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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Today, you will do what you always do. The same activities. The same job. And at the same level of effort. OR… you could push things. You could push yourself to do more.今天你会做之前你一直在做的事情。同样的行为,同样的工作,同样的精力投入。或者,你可以推动事情的发展,你可以推自己一把去做得更多。
        We tend to live in our comfort zones. Most people rarely, if ever, venture outside of theirs. For most, it’s about going through the motions. It is a life of routine, slackness, and minimal effort. Yet, to reach new heights you have to push yourself. You have to do the work. And you have to test your limits.我们都喜欢住在自己的舒适区里。大部分的人很少愿意跳出舒适区去冒险。对于大部分人来说,生活不过是走过场,例行公事、懈怠松弛、投入最少的努力就好。但是如果你想要达到新的高度,你就需要推自己,你必须全力以赴去工作,你必须挑战自己的极限。
        When was the last time you truly exerted yourself?  When did you last test your limits? Here are 8 Reasons To Push Yourself Today:上一次你真正让自己的能力发挥到极致是什么时候?上一次你挑战自己的极限是什么时候?下面是你应该在今天推自己一把的8个原因:
        1. To Leave Your Comfort Zone 离开自己的舒适区
        Go outside of it and see the rest of the world. If you always do the same things, you will always get the same results.走出舒适区看看剩下的这个世界。如果你一直做相同的事情,你只会得到同样的结果。
        2. You Are Stronger Than You Think 你比你想得更强大
        We all have inner strength. Yet, most people never tap that strength. They get conditioned to not exert themselves and live meekly, instead of boldly. You are stronger than you think, make sure you use that strength.我们都有内心的力量,但很多人没有敲打这种力量。他们习惯于不展示自己的能力,习惯于逆来顺受而不是勇敢无畏地生活着。你其实比你想象得更强大,要确保自己有用到这种能量。
        3. To Learn New Things 学习新东西
        The only way to acquire new skills is to try. You may fail the first several times. But, that is how you learn, grow, and ultimately succeed at new endeavors.获得新技能唯一的办法就是去尝试,可能刚开始几次你也许会失败。但只有这样你才能学习和成长,然后你的新努力会最终成功。
        4. To Get in Shape 让自己处于良好状态
        A body at rest stays at rest. Get your body moving, even if it only means taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Take those first steps to getting in shape.休息的身体会一直在休息中。让你的身体动起来,即便这意味着你得去爬楼梯而不是坐电梯,也要去做,这是保持良好状态的前几步。
        5. To Do a Little More 再多做一点
        Push yourself to do more than you did yesterday. Even 5 minutes more of an activity or job can add up over time. What could you do a little more of today?推自己一把,让今天的你比昨天做得稍微多一些。就算是每天多5分钟的行为或工作随着时间的推移也会累积。想想今天你可以多做一点什么?
        6. To Know Yourself了解自己
        When you push yourself, you get to know yourself. In the end, we are only competing against ourselves. It is through exertion and pushing yourself that you will come to know your own limits, beliefs, and strengths.当你推自己的时候,你会更了解自己。毕竟到最后,我们只是在和我们自己竞争。只有充分发挥能力,你才能认识到自己真正的极限、信念和能量。
        7. To Build Momentum 创造动力
        As a body at rest stays at rest, a body in motion stays in motion. Building momentum in one area, will help you accomplish more in all areas of your life.休息的身体会一直在休息中,行动中的身材才能一直保持运动的状态,在某个领域创造动力,可以帮助你在生活中所有的领域完成更多。
        8. To Test Your Limits 挑战你的极限
        Until you push yourself, how will you know how far you can go? It is only by testing your limits that you can determine where they truly are. Of course, next time, you can try to exceed those limits.如果不推自己一把,你怎么能知道自己能走多远?只有测试自己的极限,你才能知道自己的极限真正在那。当然下一次你就可以试着去突破这些极限了。
        Push yourself today. See what you can accomplish beyond what you normally do. 今天推自己一把吧!看看你可以在平常以外完成多少。

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