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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        It’s always fun to do something new, but often we fall into the trap of spending our weekends the same way. If you’re stuck in the same old routine, it might be time to try something new. No ideas? I’m here to help! Check out this list of 30 new things to do today and pick one (or more!) and try it out. Everything listed is something you can easily do no matter where you live, and even on a tight budget! Try out one of these 30 new things today, you’ll be happy you did.我们都知道尝试新事物的乐趣,但却又往往落入生活日复一日的窠臼,每周末都过得一样。如果你的生活也被固定在日复一日的循环模式里,也许是时候该尝试些新事物了。没有主意?让我来帮助你!看看下列从今天起可以尝试的三十件新事物,选择其一(或者多个!)并实施行动。如下每一件事情都是你可以轻易办到的,无论你身居何处,也无需高成本。今天就尝试如下30件新事物中的一件,你会为你的新尝试感到高兴。
        Try Out These 30 New Things To Do Today从今天起尝试如下30件新鲜事:
        1. Visit a suburb in your city that you’ve never been to before, or somewhere you haven’t exploredmuch.到你所在城市中未去过的郊区地带出游,或者去你不曾经常探访之地。
        2. Learn ten phrases in a new language–what about Japanese, Italian or Portuguese?学习一门新语言中的十个词组——不如试试日语、意大利语或葡萄牙语?
        3. Listen to a genre of music you haven’t tried before–perhaps Jazz, Punk or Blues?欣赏一下你未曾涉略的音乐类型——比如爵士、朋克或者蓝调。
        4. Have a picnic in your local park complete with a packed lunch and your animal friends.整装出发去当地一家公园野餐——带上你的午餐盒和宠物们。
        5. Start a daily journal to write your thoughts in.开始写日记,记录自己每日所思。
        6. Try a new cuisine–what about French, Lebanese or Korean?试着做一种异国料理——比如法国料理、黎巴嫩料理或韩国料理。
        7. Visit your local library and borrow some books for the weekend.参观本地图书馆,借几本书作为周末的消遣。
        8. Plant some flowers in your garden. If you don’t have one, try an indoor potted plant.在你的花园里种点花儿,如果你没有花园的话,可以选择室内盆栽。
        9. Visit a local museum or art gallery and view their latest exhibition.参观一所当地博物馆或画廊,欣赏其中最新的展品。
        10. Learn a new skill–what about sewing, gardening or cooking? You’ll be surprised what you can learn in an afternoon.学习一种新技能——比如缝纫、园艺或烹饪——你会惊喜的发现一个下午大有收获。
        11. Say hello to a neighbor you don’t usually talk to.向一位你不熟识的邻居问好。
        12. Make a card for a friend and send it to them with a handwritten note.亲笔填写一张卡片并寄给朋友。
        13. Learn how to cook a new dish for dinner. We all get tired of eating the same thing, why not try making something new?学做一道晚餐餐桌上的新菜品——我们都吃厌了相同的菜式了,何不尝试点新鲜的呢?
        14. Re-read an old favorite book. Don’t leave it gathering dust on your book shelf; get it out and read it all over again.把你最喜欢的藏书拿出来重读一遍。别把它搁置在书架上积灰尘,拿出来好好再读一遍。
        15. Research the culture of a different country online–what about India, Guatemala or Sweden?通过网络研究一种异国文化——比如印度文化,危地马拉文化或瑞典文化。
        16. Go for a walk or bicycle ride around your neighborhood.徒步或骑自行车在社区周边转转。
        17. Watch a classic film like Casablanca, The Godfather or The Wizard of Oz.观看一部经典影片,比如《卡萨布兰卡》《教父》或者《绿野仙踪》。
        18. Make a photo album of a recent holiday you took. Don’t let your memories get lost on your computer hard drive; make a special keepsake album of your trip.制作一本影集记录你的最近一次度假。不要让记忆留在电脑硬盘上等着被你遗忘——把它们留在一个专门的旅游影集里。
        19. Visit your local farmers markets and pick out some fresh produce. Farmers markets are full of delicious fresh fruit, veggies and more. Find your local market and take a visit.游览一下当地的农贸市场并挑选一些新鲜瓜果。农贸市场里会有很多新鲜可口的水果、蔬菜等等。在地图上找到你当地的农贸市场然后去游览一番。
        20. Plan a day trip to somewhere outside your city–it might be the seaside, mountains or another city!计划出城一日游——你可以去海边、登山 或参观另一个城市。
        21. Check out what community events are running in your area and attend one.查查当地最近有什么社区集会并参加一个。
        22. Make a birthday present for a friend. Handmade gifts are personal and much more special than anything you could buy from a store.为朋友制作一份生日礼物。自制的礼物更个性化,比你在商店买的任何礼品都珍贵。
        23. Attend a play at your local theater. Support your local theater and have a fun night out at the same time.观看一场当地剧院的演出。此举既可以支持当地文化建设,又不失为一种娱乐方式。
        24. Volunteer with your local nature conservation society to plant some trees. Conservation societies are always looking for helping hands; do your bit and plant some trees.作为志愿者参与当地环保组织的植树活动。环保组织总会需要更多的援手,你可以参加他们的植树活动,供献一份力量。
        25. Be a tourist in your own city and visit all the popular tourist sites you’ve likely never been to (don’t forget your camera!)在自己居住的城市,把自己变成游客,参观一下你未去过的旅游名胜(别忘了带上相机哦)。
        26. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to recently and have a good long chat.给一个近来没联系过的朋友打电话,美美的长谈一番。
        27. Put on your favorite song and dance your heart out. You might be surprised at how much fun you have!播放一首最爱的歌尽情舞动,你会惊讶地发现自己有多开心。
        28. Invite some friends over for a BBQ. There’s nothing better than an afternoon spent with good friends and good food.邀请一些朋友来自助烧烤。三五好友、吃吃喝喝、一个下午,妙哉妙哉。
        29. Try out a new form of exercise like Pilates, tennis or swimming.尝试一种新运动,比如普拉提、网球或者游泳。
        30. Organize a clothing swap with your friends. You’ll have a great time, and save some cash and the environment all at the same time!和朋友一起举办一场换衣大会。你会很享受其过程,而且省钱又环保。
        Now that you’ve read my list of 30 new things to try today, my question for you is, “what new things will you try today?”现在你已经读完了我列出的30件新鲜事的清单了,我想问你的是,“你今天想尝试哪一件新鲜事呢?”

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