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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Some days nothing goes your way.倒霉的时候,事情偏偏不如意。
        Some days just don’t cooperate.倒霉的时候,行船也遇顶头风。
        Everything seems to be out-of-order.倒霉的时候,一切都乱七八糟、毫无头绪。
        From your first step out of bed things go wrong.倒霉的时候,一睁眼就万事不利。
        Ever have one of those days where nothing goes right? Your clothes aren’t clean. Traffic is horrible. You spill your coffee. You arrive late to work, only to discover that you left something at home. From the first thing you do, everything seems to go sideways. 有没有遇过喝凉水都塞牙的时候?衣服沾上污迹,交通堵塞,洒了咖啡,上班迟到,好不容易赶到办公室却又发现重要文件忘家里了。反正不管做什么,就是没一次顺心的。
        How do you stay productive when nothing is going your way? How do you get things back on track when nothing seems to be going your way?倒霉时又该怎样保持效率呢?倒霉时怎样才能让一切恢复正常呢?
        You can fold and surrender to the day. Or you can get back on your feet and decide that you are going to have a good day no matter what transpires.你完全可以破罐子破摔,但你也可以选择振作起来,决定不管发生什么都去积极应对。
        When things aren’t going your way, it’s your choice to give up or turn things around. Sometimes it is that choice that makes the difference between a bad day and one that is productive. 凡事不顺心时,放弃或逆袭都在你一念之间。有时也正是这瞬间的选择决定了倒霉时的效率高低。
        Here are 9 Ways to Be Productive When Everything is Going Wrong:以下9个方法有助于你在倒霉时仍然维持效率:
        Bring a Positive Attitude保持积极态度
        A positive attitude can make all the difference. It can take a bad situation and turn it around, sometimes as fast as you can smile.态度决定一切。积极的态度甚至能在你微笑的瞬间化困境为机遇。
        Put It in Perspective三思而后行
        There are very few true emergencies in life. No how bad your day is going, keep in mind that it probably doesn’t mean much in the big scheme of things. Don’t over react to trivial happenings.生活中真正十万火急的事情并不多见。不管你现在多么倒霉,也要记住:从大局来看,这些或许根本不算什么。别抱着鸡毛蒜皮的小事诉苦不已。



        Change Tactics改变策略
        If things aren’t working, it’s time to change the game. If you are being too serious, lighten up. If you are holding on too tightly, it may be time to try a lighter touch.如果此路不通,或许就该换个方向。总是一本正经?试着明朗一点吧!凡事太过计较?何不放宽心胸呢?
        Laugh It Up一笑而过
        Sometimes you just have to laugh at life. And laugh at yourself. Laughing at the situation can be the first step in reversing the negative tone of your day.有时确实只能一笑而过,自我解嘲、笑看困境,这样或许反倒能扫走霉运。
        Don’t Give Up永不放弃
        As the saying goes, it’s not about how many times you get knocked down… it’s about how many times you get back up. Don’t let life’s happenings and petty frustrations stop you.常言道:“重要的不是你被打倒了多少次,而是你能屡败屡战。”所以,别因生活中的小挫折而轻言放弃。
        Do Something Else做点其他事情
        If you aren’t able to get one thing done, try doing something else. A change of task can get you back on track and clear your head. Circle back to the frustrating task later and you might just see the solution from a different vantage point.如果这件事无法搞定,那就先做别的事情吧。换个任务还能清醒清醒头脑。以后再处理难搞的任务,或许就能柳暗花明。
        Get Some Help寻求帮忙
        Don’t let your pride prevent you from asking for help. There is a time and a place to call for backup. Reach out to someone you trust to help you past that obstacle.不要自尊心太强,羞于启齿寻求帮助。总归会有得到帮助的时候或地方,不妨请信得过的人帮你渡过难关。
        Don’t Get Mad, Get Motivated别抓狂,要积极行动
        Complaining doesn’t get anything done. Neither does blind rage. Getting mad doesn’t help. Instead, channel that energy into action to get things done.抱怨一无是处,盲目抓狂也不是办法。与其发火动怒,不如把精力花在积极行动上。
        Focus on One Thing一次只做一件事
        Often when things are going awry it is because we are multi-tasking or dividing our attention. Instead, focus on the one thing that is most important to get done.有时事情变得乱七八糟,只是因为我们三心二意、同时处理多个任务罢了。因此,最好一次只专心做好一件事。
        We all have days when we want to just to give up until tomorrow. The key is to keep going. Turn it around. Sometimes, adversity can be a great motivator. Let it drive you from frustration to success when you are having a bad day.谁都遇到过倒霉透顶、灰心丧气的时候。这时,最重要的就是不放弃不抛弃,努力扭转逆境。何况,有时逆境也能催生成功。下次倒霉时,试试以上方法,化困境为成功吧!

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