杜甫,唐代著名诗人,被后人称为“诗圣(Poet-Sage)”。杜甫是一位爱国者。在儒家思想(Confucianism)持续的熏陶下,他憎恨并偏重于批判朝廷的腐败和社会 生活的阴暗面。同时,他十分同情老百姓,愿意作出自我牺牲将人们从苦难中拯救出来。杜甫和另一位唐代伟大的诗人李白有着深厚的友谊。尽管他们的诗歌风格不同,但他们十分欣赏对方的天赋和性格。因此,他们被后人合称为“李杜”。
Du Fu,a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, iscrowned as “Poet-Sage”by later generations. Du Fuwas a patriot. Under the constant influence ofConfucianism, he hated and tended to criticize thecorrupt imperial court and the dark side of thesocial life. In the meantime, he had great compassion for the general public, and was willingto make self-sacrifice to rescue people from their tribulation. Du Fu had a profoundfriendship with Li Bai, another great poet in the Tang Dynasty. Though 'their poetic styles weredifferent, they admired each other for their respective talent and personality. Therefore, theyare jointly named “Li Du” by later generations. |