A group of fishermen have been criticised after they forced a fish to smoke a cigarette before posting a video of the cruel joke online.一群渔夫强迫一条鱼吸烟,还把这个残酷的恶作剧拍成视频发布到了网络上,他们受到人们的指责。
The group of men can be heard laughing as they film the fish on their phone with a lit cigarette stuck into its mouth.这群人在鱼嘴里塞了一根点燃的香烟,并用手机进行拍摄。人们可以在视频中听到他们的笑声。
The video has now been criticised after it was posted online, with viewers calling the group 'disrespectful' and accusing them of 'animal cruelty.'这段视频发布到网上以来已经受到争议,看了这段视频的人们认为这群渔夫“亵渎自然”,指责他们“虐待动物”。
One viewer commented: 'I am a fisherman myself but the disrespect here towards mother nature is just sad.'一个观看了这段视频的网友如此评论到:“我自己也是一个渔夫,但是这种对大自然母亲不敬的行为真令人感叹。”
A number of other posters commenting on the video however have criticised those complaining about the video and posted puns.然而,也有另外一些网友指责那些对这段视频发表批评意见的人,他们在网上吐槽那些发表指责意见的人。
It is not clear where or when the video was filmed, although it appears to have been posted yesterday.这段视频拍摄的时间和地点还不清楚,不过看起来它是在昨天被上传到网上的。 |