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发表于 2016-7-28 22:04:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Many people have what they call a “bucket list”: namely, a list of things they want to experience or accomplish before they die. Sometimes, a bucket list just doesn’t cut it, however, which is why making an “impossible list” is the way to go. Following the rules of Joel Runyon’s impossible list, learn how to accomplish the things that you think you’ll never be able to do, and how to drive yourself to do more.很多人都有“愿望清单”:即他们死前想经历或完成的事情。但有时,愿望清单达不到人们的要求,这就是为什么要去制作“不可能清单”。 跟随乔尔-鲁尼恩不提出的“不可能清单”的规则,学习如何实现你觉得不可能完成的事情,并促使自己去做更多。
        What do you believe to be impossible?你认为什么是不可能的事情?
        The first step in this process is to figure out what you believe to be impossible. Some common activities include:这个过程的第一步是找出你认为是不可能的事情。其中包括一些普通的活动:
        Running a marathon 跑马拉松
        Going skydiving跳伞
        Going a whole year without fast food一年不吃快餐
        Reaching a million Twitter followers 推特的粉丝数达到100万
        Learning how to play piano学弹钢琴
        Learning a foreign language fluently学习一门外语,达到流利的程度
        These are the things that you don’t think that you could accomplish in 100 years, yet you want to do your best to achieve them.这些是你觉得自己在100年内都完成不了的事情,然而你却想尽力去完成它们。
        Bucket Lists愿望清单
        An impossible list isn’t a bucket list. It’s not a guide for you to accomplish things that you think are possible and that you want to do before you do; an impossible list is what you think is IMPOSSIBLE. It’s important to separate the two very different types of lists and focus on the impossible.不可能清单并不是愿望清单。它不是用来引导你让你完成自己觉得可能的事情和你以前想做的事情;不可能清单是你认为不可能完成事情的清单。很重要的一点是:要把这两种不同的清单区别开,并专注于不可能清单。
        The reason why it’s called an impossible list is because you find the activity to be impossible to accomplish, while a bucket lists suggests a list of things that you know you can accomplish if you put your mind to it. The main difference between the two is that an impossible list not only requires a strong mind, it also requires a strong body, sense of self, and passion to always do more.称为不可能清单的原因是你发现清单上的活动不可能完成,而愿望清单是一些你集中精力就能完成的事情。两者的主要不同在于不可能清单不仅需要坚强的意志,它还需要强壮的身体、感觉和激情来做得更多。
        What’s next?下一步是什么?
        Once you’ve configured your impossible list, the next thing that you should is this: go. The only way to really get started is to pick something, and really go after it. For example, if your list contains running a marathon, you should get off your couch and go for a jog. Every week, you should be doing more. Your focus should not only be the run, but what you need to do to be successful in completing a marathon. This means fixing your diet. It means finding great resources on running. It means running a 5K and then a 10K and then a half-marathon; it’s as if you’re climbing a ladder to get to the length of a marathon.一旦你弄好了不可能清单,下一步要做的事情就是:去做。开始的唯一方式是从中挑一件,然后真正地去做。例如,如果你的清单包含了跑马拉松,你应该离开沙发去慢跑。每周,你应该跑得更多。你的注意力不应该只放在跑步上,还要放在完成马拉松所需要做的事情上。这意味着要调整饮食。这意味着要在跑步方面上找到更好的资源。这意味着先跑5千米,再跑1万米,再跑一半的马拉松; 就像爬梯子那样一步步跑完马拉松。



        See, it’s not just about trying to go from 0 to impossible, it’s about the steps that you have to take to get there. Most of the time, this requires focus and attention to accomplish the impossible. But you didn’t expect anything less, right?所以这不只是尝试着从0到不可能, 而且还和你到达那里所需采取的步骤有关。大部分的时候,需要专注力和注意力才能完成不可能的事情。但是你的期望没有降低,对不对?
        Your list can be dynamic; it can be ever-expanding and evolving into whatever you want it to be. This means adding things to your list, or even subtracting some things (for overlying circumstances that prevent you from accomplishing one of your goals). The main idea is to get to you work harder than you even have and ultimately, to get you to get rid of the word “impossible” so that you can become the best person that you believe you can be.你的清单可以变化的;它可以不断展开然后演变成你想要的样子。这意味着可以往清单里加一些事情,或从里面减去一些事情(当一些环境不利于你完成目标时)。中心思想是让你比以往更加努力,最终让你脱离“不可能”,这样你会成为你相信自己能成为的最佳自我。
        This isn’t about anyone else, this is about you.这和别人都没有关系,这只是和你有关系。
        Last, but not least最后,但同样重要的一点
        It’s important to note that you must have a strong desire to accomplish the things that you think are impossible. If you don’t possess this, chances are you’ll come up short and you’ll begin to lose the motivation, drive, and inspiration that is necessary to accomplish the impossible.你必须要有强烈的愿望去完成你认为是不可能的事情,这一点非常重要。如果你没有强烈的愿望,你很有可能会发现自己力不从心,你会开始失去完成不可能事情所必备的动机、动力和灵感。
        This is no easy feat. In fact, most people may give up. They may get discouraged and want to stop doing it altogether, but if you’re still reading this, chances are you’re not one of those people. You’re someone who will accomplish the extraordinary and maximize your growth.这并不容易。事实上,大部分人都可能放弃。他们可能会失望、想放弃,但是如果你还在看这篇文章,很有可能你和他们是不同的。你会完成这些非凡的事情,让自己得到最大限度的成长。

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