Cambodia is strengthening its military ties withChina. Cambodian Defense Minister Tea Banh spentfive days in China earlier this month. He met withhigh-level military officials and received promises ofassistance from the military.
Mr. Tea Banh told VOA his visit was successful inbringing military cooperation between thecountries even closer. He said Cambodia now hasstronger military ties with China than with theUnited States.
Observers say Cambodia is likely to seek closer ties with China because of growing tensions withVietnam over border issues.
Cambodia and China have traditionally enjoyed good relations. But the two sides grew closerafter a 2012 summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). At the meetings,Cambodia supported China in a dispute with other countries over the South China Sea. Thefollowing year, China provided a $195 million loan to the Cambodian government. Cambodianofficials used that money to buy 12 Chinese military helicopters. In May of this year, Chinapromised military trucks, equipment and chemicals to Cambodia's military.
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has often spoken about his country's ties with China. Hespoke in Kampong Som province last month at ceremonies for the opening of a road that Chinabuilt. Mr. Hun Sen told a group of farmers that relations with China were stronger than everbefore. He said the two sides were moving toward what he called a comprehensivepartnership. He said China's development fund for Cambodia for 2015 was $140 million -- $40million more than in 2014.
Chheang Vannnarith is a visiting professor at the University of Leeds in England. He says Chinaneeds Cambodia as a partner in Southeast Asia because the area is becoming increasinglycompetitive. He notes competition between China and Japan, and between China and theUnited States.
He adds that Cambodia is taking more of a risk than China. If Cambodia depends too much onChina, he says, it will lose the power to make decisions about its relations with other countries.
Paul Chambers is a professor at Thailand's Chiang Mai University. He says China is a "growingsuperpower" that uses Cambodia for influence within ASEAN. He thinks China is using Cambodiato help it win what he calls a "growing cold war" between China and the United States.
"I believe that Hun Sen has shown himself in the past and present to be a very good balanceramong allies," he says. "Hun Sen will increasingly welcome Chinese defense sector assistanceto Cambodia."
Also watching developments is Hugh White, a professor of Strategic Studies at AustralianNational University. He says the growing military cooperation between Cambodia and China isaimed at reducing U.S. influence in the area, while building up Cambodia's military power. Henotes that the United States is seeking closer ties with Vietnam. He says China's decision todevelop stronger defense links with Cambodia is a reaction to the US-Vietnam relationship. |