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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        We are all naturally passionate at some point in our lives. We all start out that way at least. Most children contain the energy and love of life that sums up the spirited. Unfortunately, as life takes its toll, some of us lose our passion. Here are 10 habits to help infuse your life with intensity again.自然,每个人在生活中的某些时刻都有过热情,或者至少刚开始是充满热情的吧。大部分小孩都精力充沛,对生活充满热爱之情。可惜,随着生活消极面的出现,有些人渐渐变得冷漠起来。那么,请看下面10个习惯,让你的生活再次充满热情吧。
        1. Passionate people are doers.热情的人是行动派。
        “Passion is the genesis of genius.” – Tony Robbins“热情成就天才。”——托尼托尼·罗宾斯罗宾斯
        While passionate people often enjoy talking a mile a minute about what excites them, they back up their claims with action. Bring on the blood, sweat, and tears! The devoted will do whatever it takes to accomplish their dreams.热情的人喜欢滔滔不绝谈论令自己兴奋的事情,更喜欢通过行动来兑现自己的言论。尽情拼搏、挥洒汗水吧!为了实现梦想,热情的人愿意付出一切。
        2. Passionate people are excited.热情的人情绪高昂。
        “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey“热情是能量,是一种能让你专注于喜爱的事情上的力量。”——奥普拉·温弗瑞
        Passion is contagious! It’s hard to be around a fiery person and not get swept away in their excitement, even if it’s about something that you never thought could interest you. Passionate people live every day with the anticipation of great things.热情是可以传染的!如果身边有个热情似火的人,你很难不被他感染——哪怕你本以为自己绝不会对他说的事情感兴趣。热情的人每天都充满了对伟大事情的展望。
        3. Passionate people are courageous.热情的人充满勇气。
        “Chase your passion, not your pension.” – Denis Waitley“追寻你的热情吧,别光想着养老金。”——丹尼斯·怀特尼
        Passionate people are willing to do anything to get the job done. They face their fears head-on because they are committed to eliminate anything that holds them back from what they most desire.为了完成工作,热情的人愿意做任何事。面对困难,他们只会勇往直前;为了得到最渴望的东西,他们决意要消灭任何拦路虎。
        4. Passionate people are positive.热情的人乐观向上。
        “Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel“世上任何卓越的成就都缺不了热情。”——黑格尔
        Passionate people often don’t hang out with negative people. They come to value positivity in themselves and others, and don’t have time to entertain failure long. They have the ability to bounce back from setbacks quickly without losing enthusiasm. After all, they didn’t really fail, they just learned one more way to avoid attempting their mission. They still have thousands of attempts still untested.热情的人一般不会跟消极的人做朋友。他们很看重自己及他人的乐观精神,不会把时间耗在失败上。遇到挫折时,他们仍会保持积极乐观,尽快找到出路。而且,他们并不觉得那是失败,挫折只告诉他们某种方法无法实现目标罢了,但还有很多其他方法可以尝试啊。
        5. Passionate people strive to be their best.热情的人全力以赴。
        “Passion rebuilds the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson“热情让世界重现青春,使万物复活、万象更新。”——爱默生
        People with passion always want to offer their best to the world. They can be slightly perfectionist in their thinking, but it’s only because they see their output as a direct reflection of them. If they place their personal stamp upon it, it will be infiltrated with their essence.热情的人渴望向世界展现最优秀的自己。他们在思想上或许有点完美主义,但这也是因为他们觉得“成就象征自我”。若能加盖个人图章的话,那里必定尽是他们最精华的部分。



        6. Passionate people are motivating.热情的人充满动力。
        “Man is only great when he acts from passion.” – Benjamin Disraeli“人只有满怀热情地行动才称得上伟大。”——本杰明·迪斯雷利
        Need help getting started with a new project? Find a passionate person to get you off the couch! Passionate people are great coaches and motivators. They often care deeply for others and do everything they can to help them succeed.新项目的启动需要有人帮忙?那就请有热情的人帮你搞定吧!热情的人很擅长指导与鼓劲儿,他们会真心关心他人,竭力帮助他人办好事情。
        7. Passionate people are happy.热情的人很快乐。
        “Live with passion!” – Tony Robbins“热情地生活吧!”——托尼·罗宾斯
        Most passionate people who follow their life longings are happy and fulfilled individuals. They focus on their blessings and give back to others. They are glass-half-full people who choose to enjoy making lemonade with the lemons life throws at them.大部分追寻自己生活梦想的热情的人都快乐满足。他们不仅关注自我幸福,还把快乐传递给他人。他们都是“半瓶满”的人:如果生活向他们砸来柠檬,他们会乐呵呵地泡杯柠檬茶。
        8. Passionate people are accountable.热情的人有担当。
        “If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.” – Benjamin Franklin“如果热情来袭,那就让理智主导心智吧。”——本杰明·富兰克林
        One of the best bits of advice I’ve ever received was that passion was a powerful driving force that must be channeled. If left unchecked, it could cause an explosion causing great destruction. However, if properly utilized, the same fire that once ruined could also be captured to power a steam engine for positive change. Passionate people learn to have others hold them accountable to channel their energy in the best possible way.我听到过的一个好建议是,热情是种“双面性”的强大驱动力——如果放任自流,它可能爆发并造成惨痛损失;可如果恰当利用的话,同样热烈的情绪也能转化成正能量发动机。所以,热情的人懂得如何掌控情绪,让自己的精力发挥得恰到好处。
        9. Passionate people are focused.热情的人专注集中。
        “Skill is the unified force of experience, intellect, and passion in their operation.” – John Ruskin“技能是一种综合力量,融合了行动中的经验、智慧与热情。”——约翰·罗斯金
        Passionate people know they have a job to do, and they do it with gusto. They run in the rain. They smile through the most menial tasks. No matter what distractions life throws their way, they remain laser-focused on their final objective. They don’t take easy detours, but plow in at full speed. The driving force within them won’t let them lose sight of the end goal.热情的人清楚自己的任务是什么,并且会全身心地投入其中。他们可在暴雨中奔跑,也能微笑面对最卑微的工作。不论生活出现怎样的困扰,他们都能保持专注,不忘自己的最终目标。他们不走便捷小道,只会埋头辛勤耕耘。内心的热情一直为他们照亮最终的目标。
        10. Passionate people love to grow.热情的人乐于成长。
        “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” Anthony J. D’Angelo“学会热情学习吧,这样你就能无止境地成长。”——安东尼·德安杰洛
        Passionate people never stagnate in the pool of despair, feeling they are finished. They always look for ways to improve upon themselves and their surroundings. Passionate people keep their childlike wonder about life. They are always learning, always growing, always experiencing new things. They squeeze every last drop out of life that they possibly can!热情的人绝不会搁浅在绝望的死水中,自认为自己就这么完了。他们总是想方设法提升自己、改善周围的环境。热情的人对生活怀有孩童般的好奇,总是在不断学习、不断成长、不断尝试新事物。他们如饥似渴地汲取生活中的每一滴甘露!

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