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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Life is full of experiences and trials that you never saw coming. Sometimes what we expect to happen and the reality of the situation are 2 very different things. Expectations are nice to have. They give you goals, purpose, joy and even something to look forward to, but you have to understand that life happens: you’re not always in control.生活充满不期而遇的经历。有时现实跟我们的期待完全是两码事。期待很美好,给人以目标和快乐,使人有所憧憬,但你得明白:生活并不尽在你的掌控之中。
        Some expectations are good to have and some are unhealthy. Here’s a list of expectations that if you have, you need to change. By changing certain expectations in your life, you are opening yourself up to new experiences, new ways of thinking and even a greater sense of accomplishment that you otherwise could not have received.有些期待很美好,而有些则无益。下面列出应该改变的期待。调整对生活的某些期待,你会迎来新体验和新思维,甚至还能获得前所未有的成就感。
        1. Stop Expecting People to be Perfect:停止期待别人尽善尽美
        If you have this mindset, you will always be disappointed. People will never live up to your expectations. There’s nothing wrong with having high expectations for people, but understand that when they fail, and they will, they still tried. Be understanding and don’t expect perfection.如果你总要求别人做到完美,那你必然一直失望,因为人们永远也不可能达到你的期望。对人有很高的期望其实也无可厚非,但请记住:就算对方没能做到,他们也尽力了。所以请多加体谅,不要苛求完美。
        2. Stop Expecting the Worst from People:停止预料别人糟糕透顶
        On the flip side, if you’re always expecting people to fail, you’re not giving them the chance to succeed. Encourage those around you. Help them, teach them. That’s how they will grow and be able to accomplish hard things.反之,如果你总觉得别人会栽跟头,那等于是在扼杀他们成功的机会。你应该多鼓励他们、帮助他们、指导他们。这样他们才能成长并征服困难。
        3. Stop Expecting People to Pay for You:停止期望别人为你买单
        Your finances are your responsibility. You shouldn’t expect people to pay for your entertainment, your bills or even your groceries. Get in control of your money. Once you have a budget, stick to it. Just because all your friends go out to lunch doesn’t mean you have to. There are differences between needs and wants—if you want something, save up for it; don’t expect your friends or family to pitch in and get it for you.你应该为自己的经济状况负责,不要期望别人请你出去玩、给你买单或付菜钱。管好自己的钱袋,制定预算并坚持执行。朋友全都在外吃饭并不表示你必须跟着去。“需要”和“渴望”是有区别的:如果你渴望什么,那就自己存钱,不要妄想亲友买了送给你。
        4. Stop Expecting Things to Always Go Wrong:停止担忧万事不顺
        Whatever streak of bad luck you may think you’ve been having, you shouldn’t come to expect that out of everything. Learn to stay positive. If you look for the good in things you will find them, and it’s the same with bad things. If your whole focus is on situations never turning out how you want them to, they never will.不管你觉得自己现在有多倒霉,也不要因此意象出无数噩运。学会保持积极乐观。如果你心怀美好,就会发现美好;反之亦然。要是你一心以为一切都不会变成期望的那样,结果还真会事与愿违。
        5. Stop Expecting Fairness in Everything:停止期望一切公平
        Life isn’t always fair. Sometimes you don’t get the recognition or reward for your hard work; that’s just how it is. Learn to be ok with giving something your all and not expecting anything in return.生活并非一直公平。有时你辛勤工作却得不到认可或奖励,事实就是如此。所以要放宽心胸:付出所有,但不要期待任何回报。
        6. Stop Expecting Things to be Easy:停止期望凡事简单容易
        If you only ever do the simplest things, you’ll never do anything great. Life is hard. Trials will come your way that you don’t feel prepared for. But know that you can stay strong and do hard things. Anything worth achieving in life requires hard work, diligence and self-discipline. If you only strive for mediocrity, that’s all you’ll ever be.如果总是挑简单的事做,那你永远成不了大器。生活会在始料不及时考验你,所以你必须挑战困难、保持坚强。世上任何值得拥有的东西都需要付诸努力、勤奋和自律。倘若自甘平庸,那你就会变得庸碌无为。
        7. Stop Expecting Something for Nothing:停止期望不劳而获
        If you don’t put any effort into accomplishing something you want, you’re not going to get the results you desire. If you want to lose weight, you have to make changes by eating healthy and exercising. You can’t eat what you want, when you want and still expect to look amazing. If you want something, then work your hardest to achieve it.若是渴望得到却又不付诸努力,那你绝不会取得期望的成就。想要减肥?那就开始健康饮食、规律运动吧。若还是任着性子乱吃,你永远也不可能变得苗条美丽!若有所渴望,那就全力以赴去争取!
        8. Stop Expecting People to Change:停止期望别人有所改变
        People are habitual. We like things to be constant. It’s comfortable. We can change, but it takes time. If you desire someone else to change, you need to start with yourself. You don’t have the power to change anyone other than yourself, and once you realize that, your life will be a lot happier.人都依恋习惯,喜欢万事固定不变、舒服稳妥。虽然改变也行,但却耗费时间。要是你期望别人有所改变,那就先从改变自己开始吧。你的力量只在于改变自己,而非其他任何人;一旦意识到这点,生活会变得舒心很多。
        9. Stop Expecting People to Drop Everything for You:停止期望别人为你放弃一切
        You’re not the only one who has bad days. Friends and family members should be someone you can count on to help you when life gets hard, but don’t abuse these relationships. Learn to take care of yourself. Being independent is healthy. You shouldn’t have to insist that you do everything on your own, but you don’t want to keep putting your friends and family members in a position that causes them to miss out on important events in their lives because they are helping you.世上不幸的人何止你一个。遭遇坎坷时,固然可以向亲朋好友寻求抚慰,但请不要滥求无度。学会照顾好自己,能够独立才是健康。你当然可以自力更生,而且不要使你的亲友因为帮助你而错失他们自己生活中的重要事情。
        Having expectations is about finding balance in life. You have to know when you’re asking too much and when you can ask for more. It can be hard but we all need to let go of our unrealistic expectations and learn to live a healthier, happier life.有所期待是为了找到生活平衡。你必须清楚自己何时索求太多、何时又可再多点期盼。当然,这点做起来不容易,但我们总得抛开不切实际的期望,努力过上健康快乐的生活吧?

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