He is Brazil's very own walking, talking, living doll.他是巴西本土活生生的,会走路、会说话的男芭比。
And soon he's going to be a rich one. 很快他就要变成一个土豪芭比了。
Despite spending £30,000 morphing himself into a human version of Barbie's boyfriend Ken, Celso Santebanes is set to rake it all back and more - with his own line of Celso Dolls. 尽管赛尔索·班塞特花了3万英镑接受整容手术,把自己变成了真人版的芭比男友肯尼,但是,随着他自己的赛尔索娃娃投入生产,他很快会将这些钱连本带利的赚回来。
The 20-year-old Brazilian, who 'behaves like a puppet', has had four operations on his nose, chin and jaw - plus silicone implants in his chest - to look like Barbie's boyfriend.这个20岁的巴西青年举手投足“像娃娃一样”,为了让自己看起来像芭比的男朋友,他接受了四处整容手术——鼻子、下巴、颚部,以及两颊上的硅胶填充手术。
Celso, a doll enthusiast, grew up with a shelf-full of dolls and started his transformation after winning a modelling contest at the age of 16.赛尔索是一个酷爱娃娃的人,从小就收藏了一屋子的娃娃。在他16岁赢得模特比赛之后,他就开始了自己的蜕变。
For years, he claims, his family had been telling him he looked like the doll - which inspired him to become 'a human puppet'.他说,数年来他的家人一直告诉他,他长得像个洋娃娃——这激励他变身为一个“真人娃娃”。
Now he is preparing to travel to LA next month to launch the Celso Doll.现在,他打算下个月前往美国洛杉矶,开创赛尔索娃娃这一品牌。
In an interview with a Brazilian paper he said: 'This is all so magical. My life has changed.'在接受一家巴西报纸的采访时他说:“这一切都太神奇了。我的生活已经彻底改变了。”
'I feel like the whole of Brazil is supporting me.'“我觉得所有的巴西人民都在支持我。”
'People are sometimes frightened by the way I look, and stop me to say how much I look like a doll!' “有时候我的样貌会让旁人感到吃惊,他们会叫住我,告诉我我长得太像洋娃娃了!” |