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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Who said that there had to be an absolute answer for each and every question? Sometimes the ability to ask yourself questions’ an act to challenge yourself and help you to be a better person. Try the following questions that may change your life.谁说每一个问题都必须有一个确切的答案?有时,问自己问题能挑战自己并帮助自己成为一个更好的人。试问一下下列可能改变你一生的问题。
        1.Are you doing what you truly want to do?你正在做你真正想做的事吗?
        2.Do you have a dream to follow?你有想要追随的梦想吗?
        3.Are you proud of what you’re doing or what you’ve done?对自己正在做的或者已经完成的事感到骄傲吗?
        4.How many promises you have made and how many of them you have fulfilled?你做出过多少承诺?其中兑现了多少?
        5.What’s the one thing you really want to do but have never done so, and why?有没有一件事你真的想做但却从没有做过?为什么?
        6.Have you ever failed anyone who you loved or loved you?你曾失信于你爱的人或者爱你的人吗?
        7.Will you take a shot if the chance of failure and success is 50-50?当成功和失败的概率相等时,你会做尝试吗?
        8.If you could travel to the past in a time machine, what advice would you give to the 6-year-old you?如果你可以通过时光机回到过去,你将会对6岁的你提什么建议呢?
        9.Will you break the rules because of something/someone you care about?你会为关心的某件事或某个人打破规矩吗?
        10.Have you ever abandoned a creative idea that you believed because others thought you were a fool?你曾经因为别人认为你是个白痴而放弃过一个你认为有创意的想法吗?
        11.What would you prefer? Stable but boring works or interesting works with lots of workload?你更喜欢哪种?稳定不过无聊的工作还是有趣但工作量大的工作呢?
        12.Are you afraid of making mistakes even though there’s no punishments at all?你害怕犯错误么,就算根本没有处罚?
        13.If you would clone yourself, which of your characteristics you wouldn’t want to be cloned?如果你可以克隆一个自己,性格里的哪一点你不想被克隆?
        14.What’s the difference between you and most of the other people?你跟其他大多数人有什么区别?
        15.Are you making some influences on the world or constantly being influenced by the world?是你在对世界造成影响还是世界在影响着你?
        16.The thing you cried for last time, does it matter to you now or will it matter to you 5 years later?上一件令你哭泣的事现在还对你有影响吗?五年后呢?
        17.Is there anything you can’t let go of but you know you should?有没有什么事你理应释怀但却无法释怀?
        18.Do you remember anyone you hated 10 years ago? Does it matter now?10年前憎恨的人如今你还记得吗?现在还憎恨吗?
        19.Which makes you happier, to forgive someone or to hate someone forever?哪一件事让你更高兴?原谅某人还是记恨他一辈子?
        20.What are you worrying about and what’s the difference if you stop worrying about it?你正在担忧些什么?如果停止忧虑,你的状态会有什么差异?
        21.If you’d die now, would you have any regrets?如果你现在就死了,会有什么遗憾吗?
        22.Which one would you prefer, having a luxurious trip alone or having a picnic with people you love?你更喜欢哪个?一个人的奢华旅行,还是和爱的人一起野餐?
        23.Who do you admire and why?你崇拜谁?为什么?
        24.Is there anyone who inspired you and made you who you are today?有没有一个人激励了你让你变成今天这样?
        25.What’s the thing you’re most satisfied with?你对什么事情最为满意?
        26.When was the last time you laughed and what did you laugh at?上一次你大笑是什么时候?你笑的是什么?
        27Are you doing anything which makes you and people around you happy?你正在做什么让你和身边的人高兴吗?
        28.Is there anyone who you love or loves you?有没有一个你爱或者爱你的人?
        29.When was the last time you really talked with your parents/family?上一次你好好与家人交谈是什么时候?
        30.If happiness is a currency, how rich do you think you are?如果幸福是钱,你认为自己现在多富有?
        31.If today’d be the end of the world, what’d you do?如果今天是世界末日,你会做什么?

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