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全球变暖的福利 花香浓九倍









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发表于 2016-7-28 13:20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Its most ardent advocates say that global warming is gradually ruining our parts of our planet.环境保护者们在奔走相告,警告我们全球变暖会毁掉地球上的人居环境。
        But the effects of the phenomenon might be felt more positively a little closer to home, after scientists claimed that it will make flowers smell sweeter.不过全球变暖也许能在家门口产生更积极的效果,科学家发现,全球变暖会让花儿闻起来更香。
        Some flowers could give out a smell that is nine times more fragrant than they currently produce, according to a report.一项研究报告指出,一些花朵会产生比当前浓烈九倍的香气。
        It says that a temperature increase of between 1C (34F) – 5C (41F) will vastly increase the ability of flowers to produce their sweet smells.这项报告称,当温度上升1℃-5℃,花朵制造香气的能力会大大增强。
        The study suggests that plants are able to produce more terpenes – the chemicals that give them their smell - in hotter conditions.这项研究指出,在更温热的气候条件下,植物会制造出更多的萜烯 ——为植物提供香气的化学物质。
        Despite the environmental risk linked to climate change, the effect on flowers could also help bee populations as the stronger smells make flowers easier to find and pollinate.虽然气候变化会导致环境恶化,但是它却对植物产生多方面有益的影响,在植物的数量上,由于香气更加浓郁,昆虫将更容易找到花朵并为花朵授粉。
        It also found that the effect could be more significant in cooler countries such as the UK and would have a strong impact on fruit trees.研究还发现,这种对植物的影响在英国这样气候湿冷的国家更为明显,对果树的产量也会有很大影响。
        Last year, experts from the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change warned the average global temperature had risen by 0.5C in 50 years.去年,跨政府气候变迁小组的专家指出,全球平均气温在50年内已经上升了0.5℃。
        They predicted temperatures will increase by 3C over the next century, causing a rise in sea levels, flooding, disease outbreaks and mass migration of refugees.他们预测到下个世纪,温度还将上升3℃,海平面将会上升,造成洪水、瘟疫、流民迁徙等灾害。
        The researchers from the global ecology unit at the Autonomous University of Barcelona looked at a variety of plants, including holm oak, yellow fleabane, heather and Spanish broom.来自巴塞罗那自治大学全球生态小组的研究者对多重植物进行了研究,包括麻栎、黄菀、石南花和金雀花。
        In the paper the researchers said: ‘The species with the highest increases in emissions were those with the lowest [fragrance] rates.’在研究论著中,研究者说道:“香味释放量增长最多的植物品种是之前释放香气最少的品种。”

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