You get caught up in the business of the day-to-day. You say you don’t have enough time.你每天都忙忙碌碌的。你总说时间不够用。
Yet, the question isn’t where you are spending your time…But rather, where should you be spending your time? 但问题并不在于时间都花哪里去了。你更应该关心的是时间应该花在哪?
Often, we think we don’t have a choice about our time. Yet, we always have a choice. Where should you be spending your time? 我们总觉得时间对每个人都是公平的,我们无法选择。但实际上我们可以选。应该在哪花更多的时间?
Here are 10 Things You Should be Choosing to Spend More Time on… 下面你应该花更多时间的10件事
1. Your Family你的家庭
Our family is the reason that we do so many things in life. Work, jobs, and more. Yet ironically, we then neglect the very people that we are working so hard to provide for. If you don’t spend time with your family, you will lose the chance to spend time with them at all. Many people learn this the hard way. 我们做的一切、工作,等等这些都是为了一个我们的家庭。然而具有讽刺意味的是,我们经常忽视了这些人,而他们正是我们努力工作的目的。如果不花点时间在家人身上,你会彻底失去和他们一起相处的机会。很多人都有过这样的痛苦教训。
2. Taking Care of Yourself 照顾好自己
I know many people whose professional lives are very extremely successful, but behind the scenes their personal lives are a disaster. This is a house of cards waiting to fall down. And it eventually does. Take care of your personal business first. 我知道很多人的职业生涯极其成功,但光鲜背后他们的个人生活却十分糟糕。他们就像一个摇摇欲坠的纸房子,最终真的就轰然倒塌。先照顾好自己吧。
3. Exercising锻炼身体
Maintaining your physical health is one of the most important things you can do. Your body allows you to do everything else, keep it in the best shape you can. (And yes, you do have time to workout.) 保持身体健康是最重要的事情之一。只有身体好,你才能做其他的事情。(而且,你必须得要有锻炼身体的时间。)
4. Thinking思考
When was the last time you just sat and thought? (Very difficult if you have kids…) Quiet thinking time can be magical. It clears our heads and lets us realize what is important to us. Spend some time just thinking. About your goals… where you are… and where you want to go. 你上次坐着思考是什么时候?(有了孩子之后更难了...)短暂思考时间会带给你神奇的感受。它会让我们的大脑思路更清晰,让我们意识到什么才是重要的。花点时间想一想,你的目标、你在哪里、你想去哪里。
5. Writing写作
I am a big believer that everyone should write. Most people don’t after they leave school. Yet, writing is an invaluable way of clarifying your thinking, expanding your imagination, and stretching your mind. Many people want to write a book… do it. Even if your story is just to keep a journal, practice getting your thoughts out of your head. 我强烈认为每个人都应该写作。很多人毕业之后根本就不再写东西了。但是写作是能理清思绪的好办法。很多人想写书,那就去写。即使你的故事只能写个日记,但请练习用文字表达自己的思绪吧。
6. Playing玩
When was the last time you played? Played a game. Played for fun. Played just to enjoy time with those that matter to you. (See #1.) Playing renews your energy and boosts all areas of your life. 你上次玩是什么时候?玩个游戏吧,开心的玩。和那些对你重要的人玩(比方说跟你的家人)。玩能够恢复精力,提高生活的方方面面。
7. Planning做计划
Everyone needs a plan. Otherwise, you will be wandering through life aimlessly. Taking time to plan, saves time. It reduces stress. And it makes you more efficient. 每个人都需要计划。否则你的人生会很没有追求。花点时间做个计划来节省时间。可以减轻压力,使你更加有效率。
8. Organizing整理东西
You create your own problems and life friction when you are disorganized What do you need to clean up? Your car? The garage? Your desk? Organization leads to action. And no, piles are not organization. 当你不整理时,麻烦和烦恼也来了。你需要清洁什么?车子、车库还是桌子?整理是需要行动的,把东西都堆起来可不叫整理哦。
9. Giving to Others帮助别人
You may say, “I don’t have time for myself, how I am supposed to give it to others?” Yet, one of the biggest secrets in life is that you get what you give. Make sure you give and help those around you. 你也许会说:“我自己都没时间了,怎么可能还去帮助别人?” 生活最大的一个秘密在于你得到的都是你付出的。一定要给予,帮助你身边的人。
10. Preparing 做好准备
Planning is good, but taking action to prepare is the next step. Preparation is all about action. Don’t just know what is ahead of you, but prepare to do it. Read the materials in advance. Do the homework. Be ready. 做计划是好的,但是做好准备是下一个步骤。要为你的行动做好准备。不仅要知道你需要做什么,还要为这个做准备。事先看好材料。做点功课,好好准备吧。 |