Mall in Brazil Composts to Reduce CarbonFootprint
A shopping center in Brazil is growing vegetables onits rooftop using waste collected from the mall'srestaurants. The garden is on the roof of theEldorado shopping center in Sao Paolo. Workersthere use trash from the restaurants to create compost for the garden. Compost is used toimprove the soil of the garden. A spokesman for the mall says that the waste from 10,000meals served each day in its food court goes into the compost.
Workers grow different kinds of fruits and vegetables on the rooftop garden, includingtomatoes, lettuce and eggplant. The fruits and vegetables grown there provide free food forthe employees. Mall officials also hope to reduce the amount of waste that would end up in agarbage dump. This, they hope, will reduce carbon gases entering the atmosphere.
Cicero Evangelista leads the waste recycling effort. He says about 400 kilograms of organicwaste are created every day from the mall's food court.
He says, "We weigh the material and add enzymes that eliminate bacteria, reduce humidityand accelerate decomposition. This is how we turn organic waste into organic compost."
Officials at the shopping center want to save as much waste as possible. So, they heldworkshops for employees to learn how to best collect waste from their stores. Neide Lopes is afood court worker. She says it is helpful to put in the extra work.
"The initiative is active and creative, and they distribute the produce among us, so it's verygood. It is a way of reducing waste, and we receive food that we don't have to pay for, that'sthe best part!"
Mall employees say the project reuses waste food to make food and reduces the shoppingcenter's carbon footprint at the same time.