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发表于 2016-7-28 13:20:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        A nine-year-old boy with a keen eye for both style and business is taking the baking world by storm. 一位在时尚界和商界都颇有远见的九岁小男孩震惊了全世界的烘焙产业人事。
        Cory Nieves, from New Jersey, who uses the business name 'Mr Cory', not only wears tailored suits and silk ties from trendy grown-up stores, but he's also the CEO of his very own cookie company called Mr Cory's Cookies.来自美国新泽西的科里·尼弗斯——他在商界自号“科里先生”——身穿着从成人服饰时尚品牌定制的西装和丝绸领带,还担任着他自己创立的饼干公司“科里先生的饼干”的首席执行官。
        On his Instagram page, which has an impressive 3,000 followers, Cory exhibits his impeccable style, striking a pose in on-trend blazers and thick-framed glasses while showing off his sweet treats.在他的Instagram网站页面上,科里的照片里,他身穿当季的西装,带着厚框眼镜,展示着自己店里的点心,表现出无可挑剔的时尚范儿。他的页面上已经有3000人之多的粉丝。
        In one photo, he stands in front of his cookie stand in white shorts, a dark blazer and yellow loafers, expertly accessorizing the look with tortoiseshell glasses and a stack of bracelets.在一张照片上,他站在店里的饼干橱柜前,身穿白色短裤和深色西装,脚蹬黄色懒人拖,鼻梁上夹着玳瑁眼镜,手腕上挂着一串手镯,表现出老练的时尚气场。



        Cory writes on his website that he first came up with the idea to start a business when he and his mother moved to New Jersey from New York City in 2009, and he decided they needed a car.科里在他的网页上说,他最初产生创业的想法是在2009年,他和母亲从纽约迁居到新泽西的时候。他决定他要为家里买一辆车。
        He initially began selling hot cocoa in front of his home, eventually expanding into the cookie business.一开始他在自家门前卖热可可,后来生意越做越大,直到开创了自己的饼干公司。
        Some of his delicious, all-natural treats include the 'perfect' chocolate chip cookie, sugar-free oatmeal raisin cookies and peanut butter cookies. They cost $10 for a dozen, and $34.99 for a platter.他店里的甜点都是纯天然原料制成,美味可口。包括“口感完美的”巧克力末饼干,无糖燕麦葡萄干饼干,还有花生黄油饼干。价格为10美元一打,34.99美元一大盘。
        Not only has he developed a fanbase for his scrumptious desserts, but he has also won over followers who admire his impressive fashion sense.他不仅靠店里美味的甜点赢得了一群粉丝,更凭借自己卓越的时尚感征服了膜拜者。
        Fans have taken to the comments section on his Instagram page to express their admiration, with one person writing: 'This kid is seriously dapper.'粉丝们在他的Instagram网站页面上撰写评论。表达着自己的爱慕之情。其中一个网友写道:“这孩子真是个衣冠楚楚的小帅哥。”
        The venture may have begun as a way to buy his mom a car, but Cory says he now has even higher hopes.科里的创业史是从为母亲买辆车的愿望开始的,不过他说,现在他有更远大的目标。
        'I'm going to do it [to raise money] for college and [for learning how to] run a business,' he told NorthJersey.com.他对NorthJersey.com网站的记者说:“我会通过经营生意,筹集上大学的学费,还要在这个过程中学习经商之道。”
        Besides being CEO of the cookie company, Cory is also an actor and model and has been featured in campaigns for Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger.除了担任饼干公司的首席执行干,科里还是一位演员兼模特,在国际著名服装品牌拉夫·劳伦和汤米·希尔费格的时尚活动中拍过特写。

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