A six-year-old girl has been hailed a hero after she delivered her own sister when her mum went into labour in the bathroom – thanks to watching TV's Casualty. 一个小女孩成了一位小英雄:年仅6岁的她在家中的浴室里成功帮助突然分娩的母亲接生,这一切要多亏了BBC电视剧《急诊室》。
Cool-headed Francesca Goodby calmly talked her mum Kay, 28, through the sudden birth after her waters broke in the family's bathroom. 一向沉着的小弗朗西斯·哥德非常平静地谈起当时的场景:28岁的母亲凯在家中的浴室里突然破了羊水要分娩。
The youngster helped her panicking mum with her breathing, encouraging her to push, fetched her clean towels and even made sure the umbilical cord was not wrapped round the baby's head. 这个小家伙帮惊慌失措的母亲调整呼吸,鼓励她用力推,还去拿了干净的毛巾,甚至检查了婴儿的脑袋有没有被脐带绕颈。
Incredibly, Francesca leapt into action after remembering an episode of Casualty when a woman suddenly went into labour. 令人难以置信的是,弗朗西斯是在回忆起电视剧《急诊室》某集里一个女人突然分娩的剧情之后开始行动的。
After 12 minutes pushing, Francesca successfully delivered 6lbs 8oz bouncing baby Roisin on July 17 this year. Dad Michael, 33, missed the drama because he was downstairs on the phone to the emergency services when Kay went into labour.在12分钟的助推过程后,弗朗西斯成功接生了6磅8盎司的胖宝宝罗辛,这一事件发生在今年的7月17号。33岁的父亲迈克尔错过了这戏剧性的一幕,因为在凯分娩的时候他正在楼下打急救电话。
But when two ambulances arrived, paramedics were stunned to find little Francesca holding her newborn sister after she had carefully wrapped her in a towel. 但当两辆救护车赶到时,医护人员惊讶地发现小弗朗西斯正抱着她刚出生的小妹妹,她已经用毛巾小心翼翼地裹好她了。
]Proud mum Kay said: "I was so impressed with Francesca. She was remarkably cool and collected for a six-year-old. She had gone to bed but woke up when I started screaming. 凯为自己的女儿感到骄傲:“弗朗西斯真的很了不起,作为一个年仅6岁的孩子,她表现得太冷静沉着了。她本来已经睡了,但听到我的尖叫后醒过来了。”
"She came in and was like 'mummy are you okay?' and said 'I can see the head' She was keeping me calm and telling me where to put my hands and telling me to keep breathing. . “她走进来,好像说了句‘妈妈你还好吗’,然后告诉我说‘我可以看到脑袋了’。她让我冷静下来,还告诉我手应该放在哪里,并且不断让我呼吸。”
"And as soon as she was born she got a towel and it was like she knew what to do, I didn't say anything to her. Francesca had her wrapped up and made sure the cord wasn't wrapped around her neck. “婴儿刚一出生她就找来了毛巾,就像她完全了解应该做什么一样,整个过程我什么都没跟她说。弗朗西斯把她包好,并且检查了脐带有没有把她的脖子缠住。”
"My husband was downstairs on the phone for 12 minutes and a few minutes after she was born two ambulances turned up. They were shocked that Francesca was holding her in towels.“我丈夫在楼下打了12分钟电话,在她出生后几分钟内两辆救护车就赶到了。他们看到弗朗西斯用毛巾包裹着婴儿的时候,都 吓呆了。”
"We watched Casualty last week where a lady gave birth with no help and she was like 'that's your story mummy'."“我们上周看的《急诊室》里有一个女人在没有帮助的情况下产下孩子,她表现出来的就像是在告诉我 ‘那就是妈妈你的故事’。”
Shop assistant Kay, who lives with Michael and their two daughters in Bearwood, Birmingham, started having contractions every 20 minutes on July 16 this year. 凯是一名店员,她和迈克尔以及两个女儿一起住在伯明翰的拜尔沃得。7月16日开始她每隔20分钟就会产生一次宫缩。
The following day she went into the birthing centre she had chosen but she was discharged because she was only in the early stages of labour. 于是第二天她去了分娩中心,但由于她还只是在分娩的早期阶段,分娩中心不接收她住院。
Finally, just before 10pm on July 17, Kay’s waters broke after she went to the toilet. Her screaming woke up six-year-old Francesca - who came to her mum's aide as dad Michael went downstairs to call 999. 最终,就在17号晚上10点前,在凯去了洗手间后羊水就破了。她的尖叫吵醒了6岁的女儿弗朗西斯,她在父亲下楼打999急救电话的时候陪在母亲的身边。
The delivery took just ten minutes after Kay’s waters broke and after an overnight stay in hospital, the mum and baby Roisin were discharged. 在凯羊水破了之后接生仅仅花了10分钟。在医院呆了一夜之后,这位母亲和她的宝宝罗辛就出院了。
Francesca, who wants to be a doctor when she grows up, said: "I had to keep mummy calm. I didn't want the cord to be wrapped around her neck because she might have died and I held her when she was born to keep her safe. 弗朗西斯长大以后想成为一名医生,她说:“我必须让妈妈冷静下来。我不想让脐带缠住妹妹的脖子,因为如果这样她可能会死,她出生后我抱着她是想要保证她安全。”
"I don't know how I knew about it but I do watch Casualty and like it a lot. She (Roisin) is nearly four months now so will be eating some proper food soon." “我不清楚我是怎么知道的,但我确实看《急诊室》而且很喜欢。她(罗辛)现在已经4个月大了,马上就能吃很多正常的食物了。”
Mum Kay added: "The next day Francesca went to school and proudly told everyone how she helped deliver her baby sister. 母亲凯补充说:“第二天弗朗西斯去上学的时候,她非常自豪地告诉所有人她是怎么帮忙接生她的小妹妹的。”
"Michael and I are so proud of her and we can’t wait to tell Roisin, when she’s older, how her sister helped bring her into the world." “我和迈克尔都为她感到骄傲,我们迫不及待地想等罗辛大一点的时候告诉她,她的姐姐是怎样帮助她来到这个世界的。” |