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10大原因告诉你 你其实很有魅力!









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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Before you read any further, will you do me a quick favor? Find a mirror, take a look at yourself, and pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that run through your head. Don’t feel silly. It’s okay. And I’ll still be here when you get back (promise). 在你阅读这篇文章之前,你能帮我个小忙吗?找个镜子看着自己,把注意力集中在你脑海中的想法和感觉上。不要觉得这样做很傻。没关系的。当你回来时我还会在这里的。(我保证)
        Done? Let’s continue. How did that feel? Did your brain think positive thoughts like, “I look super cute today!” or did you put yourself down because you hate your thighs, hips, arms, or (insert body part here)? If I had to guess, I imagine most of you put yourselves down. 做完了?那我们继续吧。你觉得怎么样?你的大脑中的想法是不是积极的,如“今天我看上去超级可爱!" 还是你让自己不开心了,因为你不喜欢你的大腿、臀部、胳膊或身体的其他部分?如果让我来猜的话,我觉得大部分的人都会让自己不开心的。
        What you see in your reflection has a lot more to do with how you perceive yourself than how others perceive you. We are all guilty of beating ourselves up, so to encourage a healthy dose of self-love, I made a list of 10 reasons why you are attractive (yes, I’m talking to you!). 你在镜子中看到的自己,更多的是你如何看待自己,而不是别人怎么看你。我们都在打击自己,所以为了鼓励大家来点儿健康的自爱,我列出了一个清单,列出了你为什么有吸引力的10个原因。(是的,我在对你说!)
        1. You care你关心他人
        You can’t put a price tag on genuine care and concern. Imagine all of the lives you have touched by the simple act of caring. There are few things more attractive than compassion.真正的关怀和爱护是不能用价格来衡量的。想象一下你那简单的关心感动了多少生命。很少有事情比富有同情心更具吸引力。
        2. You have strength of character你很坚强
        No matter what life throws at you, you keep moving forward. No matter how many times you fall down, you keep getting back up. No matter how many struggles you face, you stand firm. Your strength to keep on living and stay true to yourself speaks highly of your character.无论生活如何对你,你都一直继续前进。无论你跌倒了多少次,你都重新站起来。无论你面对多少困难,你都很坚强。你继续生活下去的力量和相信自己都是你性格的优点。
        3. Your hair is gorgeous (and fun to play with)你的头发很美(也很好玩)
        Blonde, black, brown, red, yellow, pink, or polka-dotted? Doesn’t matter. Long and luxurious, suave and styled, short and sweet, spiked like a punk? All good. Maybe you don’t even have hair, and that’s okay too, because then your head will be all soft and smooth!金发、黑发、棕发、红发、黄发、粉发或用圆点装饰?都没关系。华丽的长发?温文尔雅且非常时尚?还是甜美的短发?朋克风格?都挺好。也许你没头发,这也没关系,因为那样你的头会很软很滑!
        4. Your smile makes me smile你的微笑让我微笑
        There is nothing more attractive than a genuine smile. Show your pearly whites because happiness is contagious.没什么东西比真正的微笑更吸引人了。把你洁白的牙齿露出来吧,因为快乐是传染的!
        5. Mmmmm, brains…嗯,头脑......
        Your wit tickles my brain’s fancy. Your unquenchable thirst for knowledge is uber attractive.你的机智勾起了我的兴趣。你对知识永无止境的渴求相当有吸引力。
        6. You are fascinated with the world你对这个世界很着迷
        Curiosity about the world and everything in it is a super attractive trait. The ceaseless asking of the question “Why?” means you will never run out of things to learn about, read about, and talk about.对这个世界及世界里东西的好奇心是个相当吸引人的特点。无止境地询问“为什么” 意味着你不会缺少学习、阅读和谈论的东西。
        7. Giggle, giggle, giggle, snort!咯咯笑、咯咯笑、咯咯笑、哼!
        Laughing is one of the best calorie-burning activities ever. Keep sharing giggles with everyone you come across because there is already enough darkness in the world. Be a source of light instead.大笑是最消耗卡路里的活动。继续和你遇到的人分享笑容吧,因为这世界已经够黑暗的了。争取成为一个光源。
        8. Respect尊敬
        Debating about things like politics and religion can grow our perspective and help us see where other people are coming from. But your ability to treat people equally no matter how different from you they may be is an attractive quality that shows you are worthy of respect.对政治和宗教的争论可以开阔我们的视角,帮我们了解其他人的基本想法。但是无论别人是什么样子你都能平等对待,这一点儿很有吸引力,显示出你是个值得尊敬的人。
        9. You give thanks你表达谢意
        Your gratefulness shows that you appreciate the people who help you and the blessings in your life. If we can’t be thankful for what we do have, what makes us think obtaining what we don’t have will make us feel any better? Your thankfulness is incredibly attractive. 你的感激之情显示出你对帮助你的人和你生命中的祝福心存感激。如果我们不能对已有的东西有感激之情,那怎么会让我们觉得获得没有的东西会让我们变得更好?你的感激之情是相当具有吸引力的。
        10. You are who you are你就是你自己
        There is nothing more attractive than a person who is 100% comfortable in his or her skin. Love your body. Be unapologetic about who you are. Walk with confidence. Hug yourself because you are beautiful. Love yourself because you are wonderful. Smile because you deserve it.没有什么比做自己更有吸引力的了。爱护你的身体,就做你自己,走路充满信心,拥抱自己,因为你很美。爱自己,因为你很了不起。微笑,因为这是你应得的。
        I hope you enjoyed this list of 10 reasons why you are attractive and I would be thrilled if you would leave a comment with something you love about yourself. That could be a favorite feature of your body, a personality trait you think is neat, or a character strength that helps you succeed. Let’s hear it!我希望你会喜欢为什么你有吸引力的这10个原因。如果你评论一下你喜欢自己的哪些方面,那我会很激动的。这可以是你最喜欢的身体的哪个特征、你认为好的个性或帮你成功的性格等方面。让我们来听听吧!

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