This eye-catching bridge design is bound to have the architectural critics tongue-tied.这座桥的设计造型如此抢眼,一定会让建筑评论家们嗔目结舌。
Designed by Amsterdam-based NEXT architects, it won an international competition to design a pedestrian bridge across Meixi Lake in Changsha, China.该桥由总部位于阿姆斯特丹的Next建筑事务所设计师设计,一举在中国长沙梅溪湖人行天桥设计大赛中获得国际设计大奖。
NEXT says the bridge, which is modelled after the Möbius strip and Chinese knots, will have a total span of more than 150 metres and will be 24 metres high. It will feature 'a diversity of routings' on different heights, providing several routes for walkers to take as they cross the river.NEXT建筑事务所称,这座桥是以莫比乌斯带和中国结造型为设计原型,大桥长150米、高24米。设计造型新颖独特,桥身连绵起伏,行人可在不同高度选取路线过桥。
The undulating construction is to be one of the key projects within the Dragon King Harbour River development project, part of a vast programme of development in the new lake district.这座波浪形的桥梁是湖南长沙龙王港建设工程的一大重点建设项目,是龙王港新湖区建设中的一项大型工程。
The bridge is the key project for the development of the public space of the river park's recreational, ecological and tourist program. Construction is scheduled for next year.在当地政府打造集休闲、生态与旅游为一身的河滨公园的大型工程中,这座拟建桥梁是利用公共空间的关键项目,建设工作将于明年启动。
'The construction with the intersecting connections is based on the principal of the Möbius ring,' says NEXT's Michel. 'On the other hand it refers to a Chinese knot that comes from an ancient decorative Chinese folk art.' “我们在这座桥梁的设计方案中设置了若干以莫比乌斯带为原理的交叉连接点。” NEXT建筑事务所的麦克如是说。“同时,它也象征着中国结这种中国的古代民间工艺。”
'It provides both a view on the Dragon King Harbor River as well as Meixi Lake, Changsha and it surrounding mountains.'“桥面视域广阔,龙王港河、梅溪湖、长沙和周围的群山都能净收眼底。” |