Report Shows Distrust and Division in Turkey
A new study of public opinion in Turkey shows deepdivisions in how the Turkish people view theircountry and the world around them. This studycomes as Turkey heads towards a parliamentaryelection on November 1.
The survey reports on two major issues: distrust of major powers outside of Turkey and fearfor Turkey's economy in the future.
The Pew Research Center is an independent organization that studies social trends aroundthe world. The center collected the opinions of the Turkish people as part of its Spring 2015Global Attitudes survey. This survey gathered opinions between March and May 2015.
The results of the survey show that Turkish people have negative opinions of many foreignpowers. Fifty-eight percent see the U.S. negatively and 64 percent see Russia the same way.Forty-nine percent see the European Union negatively. But, 55 percent still want Turkey tobecome a member of the EU.
Turkey is a member of NATO. However, 47 percent say that Turkey should not use militaryforce to defend a NATO ally if Russia attacked the ally. In addition, only 38 percent supportthe U.S.-led effort to fight the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
Another important issue covered was the future of Turkey's economy. Fifty-two percent ofTurks believe their children will face poor financial situations when they grow up. People alsolisted rising prices and lack of job opportunities among their top concerns.
Cenzig Aktar is political scientist with Suleyman Sah University in Istanbul. He says this willcause big problems for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his political party, AKP.
"When we recall that the AKP has got its past successes thanks to the state of the economy,this tells us quite a bit about the disappointment of the voters. So this is very worrisome forthe AKP, I'm afraid."
The AKP lost its majority control of the Turkish parliament after an election on June 7. AKPand opposition groups have since failed to work together. As a result, President Erdogan calledfor new elections on November 1.
However, these elections may not be good for the president's party. Fifty-one percent of Turkshave a negative opinion of him. Forty-nine percent are unhappy with how the currentgovernment is working as well.
1.parliamentary election 议会选举;国会选举
That party lost 15 seats in the parliamentaryelection.
2.major powers 大国势力;强权势力
Command of the peace-keeping operations is either directly controlled by the UN generalsecretary, or approved by the Security Council and authorized by the general secretary to someregional organizations or major powers.
3.disappointment 失望;沮丧
Despite his disappointment, he managed a smile.
尽管他很失望, 还是强颜为笑。
4.worrisome 令人烦恼的;令人不安的
She thought about the whole worrisome affair with confused unhappiness for a few days.