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发表于 2016-7-28 21:08:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






  An artist in Oakland, California is using his skills tohelp the homeless. Greg Kloehn builds very smallshelters that make life on the streets a little morecomfortable. The structures offer the homeless somesafety and protection from bad weather. Each littlehouse also has wheels on the bottom so it can gowherever its owner goes.
  Greg Kloehn has given away at least 20 tiny houses.Several are on the roadside near an active railroad. On a recent day, Mr. Kloehn stops at one tovisit Oscar Young. The two men hug.
  "I like to help them. Sure. I mean it's fun for me. I like to make things, and do something thatmakes a big impact on someone's life is good."
  Inside his little shelter Mr. Young gets relief from cold nights on the streets.
  "Well, it is better than living on the ground, to tell you the truth, because if it was not for Greg,I would be still on the ground."
  Mr. Kloehn also visits Sweet-Pea, another friend who also lives in one of the little homes theartist built. She says it keeps her safe and protects her belongings.
  "I love my house."
  In the mornings, Mr. Kloehn searches the streets for building materials. He gathers what he canand takes it to his studio. There, he puts the houses together.
  "I mean, I've been in the middle of the building process, run out of materials, gotten in mytruck, drove around to look for something. That's my shopping."
  A cabinet door becomes a window cover. Pallets, flat wooden structures used in transport andstorage, become walls.
  "Here's a pallet. The top is a door."
  The artist also attaches a small electrical device to the house. The device is powered by thesun.
  "I put it on a light, you know, an old lamp, so you could move it around. You can keep itoptimum just to the sun."
  Empty coffee bags become roof material. A washing machine door and refrigerator partbecome windows. Nails, screws and the sticky substance glue hold all the pieces together.
  "I kind of call them the fruits of the urban jungle. Here's what's dropping. Here's these naturalresources that we can use."
  Some of the people living on the streets once had normal houses of their own. But SheilaWilliams says she has learned to live with less.
  "I had it all just like you people do out there. But now look at me now. I'm living in one ofGreg's houses, and I am thankful to that man."
  The Kloehn home owners have collected wood and other found materials for future buildingefforts. Sheila Williams gives the artist a picture of flowers that looks almost new.
  "When I finish the homes off, they sometimes come with art work, everything installed.
  Mr. Kloehn says his work is not a social project. He says he is just someone using his skills tohelp his homeless neighbors.

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