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发表于 2016-7-28 13:20:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        They're already deemed to be among the most famous, respected and talented celebrities of today.大卫·贝克汉姆、瑞塔·欧拉、法瑞尔·威廉姆斯和达米恩·林纳德早已跻身当今最负美名、最受尊敬、最才华横溢的艺人之列。
        And now, David Beckham, Rita Ora, Pharrell Williams and Damian Lillard have officially been recognised as the world's biggest superstars after being snapped up to front adidas' latest footwear campaign.而现在,由于加盟拍摄里阿迪达斯最新的运动鞋宣传片,他们更是被正式认证为世界上最大牌的超级巨星。
        To relaunch the brand's Superstar shoe, adidas Originals launched a global campaign questioning what it means to be a superstar in 2015 and hand-picked the lucky foursome. 为了给这一运动品牌的“超级巨星”系列运动鞋的重新上市加以宣传,阿迪达斯三叶草公司的负责人发起了一项全球性的活动,向人们征询,什么样的人能成为2015年的超级巨星,上述“四人组”有幸获选。
        The footballer, singer, music mogul and basketball legend star in a 90-second film, directed by Karum Huu Do, and each reveal what they deem to be 'a superstar'. 这段视频由卡鲁姆 ·胡·杜执导,时长90秒钟,以上述足球运动员、歌手、歌坛巨腕和篮球选手四人主演,每个人都表达了自己对何为“超级巨星”的看法。
        The video opens with Rita Ora taking to the stage at her concert. She says: 'If you think a superstar is standing on stage, filling up stadiums and selling out concert halls...'视频以瑞塔·欧拉在演唱会的舞台上讲话的镜头开场。她说:“如果你觉得明星就是站在舞台上,在人满为患的露天体育场中央,在门票售罄的演唱会大厅里……”
        The film then switches to Damian, 39, being photographed by the paparazzi and playing basketball and saying: 'If you think a superstar is about being spoken about, staying relevant...' 接着镜头转到达米恩身上,这位39岁的运动员在打篮球,狗仔队正在对他拍照。他说:“如果你觉得超级巨星就是总被人们说起,被人们挂在嘴边……”
        Then Pharrell, 41, seen in a recording studio, adds: 'If you think being a superstar is people only having to use your first name and know who you are...' 接着镜头里出现41岁的法瑞尔,他站在录音室里,补充说:“如果你觉得当一个超级巨星紧紧意味着人们不用说出你的全名,就知道被说到的人是你……”
        Next, David appears and adds: 'If you think a superstar is keeping fans happy...'接着,贝克汉姆现身并说道:“如果你觉得作为一个超级巨星就是随时娱乐观众……”
        They then all chime in together and say: 'If you think a superstar is having a stylist, security, being unpredictable, being the face, the name, the signature with people on the street, people in other countries, people you'll never meet, telling you that you're special...'然后他们齐声说:“如果你觉得超级巨星就是时尚前卫、生活富足、性情多变,就是一个花瓶、一个名字、给街边路人的一个签名、就是异国奇人、是你永远不会亲身见到的人、是说着‘你独一无二’这样的广告语的人……”
        Before Pharrell closes the video and concludes: 'If you think that's what makes a superstar, then I am not a superstar.'最后法瑞尔 为视频收尾,他总结道:“如果你觉得做一个超级巨星就意味着这些,那么我就不是超级巨星。”
        the film will be accompanied by six shorter edits, including a 30-second version to launch Pharrell’s forthcoming Supercolor collection. 这段视频被剪辑为6个小镜头,还有一个30秒的微缩版本,为即将上市的法瑞尔代言的超彩系列做宣传。

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