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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Five years ago, I was miserable and alone. Today, I get paid to do what I love. And I have an amazing family.五年前,我一个人过活,生活凄惨。现在,我有了一份喜欢的工作,而且有一个很棒的家庭。
        It did not happen because of luck. Or because I did my visualizations. It happened because I took practical steps forward each and every day. And in this article, you’ll discover what those steps were.这一切不是因为运气,或是我自己在脑海中臆想。而是因为我每天都采取了实用的步骤来向前进。在这篇文章中,你会了解那些步骤是什么。
        1. Semi-Clarity大体上弄明白
        The first thing you have to get clear on is this: What do you REALLY want? You doní’t have to be crystal clear, but you do want a general idea of where you’re going. If you still can’t answer this question, just start somewhere. If you don’t know where you’re going, it doesn’t matter where you start.你要弄清楚的第一件事:你真正想要什么?你不需要非常清楚,但是要大体知道你要到达什么位置。如果你仍然回答不出这个问题,随便找个地方开始。如果你不知道自己去往何方,那从哪里开始就并不重要。
        You probably have “shoulds” in your life. You should do this. You should do that. Is it what you truly want? What you should do is not important. What you truly want to do is what matters.在你的生活中,你很可能有很多“应该做的事情”。你应该做这件事,你应该做那件事。它是你真正想要的吗?你应该做什么并不重要,你真正想做什么才是重要的。
        Once you make that distinction, and once you’re willing to eliminate what other people think you should do, everything changes. This is your life. And if you want to live the life of your dreams, you have to reclaim your power. You have to take responsibility for your life.一旦你把两者区别开来,一旦你要排除掉别人觉得你应该做的事情,一切都会发生变化。这是你的生活。如果你想要活在自己的梦想里,你必须得重申你的权利。你必须为自己的生活负责。
        2. Embrace Confusion拥抱困惑
        When you’re starting out, you will be confused. I know I was. All I knew was that I wasn’t happy. I was frustrated and I just wanted to hide somewhere with a nice bowl of ice cream with candy on top.开始时,你会感到困惑。我知道我曾经这样过。我知道自己并不开心。我很沮丧,想找个地方藏起来,吃一碗上面带有糖果的冰激凌。
        This confusion happens because you’re embarking on a new journey. It’s a sign that you’re breaking free from your old way of being.这种困惑是因为你正开始一种新的旅程,这是你从旧生活方式中脱离出来的标志。
        It ís like when a butterfly breaks free from its cocoon. At first it seems like the whole world is crashing down, but suddenly, a whole new world opens up. There are wings. There’s freedom. There’s life.就像是蝴蝶从它的茧里飞出来一样。刚开始会觉得整个世界都好像崩溃了,但突然间一个新的世界打开了。有翅膀,有自由,有生活。
        That’s why confusion is not to be avoided, but to be embraced. It is a sign that you’re on the right path.这就是为什么不要去避免而要去拥抱困惑,它是你走在正确道路上的标志。
        3. Mentor/Training导师/培训
        In order to take action when you’re confused, you need someone to guide you. You have to constantly think about what you can do. And what your next smallest step is.要想在困惑时采取行动,你需要有人来指导你。你必须不断去想自己能做什么事情。你的下一个最小的步骤是什么。
        This could be a book, a training course, or even a mentor. But whatever you do, pick one source of information. Do not become an information junkie. It is another form of procrastination. If you want to create your dream life, you have to move forward.可以是一本书、一门培训课程、甚至一个导师。但是无论你做什么,选择一个信息源,不要对信息上瘾。那是拖延症的另一种形式。如果你想创造出自己的梦想生活,你必须要向前进。
        4. Action行动
        Action is key. People talk about visualization and the law of attraction, which is fine, but it won’t get you what you want. Things will not magically manifest in your life unless you take action.行动是关键。人们谈论视觉化和吸引力法则,这很好,但是它不会给你你想要的东西。很多东西不会魔法般地在你的生活中出现,除非你采取行动。
        It is only when you take action, when you commit, that things will start to happen. When you show you are willing to do this, that’s when your life will change. Jump and the support net will appear beneath you.只有当你采取行动、当你去做时,事情才会发生。当你表示出你愿意做这件事时,你的生活就会发生变化。当你跳起来时,支撑网就会在你下面出现。



        So, what did I do? I focused on my next smallest step. I was confused, and I still am from time to time, but I just focused on what I needed to do next. I’ve built a successful online business around my passion. When I was building it, all I did was focus on my next smallest step.那么我做了什么事情?我把注意力集中在下一个最小的步骤上。我困惑过,现在也时不时地会迷茫,但我只是把注意力集中在下一步我需要做的事情上。我凭热情建立了一个成功的在线业务。当我建立它时,我所做的事情就是把注意力集中在下一个最小的步骤上。
        5. Commitment承诺
        I believe one of the most important factors of my success was my commitment to making it work.我相信我成功的最主要的一个因素是我承诺要成功。
        I stopped looking for permission. I took back my power and I used what I had to get the results I needed. I committed to what I was doing. I no longer looked for permission to do anything. I just did it.我不再寻求别人的同意。我收回我的权利,我用已有的东西来得到需要的结果。我对自己正在做的事情进行了承诺。我做任何事情都不再寻找别人的同意,我就是去做。
         You have to commit to what you are doing. It ís not about maybe achieving your dreams. It’s about making it happen. You either do it or you die trying. It’s not a question of if, but a question of WHEN.你必须对自己所做的事情进行保证。不是因为这样可能实现你的梦想。而是因为这样能让它发生。要么去做,要么一直努力尝试。不是如果的问题,而是何时的问题。
        6. Proper Expectations恰当期望
        Most people give up before they see the first sign of success. That’s why you need to have the proper expectations.大部分人在看到成功的第一个信号前就放弃了。这就是为什么你就需要有恰当的期望。
        You cannot expect to live the lifestyle you want in 6 months. There are a lot of products promising you that, but that’s just marketing hype.你不可能在6个月内过上你想要的生活。有很多产品对你这样承诺过,但是那只是营销骗局。
        Ignore it. And embrace reality. This will take longer than you expect, but shorter than you fear. And besides, who cares how long it takes? Are you going to give up on your dreams and live the rest of your life in regret? That’s unacceptable.忽视它,拥抱现实,这会比你预想的时间要长,但是比你害怕的时间要短。此外谁关心到底花了多长时间?你准备放弃梦想让自己余生在悔恨中度过吗?我无法接受这样的命运。
        7. Excuse Management借口管理
        And finally, you have to fine-tune your internal bullshit detector.最后,你得对自己的借口探测器进行微调。
        You will have excuses. We all have reasons for why we can't do something. But if you truly want results, you have to get proficient at swiping your excuses to the side.你会找很多借口。当我们不能做某些事情时,我们都有很多理由。但如果你真正地想要结果,你就必须能熟练地把借口甩到一边。
        In the end, the difference between those living their dreams, and those who are just getting by, is their mindset. They are unwilling to put up with the excuses their mind makes. These are just thoughts, merely suggestions from your mind.最后,那些过着自己梦想生活的人和那些只是混日子的人之间的区别就在于他们的心态。他们不愿意忍受他们所想出来的借口。这些只是想法,只是你大脑的建议。
        You can make your wildest dreams come true. Will it be scary? Hell yes. Will it take a long time? It will take the time it takes. Will it be worth it? More than you can imagine.你可以让自己最疯狂的梦想成真。会可怕吗?当然了。会花很长时间吗?该花多长时间就花多长时间。会值得吗?比你想象得要值。
        But most people never do what they truly want. They end up looking back at the end of their lives wishing theyíd done more. The truth is that the path to your dreams starts with one step. And you can take that step today. 但是大部分人都从不做他们真正想要做的事情。他们在生命结束之际回首往事时,希望自己做了更多的事情。事实上,通往梦想的道路从第一步开始。今天你就可以迈出这一步。

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