Friends turns 20, and to celebrate, a new report reveals the 'friendcestual' habits of people.《老友记》二十周年啦,为了庆祝,科学家们展开了一项新研究,研究报告揭示出人们由于受《老友记》影响而形成的种种习惯。
A third (32 per cent) of all respondents say they have done a Ross and Rachel by dating within their friendship circle.1/3(32%)的受调查者称,他们曾经效仿罗斯和瑞秋,与朋友圈子里的人恋爱。
The survey suggests many people are turning to dating their friends in their search for love, with one third admitting they have had romantic feelings for a friend.该研究显示,许多人在寻觅真爱的时候,都开始与友人建立恋爱关系,其中有三分之一的人承认,他们曾对某一个朋友产生过好感。
Two in five (40 per cent) of 25-34 year olds having previously dated a friend.在25岁至34岁的受访者中,有2/5(40%)曾经和朋友恋爱过。
However, the research showed that dating within your friendship group can have its drawbacks. 不过,研究也表明,在朋友圈中建立恋爱关系也有一定的弊端。
Almost one in five (17 per cent) of 18-24 year olds, and ten per cent of 25-34 year olds revealed that their relationship with a friend did not end well, whilst 13 per cent of 18-34 year olds said that they regretted getting involved.在18至24岁的受访者中将近1/5(17%)的人群,加上25岁至34岁的受访者中1/10的人群都承认他们与朋友的恋爱关系并不圆满,在18至34岁的人群中,有13%称自己很后悔当初让友情越位。
Many of us are familiar with the love triangle of Rachel, Joey and Ross, but one in ten of 18-24 year olds have also been involved in a love triangle within their friendship group. 也许很多人都知道瑞秋,乔伊和罗斯之间的三角关系,但是在18至24岁的人群中,竟有1/10确确实实与朋友圈里的人有过类似的三角关系。
Echoing another of Friends famous storylines, eight per cent of 25-34 year olds admitted that they have dated a friend's brother or sister.与《老友记》中另一段有名的桥段相仿的是,25-34岁的人群中,有8%的人承认他们曾经与朋友的兄弟或者姐妹谈过恋爱。
The research also showed that men are more likely to get involved with their friends than women; 38 per cent revealed they have developed romantic feelings for a friend, compared to just 29 per cent of women.研究结果还显示,男性与朋友建立恋爱关系的几率大于女性;38%的男性承认他们曾对朋友产生过好感,相比之下,只有29的女性对朋友产生过好感。 |