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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Kindness begets kindness. If you make someone smile, you just might make their day. Would you like to make a positive impact? If so, here are 20 simple ways to make someone happy.有善因就有善果。如果你使某人微笑,你或许就是他们今天快乐的源泉。你愿意做快乐推手吗?如果想,这里有20种简单方法助你成功。
        1. Make Eye Contact and Say “Hello”直视对方并说“你好”
        Don’t be shy! Do this every time you walk past a person at the grocery store, street, or even at work.不要腼腆!无论在杂货店里、街上、还是在工作场所,每次从一个人身边经过时,就这样做。
        2. Call a Friend for No Reason无事相求也要打电话
        Most of us resort to texting these days and save phone calls for when we need something. Surprise a friend with a random phone call and say, “I actually don’t have a reason for calling, I was just wondering how you’re doing?”近来,我们大多数人借助于短信与朋友联系,有事相求时才打电话。拨通朋友的电话,给他/她一个惊喜,告诉他/她说:“我打电话其实没什么事,只是想知道你最近怎么样?”
        3. Send a Thoughtful E-mail发封电子邮件以示关心
        If a co-worker has been talking about something they hope to accomplish (like writing a book or learning a new language), find a helpful article relevant to their goal and send it to them. They will appreciate the thought.如果同事一直说希望做点什么(如:写本书或学一门新语言),找篇相关的好文章,发送给他们。他们将感激你的细心周到。
        4. Offer Baby-Sitting Services帮忙照看孩子
        If you are a trusted friend of a couple who you know is very busy and unable to go out on dates too often, offer to hang out with the kids next weekend so they can escape the house for some much-needed alone time.如果你是一对夫妻信任的朋友,而且你知道他们很忙,不能频繁单独相处,你可以提议下周你来陪孩子们,所以,他们俩人就可以出去享受一下盼望已久的独处时光。
        5.Check Up on Your Mom问候母亲
        You know you don’t call your mother enough and it will make her day, so just do it.你知道你不常给母亲打电话,而你的电话会让她快乐一整天,所以说打就打吧。
        6. Donate Stuff to Charity向慈善机构捐物
        How many of the clothes in your closet do you actually wear? How many toys do your kids really need? Eliminate the clutter from your home and give it to someone who needs it. You can even involve your child in the process so they learn the importance of giving.你衣橱里的衣服很多,实际上你能穿几件?你的孩子们真正需要的玩具又有几件?把家里不用的东西清理出来,送给需要的人。你还可以拉孩子一起参与,让他们了解给予的重要。
        7. Throw a Party举办晚会
        It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, but choose 5-10 of your closest friends and decide on a date that is convenient for all of you. Ask everyone to bring over a single dish or bottle of wine for a fun night of bonding and conversation. 不必事事详尽周到,但要选择5-10个亲近的朋友,确定一个大家都方便的日期。请大家各带一个菜或一瓶酒,一起度过一个畅谈畅饮的快乐夜晚。
        8. Offer Encouragement鼓励
        Do you know a friend who wants to accomplish a big goal in life? Tell them that you believe they can do it and offer your support.你认识希望成就一番事业的朋友吗?告诉他们,你相信他们可以做到,并给予他们支持。
        9. Rally the Troops集结队伍
        If someone in your workplace is having a really hard time because a death in the family or whatever the case may be, take the initiative to get a card and have everyone in the office sign it.如果工作单位里有人正在经历艰难时刻,家中有人去世或其它什么事,主动弄一张问候卡,请办公室的每个人签上名字。
        10. Be Mysterious保持神秘
        Plan a fun night-out with your partner, but don’t inform them of any of the details. You could get tickets to a live play or concert they would enjoy, reserve spots in a dance class, or simply go on a peaceful hike. Explain the proper attire, but don’t tell them the rest. 晚上约爱人出门好好玩一下,但不透露细节。可以是他/她们喜欢的现场表演或音乐会,可以是舞蹈课上的预订位置,还可以是平静的散步。只告诉他/她们怎样着装,不谈其它。
        11. The Forgotten Birthday被遗忘的生日
        We have all forgotten about a birthday of a close friend, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make them happy. Surprise them with a thoughtful gift days or even weeks after the fact. Write a little note saying something like, “I kinda forgot about your birthday and feel like a big goof, but hey, this present more than makes up for it, am I right?”我们大家都忘记了一个好朋友的生日,但这并意味着你不能让他们高兴起来。几天或几星期之后送上一份贴心礼物,给他们一个惊喜。附一张纸条,可以这样说,“我忘了你的生日,感觉像个呆瓜,但是,嘿,这件礼物足以弥补,对吗?”



        12.Write a Thank You Note写封感谢信
        If someone helped you move furniture, land a job or prepare for a big project, write a note expressing your gratitude. Make sure they know that if they ever could use your help, you’d be more than happy to return the favor.如果某人帮你搬家具,找了一份工作或帮你准备了一个大项目,写封信表示感谢。一定让他们知道,如果他们需要你的帮助,你会非常乐意效劳。
        13.Dance the Night Away漫步舞池
        This point is mostly targeted to men because I know a lot of you prefer sitting-on-the-side-lines in the club, but don’t you think your partner might like it if you joined her on the dance floor? Your manhood will not wither away and you are not going to look silly, I promise.这一点主要针对男士,因为你们中大多数喜欢在夜总会里溜边闲坐,但是有没有想过,如果你和她翩翩起舞,她可能更开心呢?我保证,你不会丧失男士气度,而且显得很睿智。
        14. Do Some Chores做家务
        If some friends invited you over for dinner, march over to the sink and start working on the dishes without as much as asking if they could use your help.如果朋友邀请你去家里吃饭,不要多问他们是否需要帮助,主动进厨房洗涮碗碟。
        15. Brew a New Pot冲一壶咖啡
        Walking into the break room is a moment of terror that fills all coffee fiends with dread. Save your co-workers from this nightmare by brewing a new pot if you get the last cup.走进休息室,咖啡瘾君子们唯恐壶中空无一物。如果你喝掉了最后一杯,续一壶新的,免得同事恐慌。
        16. Make ‘em Laugh带给他们欢笑
        Share a funny cartoon at the office. Tell a silly joke to your kids. Go to a stand-up comedy show with your partner.与同事分享一部有趣的卡通片。给孩子讲个笑话。和爱人一起欣赏脱口秀。
        17. Listen倾听
        Do you know someone who is having a really hard time? Ask them if they would like to talk about it and listen without judgment or interruption. Sometimes the greatest gift we can offer is silence and understanding.你认识正在度过难关的某个人吗?问一下他们是否愿意跟你谈谈,不作判断,也不插话,你只是倾听。有时,沉默和理解是你能提供的最伟大的礼物。
        18. Tip Generously慷慨付小费
        Surprise your waiter or waitress with a tip that is far above the norm. If your lunch was $10, you could make their day with $5.付给服务员超出常规的小费,他们会喜出望外。如果花10美元吃午餐,5美元小费可以让他们觉得真幸运。
        19. Put Other People First他人优先
        As soon as you walk inside from work, hug your children, kiss your partner, and/or rub your dog’s belly. These people have missed you all day, so express your love to them before you do anything for yourself.从工作单位一回到家,首先,拥抱孩子,亲吻爱人,摸摸狗狗的肚皮。他们思念了你一整天,所以,在做自己的事情之前,先表达你对他们的爱。
        20. Speak Kind Words甜言蜜语
        Send a text, email, or Facebook comment to a friend just to say they are a wonderful person and you are thankful that they are a part of your life. Even better, give a specific compliment about one of their strongest qualities as a person, like, “I just want you to know that I’m really glad we’re friends. You have a way of making me laugh when I need it the most.”发个短信、邮件,或者在脸谱网上对朋友发表评论:他们多么优秀,感谢他们成为你生活的一部分。甚至还可以做得更好,明确赞赏他们的某一优秀品质,如:“我只想让你知道,我真高兴有你这样的朋友。在我需要放松的时候,你总有办法让我笑。”

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