals for yourself so you have something to work on steadily. Create both short and long-term goals that you want to meet. 如果对自己的奋斗方向不够明确,你就不会实现目标。明确自己的目标,这样你就会稳步向前。为自己设定近期目标和长远目标。



        9. Remember to Practice Self-Discipline 记住养成自律的习惯
        If you want success, you’ll need to be self-disciplined. There will be things in life you have to give up in order to reach your goals. You might not be able to do all the things you want, spend as much money you want, or spend your time the way you want. Instead, you’ll need to forgo immediate gratification and keep your eyes on the goal. 如果你想成功,你需要自律。为了达到目标,人生中有些事情不得已只能放弃。或许你无法做自己想做的事情,自己想花多少钱就花多少钱,或者自己掌控时间。相反,你需要放弃当前的满足,把眼睛盯在奋斗目标上。
        10. Remember to Calculate Risk Carefully 记住仔细估算风险
        Unless you review all the potential pros and cons of your choices, you won’t be informed enough to make wise decisions. Risks should be calculated carefully before you jump in. Behaving recklessly or impulsively can ruin your chances of success. 对于自己所做出的选择,除了对其潜在的利弊进行审核分析,我们无法预知自己所做出的决策是否明智。在你草率或冲动地迈开下一步之前,应认真估算毁掉你的成功机会的风险。
        11. Remember to Monitor Your Progress 记住监视自己的进展
        You’ll need to monitor your progress if you want to be successful. You’ll need to know how much closer you are getting to reach your goal so you can make adjustments to your plan as needed. 若想成功需要监视自己的进展。需要了解自己与奋斗目标的距离,这样才能按照计划所需做出调整。
        12. Remember to Communicate Effectively 记住做有效的沟通交流
        Successful people are able to communicate effectively with others. Whether they’re asking for help, delegating a task, or teaching others, successful people are able to get their point across in a manner that inspires others. 成功人士能与别人能做到有效交流。无论是他们需要帮助或是委派一项任务抑或是教导别人,成功人士在激励别人这点上能充分理解其意图。
        13. Remember to Believe in Yourself 记住要相信自己
        If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either. You’ll need to have confidence and courage to reach success because you’ll likely meet people who don’t believe in you along the way. 如果你不相信自己,别人也不会相信你。你需要有自信并鼓励自己取得成功,因为你很可能会遇到不信任自己的人。
        14. Remember to Embrace Change 记住去抓住机会
        We live in a fast-paced world where things are constantly changing. If you resist change, you might get left behind. Remain flexible and be willing to embrace change. 我们生活在快节奏的世界中,世事变化无常。如果你跟不上变化的步伐,你可能就会落在后面。要记着灵活应变,愿意抓住时机。
        15. Remember to Ask for Help 记着寻求帮助
        Successful people aren’t afraid to ask others for help. Don’t be afraid to seek help from loving, wise, and caring people. 成功人士不怕向他人寻求帮助。不要怕向有爱的人、聪明的人、有关爱之心的人寻求帮助。

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