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发表于 2016-7-28 13:20:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        When it comes to being healthy, the world’s priority is getting more sleep rather than eating healthy food, exercising or taking vitamins, a poll has found.一项调查显示,对于如何保持健康的问题,世界各国人民的一致观点是,睡眠充足比饮食健康、适量运动和补充维生素更加重要。
        易词解词(by 摩西老师)
        priorityn.优先;优先权;[数] 优先次序;优先考虑的事。prior+ity,抽象名词后缀-ity表condition or quality of being…于是priority就是state of being earlier。而prior实际=pr+ior,pr就是前缀pro,pre,与日耳曼词源的fore adj.以前的同源,-ior则是拉丁形容词比较级后缀,因此prior就相当于earlier。再如junior相当于younger,senior相当于older等。
        polln.投票;民意测验,v.投票;进行民意测验,adj.无角的;剪过毛的;修过枝的。这个单词的动词和形容词含义都来自其名词含义,表示“头”。于是poll tax是人头税,Gallop poll是著名的盖洛普民意测验,pollard是截去树梢的树或角被割下的动物(树梢是树的头,角长在动物头上哈)。最搞的则是polliwog n.蝌蚪,这里wog同wiggle v.摆动,蝌蚪不就是摇摆着前进的一只大脑袋嘛!
        Worldwide, 66 per cent of people get enough sleep, compared to 59 per cent who eat healthy food and 57 per cent who regularly exercise.从世界范围来看,有66%的人保证充足的睡眠时间,59%的人坚持保证饮食健康,57%的人坚持有规律的锻炼。
        Indonesians and Indians are the most well-rested, with 85 and 77 per cent respectively reporting they get enough sleep.印度尼西亚人和印度人是睡眠时间最长的,分别有85%的人和77%的人声称他们的睡眠时间很充足。
        易词解词(by 摩西老师)
        Meanwhile the Polish and Russians get by with the least shut-eye, with only 51 per cent and 52 per cent getting enough rest to maintain health.与此同时,波兰人和俄罗斯人则是睡眠时间最少的,分别只有51%和52%的人得到足够的睡眠时间以维持健康。
        The poll questioned more than 28,000 in 23 countries on which activities they regularly do to maintain their physical health.这项调查采访了23个国家的超过2万8千人,受访者被问及他们一般采取什么途径来维持身体健康。



        It found only that while sushi may be touted as a diet option, only 29 per cent of people in Japan say they eat healthy food.结果研究发现,虽然人们普遍认为寿司是一种健康食物,在日本却只有29%的人声称自己的饮食习惯很健康。
        And while curry is billed as a high-calorie Friday night treat, 79 per cent of people in India say they eat healthily.同时,虽然人们将咖喱视为周五晚上打牙祭的时候才会吃的高热量食物,在印度却有79%的人称自己吃得很健康。
        Mexico and China have the highest number of people who exercise on a regular basis (68 per cent and 67 per cent), while Japan and Russia have fewer fitness fanatics (39 per cent and 40 per cent).在墨西哥和中国,坚持规律锻炼的人最多(分别占到人口的68%和67%),而在日本和俄罗斯,坚持运动健身的人最少(只占到39%和40%)
        Their questioning revealed having a cosmetic procedure - whether surgical or non-surgical - was the least popular way of maintaining health, with only 6 per cent of people globally choosing to do this. 该研究结果显示,修饰外观——不管是通过整形手术还是非手术途径——是维持健康的方法中最不受欢迎的一种,全球只有6%的人群会选择用这种方式去促进健康。
        The study found stark differences between the sexes, especially when it comes to sun safety.这项研究发现两性在健康观念上存在明显差异,特别是在紫外线安全这一方面。
        Globally, women are over twice as likely than men to use sunscreen than men, it found.研究显示,女性使用防晒霜的几率比男性高出一倍以上。
        People in Brazil slather on the most suncream, at 46 per cent, while Australia and Spain both trail at 42 per cent.在你巴西使用防晒霜的人口比重最大,占到46%,澳大利亚和西班牙紧随其后,使用防晒霜的人口占到42%。
        And having children seems to make people more healthy. Parents get 2 per cent more sleep than non-parents and lead on eating healthy food by 8 per cent. 同时,抚养子女也是促进健康的方式之一。有子女的人群中睡眠充足者比没有子女的人群多出2%,有子女的人群中饮食健康者比没有子女的人群多出8%。
        You might think running around after children would put parents in the lead on exercise, but in fact non-parents edged in front by 3 per cent.也许你会认为,有子女的人总要跟在孩子后面追,所以运动的机会应该最多。但是事实上,没有子女的人运动时间比有子女的人多出3%。

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