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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        There are so many things I wish I had known while growing up. No one ever tells you the hard truths of life. Maybe it’s because they can’t stomach it, or maybe it’s because they think it’s just something you have to experience firsthand to understand. Here are twenty things nobody told you while growing up that would’ve been nice to know beforehand:真希望我在成长时能知道这些事情,可惜没人告诉过我生活的无情现实。或许是因为他们也无法忍受,抑或在他们看来,一切都得靠自己经历领悟。下面这20个道理没人在你成长时告诉过你,现在我希望你能提前明白:
        1. You’re Going to Spend A Lot of Time Figuring Stuff Out你要花很多时间才能搞明白某些事情
        Unless you’re one of the lucky few who already knows what their passion is and what you really enjoy, you will be spending a lot of time trying new things and figuring out what you’re good at and what you like. Don’t be afraid to try new things and fail at them; failing builds character. You have a lot of growing up to do in your 20s, a lot of self-examination and exploration. Use this time wisely to get to know yourself as best as you can–not that you won’t change as you continue to get older, but it’s definitely a time of discovery, getting to know oneself and what you want in this world and what you have to contribute to the world.除非你是极少数的幸运儿,一早清楚自己的所向所往,否则你会花很长时间一直尝试,直到最终明白自己擅长什么又喜欢什么。别害怕尝试和失败;失败塑造性格。20几岁时,你有许多成长机会,会经历无数次反省和探索。所以,请理智把握这段时光,尽力了解自己——因为年纪再大些后,你基本就定型了。这个阶段,你需要去发现并了解自我,弄清楚自己想要什么、能为这个世界贡献什么。
        2. Don’t Expect Smooth Seas别指望一帆风顺
        There will be many challenges, obstacles and curve balls swung your way. Just try to take life as it comes. Don’t fight against the current because you’ll just wear yourself out. If there’s a door that is standing wide open for you and another that you’re trying to get through by knocking it down, sometimes it’s best to take the door that’s already open for you. In other words don’t try to be someone/something you’re not.成长途中会遇到无数挑战、障碍和挫折,这时请顺其自然。若逆流而上,你只会精疲力竭。如果面前有两扇门:一扇门迎面敞开,另一扇门却紧闭待敲;那最好选择已经敞开的那扇门。也就是说,不要试图成为有悖于自我的其他人。
        3. Learn About Personal Finance Now现在就学会个人理财
        Learn how to budget and manage your money, how to open a checking/savings account, and how to use credit wisely and live within your means. Your future self will thank you for it. Buy quality items you can keep around for a long time to come, not cheap crap that breaks that you’ll have to buy again in a year. Invest in yourself, your education, your personal improvement, your health and your relationships to others.学会预算开支,设立储蓄账户,在力所能及的范围内理智使用信用卡。以后你会受益匪浅。买持久耐用的高质量产品,而不是那种每年都得更换的低档货。为个人成长、教育、健康及人际关系进行投资。
        4. Assume Change Will Come相信何时都会改变
        Life is about change; don’t fight it and just go with it. Learn from your mistakes and grow. Let go of things you can’t change. Sometimes change will be so painful you will want to rip your heart out, but you’ll be okay if you just hang on and know that no matter what happens, you will be alright. Win, lose or draw, life will go on and you’ll get another chance to start your life over if things haven’t gone according to plan.生活就是改变;与其抗拒,不如接受。从错误中吸取教训并获得成长。若无力改变事情,那就请放手。有时改变令人痛苦、心碎不堪;但只要坚持相信“不管怎样,一切都会安好”,你便能闯过去。不论输赢还是平局,生活总会继续;倘若事与愿违,总还有机会重新开始。
        5. Keep Your Plans Loose计划要宽松灵活
        Speaking of plans, keep them loose and flexible. It’s good to have an idea of things you want to accomplish and where you want to be a couple years down the road, but honestly no one knows what’s going to happen tomorrow, let alone 5 years from now. It’s fine to make some plans but be flexible and willing to change them. Remember that people change and things happen that will push you in one direction or another. Don’t waste time beating yourself up because your plans didn’t go the way you wanted. Don’t worry about things you can’t change; focus on making new plans/goals and where you will go from here.计划要宽松灵活。你清楚自己想要什么、几年后要实现什么样的目标,这无可厚非;但说实话,谁也不能保证明天会怎样,更别提5年后了。制定目标虽好,但不可太死板,而应保持灵活可变。请记住:人变物变,到时候说不定你也会改变方向。不要因为事情没有完全按照计划实施就万般苛责自己;不要为自己无法改变的事情纠结;立足当下,专心制定新的计划和目标吧。
        6. Time Is a Limited Resource时间是有限资源
        Nothing lasts forever. Enjoy every moment that you have. Enjoy life and practice being present in the moment because it goes by extremely fast. There will be both good and bad times. The bad thing about up is there’s always a down. It’s important to really enjoy and savor the good moments in life because you’ll need those memories to reflect back on when the bad times come. The first 10 years after high school go by at a breakneck speed and before you know it you’re 28 and wondering how the time has escaped you.世事无永恒。享受当下拥有的每一刻。享受生活、珍惜此时此刻吧,因为时光快如白驹过隙。生活总是有喜有悲、有起有落。珍惜生活中的美好时光,当不幸降临时,你还能拥有美好的回忆。高中毕业后的10年过得非常快,眨眼你就到了28岁,诧异这时间到底是怎么飞逝而过的。
        7. Life is Hard生活是残酷的
        When you’re a teenager, you’re just at the beginning of your life’s lessons. Life is the toughest teacher you will ever have. “Life is a cruel teacher. She gives the test first, then the lesson.” Life will throw everything that it can at you; it will try to break you and choke you until you can’t breathe, but you can’t let it.青春年少的你现在才刚刚开始人生历程。生活是最严峻的老师。“生活是严师,先设考验,后给教训。”生活会想方设法为难你:它打击你、压抑你,直到你无法呼吸。但你决不能让它得逞。
        8. You’re Only Young Once青春稍纵即逝
        Enjoy being young while you are still young! Enjoy being young as much as possible. Enjoy the metabolism and the fun times. Cross stuff off your bucket list while you’re young because no one knows how much time you truly have. Don’t wait until you’re old and can’t or may not be able to do the things you really want to experience. Seriously, you may be broke while you’re young, but that doesn’t matter. You’ve got time to make money and settle down. Travel, explore and do what your heart desires now. You can still get married, have children and a household and career starting in your 20s if you want, but you should try to balance your life with equal amounts of responsibility and fun. The last thing you want to do is look back on missed chances.趁着年轻赶紧享受吧!尽情享受青春时光,经历成长、感受快乐。趁着年轻赶紧实现你的愿望清单,因为时间稍纵即逝。不要等老了无法去做时才追悔莫及。或许,年轻的你一穷二白,但那又怎样,你还年轻,总有时间挣钱安家置业。现在,你应该去旅行、去探索、去追寻内心的渴望。只要你想,你也可以在20几岁时结婚生子、成家立业;但你也可以尝试平衡生活,在担负责任的同时也能找点乐趣。最不该的就是任由机会流逝空悲切。
        9. Make Your Health a Priority, Not an Option健康是必选,不是可选
        Once you get into your late 20s and early 30s your body is going to start losing metabolism and energy. You’re going to start going to bed earlier. Start eating better and exercising. Don’t think of it as a choice. Start developing a healthier lifestyle and soon it will become habit. Take care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.一旦到了二十大几、三十出头,人体新陈代谢就会变慢,精力也会慢慢下降。你会变得容易疲倦,必须早些上床睡觉;你要开始健康饮食、规律运动。不要觉得这些可有可无。开始尝试健康的生活方式,很快就会养成习惯。不论是生理还是心理,都请照顾好自己。
        10. Attitude Determines Your Altitude态度决定高度
        Attitude is everything and that’s not something they teach you in school. Having a good attitude can make all the difference in your life. It makes life easier and happier when you have a positive outlook and are able to keep your attitude light and flexible when dealing with other people and with life’s challenges.态度决定一切。这里的态度不同于你在学校学到的东西。良好的态度能让生活与众不同。如果你积极乐观,与人交往或 面对困难时能灵活自如,生活也会变得更舒畅更开心。

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