What if telekinesis was real? How would you react?如果真的有人能隔空移物,你会如何反应?
That is the description on this terrifying video where a woman in a New York coffee shop apparently uses the power of telekinesis to throw someone up against the wall.上面这段惊悚的视频就描述了这种状况。在纽约街头咖啡馆里,一个女人使用隔空移物的超能力将别人推到了墙上。
And she also moves tables and chairs around and throws books using only her mind as the other customers look on in horror.她还通过超能力将桌椅推向四周,把书架上的书扔下来。其他顾客惊慌失措的看着她。
Witnesses of the event are justifiably scared witless but none of them flee the scene instead choosing to stay and see what unfolds next.按说事件的目击者们被吓坏了,然而他们中却没有任何人逃离现场,人人都选择留下想看看接下来会发生什么。
But don't fear, nobody actually has the power of telekinesis - not that we know of anyway.不过不必害怕,没有谁真的能隔空移物——至少在我们已知的情况下没有。
It's all just an elaborate stunt designed to hype up and promote the upcoming remake of Carrie which is set to hit cinemas later this year.这只是一场精心设计的表演,其目的在于为今年即将在影院上映的新版《魔女嘉莉》作宣传。
And it has certainly worked - the video is an online phenomenon getting over 2,000,000 hits in just one day.这种做法果然奏效了——这段视频成了一个网络传奇,在一天之内就获得了200万的点击率。
The woman with the Carrie-esque powers is actually an actress who - despite the convincing show - is not actually possessed by the devil.视频里这个和嘉丽一样拥有超能力的女子实际上是一个演员,而不是被恶魔附身——虽然在视频中看上去似乎如此。
The man thrown up against the wall is also an actor and a combination of a fake backdrop and some fancy electronics produces a pretty convincing result.那个被推到墙上去的男人也是一个演员。一些演员加上一套特技吊钩和一些巧妙的机械设备,就制造出了相当逼真的效果。 |