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7个简单小改变 让痛苦的周五更有效率









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发表于 2016-7-28 22:03:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Fridays are the least productive day in many offices. People are scrambling to get things down before the weekend. Others are ditching and leaving early or not working at all. However, you don’t have to let it impact your productivity. Let’s reclaim our Fridays.在许多办公场所,周五都是工作效率最低的一天。人们赶在周末来临前仓促地把事情搞定。其他人则提早下班或者根本就不进行工作了。然而你大可不必让周五来影响你的工作效率。我们来改造一下周五吧。
        Is Friday a productive day in your workplace? Friday seems to be the most dysfunctional day of the week. (After Monday, of course.) Many people write off their Fridays as a non-productive close to their week.在你工作的地方周五是高效的一天吗?周五似乎是一周当中最不正常的一天。(当然要排在万恶的星期一之后。)许多人都认为周五是一周结束前最没效率的一天。
        But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, Fridays can be one of the best days to actually get work done. Let’s make our Fridays productive again.但我们可以改变这种状况。 事实上,周五可以成为真正把事情做好的一天。我们再次让周五充满高效吧。
        Here are 7 Things to Eliminate From Your Fridays to Make Them More Productive:消灭以下7件事可以让你的周五更加高效:
        1. Email 电子邮件
        Get out of your inbox and get productive. Stop waging the email war. Some companies have designated Friday “email free” and it has made a tremendous impact on their team’s ability to get work done.从你的收件箱中摆脱出来,让自己更有效率。不要再卷入邮件大战中了。有些公司指定周五不处理电子邮件,这对团队完成工作的能力产生了巨大的影响。
        2. Meetings 会议
        Meetings have taken up way too much of our work week already. Let’s declare “No Meeting Fridays” and reclaim at least one day a week from scheduled meetings.会议已经占据了我们一周当中太多的工作时间。让我们呼吁“周五不开会”,而且至少从每周中取消一天安排好的会议。



        3. Negativity 消极性
        It’s the end of the week, and there is no time for being negative. Leave out the complaining, whining, and gossiping. Don’t associate with those who do it. You’ll be long gone for your weekend while they’re still telling stories.马上就要周末了,没有时间消极。不要抱怨、牢骚、闲聊了。不要与那些爱抱怨、牢骚、闲聊的人交往。当他们仍在讲故事的时候你就要迎接你的周末了。
        4. Phone 电话
        Friday is a great day to stay off the phone. Instead of talking on the phone, go see people in person. For those who are remote workers, this may not be possible. But you can try other more personal ways to communicate such as Facetime or Skype. The extra effort always pays off in the relationships built. You can’t communicate at the same level when you can’t see someone.在周五应该远离电话。要亲自与人见面,而不是用电话交谈。对于那些远程工作者来说这或许不太可能,然而你可以尝试其他更亲近的方法来与他们交流,例如Facetime或Skype。额外的努力总是值得的,这有利于人际关系的建立。如果你无法见到某人,你们是不可能在同一个层次上交流的。
        5. Interruptions干扰
        One of the best ways to reclaim your Friday is to limit interruptions. Find a place to do uninterrupted work. Maybe it means reserving a meeting room or even going offsite. Of course, you should make sure your team know how to reach you for a true emergency before you “go silent” .改造周五的最佳方法之一就是限制干扰。找一个地方进行不被干扰的工作。这可能意味着预订一间会议室,甚至走出你的办公场所。当然,在你“隐身沉默” 之前要跟团队打好招呼,让他们知道发生紧急情况的时候要去哪儿找你。



        6. Unnecessary Paperwork 不必要的文书工作
        Keep Friday for the important work, such as the creative work that you can’t get large time blocks for during the week. Leave the unnecessary paperwork for later. Much of the paper-shuffling is unneeded in the big scheme of things.将周五留给重要的工作。就是那些你似乎无法在一周当中留出大段时间的创造性工作。将那些不必要的文书工作推后。许多我们所做的拖拖拉拉的文书工作,其实在大的框架计划中根本不需要。
        7. Work Hours 工作时间
        I am a big proponent of the “results oriented work environment.” Get your work done and get out. There is no reason to expand your work to fit the time. In a ROWE, those who have been working hard all week can go home early. The rest can stay and finish their work. :)我强烈拥护以结果为导向的工作氛围。完成工作就走。没有理由将工作延长来适应上班时间。在以结果为导向的工作环境中,那些一周都勤奋工作的人可以提早回家。其他人则继续呆在办公室完成他们的工作。
        Don’t let your Fridays fall prey to the chaotic end of the work week. With a little effort, Fridays can be the most productive day of the week.不要让你的周五成为混乱结束一周工作的牺牲品。多做一点点努力,就能让周五成为一周当中最高效的一天。

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